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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. That's unreal 23.9!!!!, yeah the charts are showing 21-22.

    Well done, its not like you are gonna catch a marlin or big tuna everytime you head out. I'm stoked to get a few legal dollies any day of week even if that's all we get all day.

    Which fad did you get them on?

  2. bum

    Today current running at 1.7-2 knots at Browns. Tuna still down Sth none today.

    bummer, yeah the water is still pretty warm off Sydney, 21-22 ish from the heads all the way out to heatons and beyond. Just guessing but I'd say there would be the odd big YFT tuna out there for sure, but not in numbers yet, they will probably turn-on once those colder breaks which are down near Bermagui at moment move up to Sydney.

    Been starting to setup my tuna lures, might not need them for while, probably got more chance of getting dollies or a marlin in the current water temps off Sydney. But who knows just gotta get out there and give it a go.


  3. Boys

    going out Tuesday at this stage. Browns first up then see if we can find some yellowfin. Will let you know how we go.


    Ahh that sucks about the legs Pete!! Good luck out there johno!!

    yeah good luck on Tuesday conditions look perfect, be keen to hear how you go

    mechanic should get the parts today and hopefully the boat is back on the water Wednesday morning, maybe Thursday or sat looks really good, see how I go with work

    water temp is still around 22 wide off Sydney

  4. yeah should be getting close :D weathers looking nice beginning of next week!!

    yeah it does, no go for me, my boat is getting its legs rebuilt, will get it back on Wednesday morning I hope. I got one 2nd hand report that one 40kg YFT was caught last week near Heatons cubing,

  5. hahahahaha man thats an epic picture!!!!! im so stealing that!! hahaha hopefully get a couple more fin in the boat before the new boat arrives!!! :P should be around fairly soon!!

    be definitely trying for the tuna on my boat. I know for the last month they have been getting YFT in numbers around Merrimbula, we have sold a few lures down there for the tuna, so Sydney could be any day now with the colder currents moving up the coast pretty quickly now, just gotta get out there and give it a go

  6. awesome work!! thats one nice kingy!!!

    yeah it was a nice fish, maybe 4-5kg, its the furthest out I've ever caught a Kingy. We did get a small kingy last year about 5 miles east of Browns, we didn't notice it was on and it's eyes were popping out of its head when we brought it in

    got a Bluefin about an hour later and we shoved the Kingy in its mouth, along with a smoke :)


  7. Just one long range Kingie, caught it about 35 miles out, just inside Heatons. We trolled from the 12 mile all the way to Heatons. From the shelf onwards we saw schools of Sauries chasing tiny little bait fish about every 20 mins but didn’t see anything smashing them up. Warmest water we found was 22 near Heatons and literally nothing on the sounder from the shelf onwards.

    It seemed pretty fishy out there but we only managed to get 2 hits all day. We dropped one fish which I am guessing was a small Dollie and got the Kingie. I don’t really follow the moon cycles but people have told me that the fish go off the bite a bit on a new moon, I think Monday was a new moon.

    We got the kingie on one of our Red/Black lures with squid inside and a LED light the head to brighten it up on the overcast day.

    Anyway, can’t complain J



  8. did you get any fish? a mate of mine was out today he txted me earlier and said the conditions were unreal but I haven't heard if got any fish yet, probably not otherwise he would be bragging by now :)

    he said there were shit loads of boats out there

  9. screw it, I'm gonna head out, conditions are too good,

    there looks like there is good current edge about half way between browns and heatons, I'll fish around there

    I heard they were getting YFT in numbers at Merimbula about a month ago, but I haven't heard of many getting caught off Sydney yet, \who knows tomorrow could be the day

    there must of been a tonne of boats out today, did anyone get anything?

  10. I find the smaller lures work better for the smaller fish pete.

    yeah for sure, that's the smallest lure we ran for a long time, I like catching small fish on big lures, it proves they are buying the lures as bait

    We once skull dragged a dolly that size for about 1km because it wasn't strong enough to click the drag over and we weren't watching the rods. Poor thing, came in pretty much dead... Swam away though!

    yeah we've done the same thing, drags are set for marlin and we end up dragging around small dollies for god knows how long before we spot them on the surface, poor little guys usually have their eyes popping out by the time we bring them in. Good instant marlin bait when that happens :)

  11. Did you end up braving the wind?

    Yeah we got out there, it was ok on the way out westerly behind us and we got about 2hrs of reasonable seas before it blew right up. The temp break was a little east of the 12mile 20.5 to 23 in places, great break, like rapids along the edge. Tonnes of the bait on the sounder either side of the break and all the way out. I literally mean tonnes, sounding big streams of bait almost everywhere we went.

    Ended up getting 4 Dollies (barely legal), 2 biggish stripies and we dropped a few small Doilies all in the first couple of hours, got a triple hook-up on small dollies at one stage. Then we switched out to all big lures looking for bigger fish but didn’t get anything else. Around 3 it blew up from the west so I decided to slowly punch it back in, it was getting nasty.

    Just inside the 12 Mile water dropped back down to 20, figuring we probably wouldn’t get any marlin in the colder water I put a small prototype lure out and picked up the smallest tuna I ever caught on a lure about 6 miles out.

    I’m sure there would be marlin and probably YFT along that temp break somewhere, plenty of other fish there to keep it interesting even if you don’t come across any big ones. Pretty sure we could have got a lot more dollies and tuna if we kept the smaller lures out.

    Dollies we got had whole pillies and squid inside their guts. Red and black lure chain with squid inside got most of our fish.

    All good, hopefully the weather eases for the weekend and that temp break stays in close.





  12. Yeh, guys don't no why you would be tested. The major prize is a weighed hung Blue Marlin on the gantry at the club. The other prizes are just typical in a game comp. unfortunately people will cheat . I weighed a blue to win this comp, and this is hard to dispute. When the capture is weighed and pictured in front of a crowd and fish has been checked.


    I have heard they cheat in Mexico in the big money comps, what they do is form syndicates with several boats fishing in different locations for maximum coverage but only one boat is entered in the comp, if one or more of the boats in the syndicate get a weighable fish they transfer it to the boat that's entered and split the prize money if they win. I suppose these days the comp organizers could demand video footage of the fish being caught by the crew which is impossible to fake.

    I was at the Dorado Shootout 2 years ago and the winner was disqualified for stuffing mackerel into the fishes mouth and stomach to get the weight up, A Marine Biologist checks all the winning fish and they got busted, there was no digestive juice or teeth marks on the mackerel. Ironic thing was that even without the mackerel stuffed inside it was still easily the biggest fish, they would have won $150K. Cheaters never prosper :)

    Making a fisherman pass a polygraph test to claim a prize, you gotta see the funny side of that :)

  13. we a got a few hook-ups almost exactly where I said around 12 miles east of the shelf

    we hi-sped trolled from Sydney Heads at 15knots to little bit east of 12 mile where we found some fads, we slowed and put some smaller lures out and did a couple of passes for nothing, there was one boat on one of fads and they signalled they got nothing, so rather wasting time we left the hi-speed lures in and kept hauling to the about 10 miles east the shelf. We got there around 12,30 and water temp was 21, put the whole spread out there.

    As we went east water temp started to increase and we started finding signs of life, bait on the surface, birds and we got one dollie around 3-4lb and a small stripped tuna, then we found it, a pretty hefty break, a decent current line a hard temp change of almost 2 degrees, went from 22 to 24 in places, tuna birds all along it.

    I told Chad who was driving just work the edge of the break, something will show up. We mainly stayed on warm side of break and went back and forth in and around the same location. Around 3.30, we got a blind strike the rod just bent over hard.. About 10 minutes later we got a marlin strike, took a bit of line before it came unstuck, then either the same fish or another marlin was behind the lure on the rigger, another strike, it came off as well. We kept going, slowed the boat a little and as we picked up speed another hook-up this one stuck and it peeled off a few hundred metres of line, had him for 5-6 minutes and he came off. Oh well, it's still bloody exciting anytime you hook a marlin. We decided to start trolling back straight after the hook-ups, we were a fair way out and storm clouds everywhere. Pulled up the lures around 5 and hauled back in, we got caught in the thunder storm from hell.

    Got video of hook-ups and the storm will post something when I eventually pull my finger out. :) Also we have been trying out a high speed version of one our lures, we trolled it at 15 knots for 2 hours and 25 knots at for an hour, it holds the water really well even at 25 knots.

  14. Watch out for debris particularly running out through the Harbour or Botany.

    will do

    what map source is that Peter?

    rip charts

    I'll be out using my new scent Blazers... Hope those tuna are biting. Got a real taste for sashimi right now!

    good luck, hope you get some fish, we be out as well, I call in on 21 if we come across anything, we will probably spend most of our time around 10 mile east of the shelf where that break is just work the either side of the edge

  15. just had a look at the charts, tomorrow looks so good, check out the break directly east of syd heads about half way between the shelf and heatons, between the 6 and 8 on the image

    20.5 to 23.5, altimetry and current is good there as well, could be all kinds of large beasts along that break

    weather looks good as well, I don't think I can make it out there, got kid duty but I might try to drag my youngest son out and get him to drive the boat :)

    good luck to anyone heading out



  16. hotbite and me are member of the sgfc

    our boat is called seadeuce

    we were in the comp last weekend

    got zeros on day one

    day two was cancelled due to bad weather

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    no probs, bummer you didn't get any fish, yeah sunday was crap weather

  17. Aww Pete I'm gonna disagree, mack tuna is only good for bait. Horrible bitter after taste in the big ones

    yeah no probs, only tired it once, we got a 3kg mack tuna on a charter up in QLD and they sushimied it up for the guests and crew, had it with a fresh ginger, soy and wasabi sauce, it tasted pretty good but I am guessing it wouldn't taste real great if you tried cooking it

    I maintain that stripie is really good for sushi or sashimi, I was reading somewhere that about one fifth of all sushi served around the world is stripie nowadays, plus they said they have much lower mercury levels than bft or yft

  18. hell yeah, that's a beauty, that's good going on 15kg, some nice blues been caught in the last month.

    I think the comp goes for 2 days, its on again tomorrow, it's a pity they have to bring them back to scale for the points

    Is there a Fishraider Team entered?

  19. would prefer the Mahi Mahi but presentation is 10/10 - how was it?

    stripy is actually really good sashimi and sushi, you just gotta make sure when you fillet it you cut out all of that deep red blood line down the middle

    I'm pretty sure if you were served stripy you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between that and yft or bft especially once you add soy and wasabi :)

    Mack tuna is not bad either

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