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Everything posted by user1829

  1. user1829


    it is pretty funny as some of you think it is either/or situation facebook is used for completely different reasons to a discussion forum... facebook helps people interconnect & a discussion forum is for discussing ideas concepts and occurrences... this is basically the 'mission statement' of fishraider: I personally think fishraider should stick to the above, and let its users 'cross-post' stuff to their own facebook pages... as it is really only *facebookers* that will think this is useful! this, for comparison, is the facebook mission: I think fishraider already does that, but only to fishy people!!!
  2. no offence, but i dunno how people can be so gullible?
  3. gazza - this information is taken from the NSW DPI 2012 Saltwater Fishing Guide: When do I need to pay? When you are fishing in NSW waters, both fresh and saltwater, you are required by law to carry a receipt showing the payment of the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee. This applies when line fishing (rod or hand line); spear fishing; bait collecting or when collecting invertebrates using methods such as hand gathering, digging, pumping, trapping and prawn netting. Exemptions: Persons under the age of 18. An adult assisting persons under the ageof 18 to take fish using a single rod per child or to take prawns using a single dip orscoop net per child. A person fishing in a private dam with a surface area of two hectares or less. An Aboriginal person. this guide is available from here if you want a refresher: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recreational/publications/fishing-guides2/guide
  4. your analogy doesn't really work, as you don't need a licence to teach a kid to fish...
  5. yes, you can teach another person and not hold a licence, but only applies to person teaching another person who is under 18, and limit is 1 rod/net per teacher... EDIT: if you are both over 18 - both need a licence if both are using a fishing line...
  6. not transferable & must carry 'on person' can you transfer your drivers licence??? i didn' think so... yeah, might be a bit harsh, but same with drivers licence - no warning... if you know of people keeping illegal fish, you should report them...
  7. that seems to be the common theme, people getting fines didn't *just* have a couple of extra rods...
  8. I am not suggesting that anyone should... it is just sad that Fisheries don't provide anglers with consistent or reliable advice on this simple matter.
  9. interesting to know, however it is contrary to the written advice I was given that states: "A person can only use or possess 4 rigged rods or handlines. Extra rods and handlines can be carried as long as they are not rigged with hooks or lures." I personally feel that the statement I got is NOT what the legislation actually says, and that what RAYp has relayed IS the correct interpretation (and logical interpretation) of what the law actually says...
  10. we were 'inspected' at Woy Woy last weekend, in the rain, and at night... they said they had been catching up with comercial guys most of the afternoon, and were dropping into a few reco spots that night... my mate had left his licence back at the car, but we obvioulsy passed the attitude test and he was just reminded that it must be kept 'on your person' whilst fishing. as for the rigging up at home issue - that was the catalyst for this other thread: http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=62595
  11. yes, this 'possession' is only noted on the fisheries website and in the fisheries guide. i too raised this with a fisheries officer but by email, and he would not clarify the 'possession' part, but did say that it is "rigged" rods that are counted... i have that in writing. EDIT: just re-read some of your post, and yes, hand reels that are rigged are counted - so be aware of that!
  12. there is not fine for "jay walking" but hwere are teh rules pedestrians are supposed ot follow or risk fines: http://www.mynrmacommunity.com/motoring/2009/10/27/road-rules-for-pedestrians/
  13. per person... here is the legislation: click here
  14. yeah mate, i left there early on sunday, just to make sure i didnt have to worry, was interested in actual recent experiences
  15. what time they closing gates these days during hairtail season?
  16. user1829

    SP outfit

    lol - the forum autocorrects, obviously 'online shop' is code for 'the world's most popular internet auction site'
  17. user1829

    SP outfit

    or hold out and wait for a second hand one in the for sale section and scour online shop for good prices, i just got a sedona for 65 delivered of online shop... and a Shimano raider in near new condition for 70
  18. get a map dude: http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/docs/maps/cowanck.pdf lots more of them here: http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/publications/maps.html
  19. i have to correct this infomation, sorry! the outside tap has been REMOVED - but there is still one in the male toilets under the sink, BYO hose and screw on fitting...
  20. i'd call that a shovelnose - but im not an expert...
  21. yeah, it actually says "will not be opening" - not that "it will be closed".... http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/roadprojects/projects/sydney_region/northern_sydney_region/spit_bridge/index.html
  22. got any info? a rant like that wont help us readers know what is going on... a web link to the proposed changes for example? EDIT - are you talking about this: http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/parlment/committee.nsf/0/4AB361E7951FF4B5CA257A1C002758A0?open&refnavid=CO3_1
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