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Posts posted by Lasty

  1. I went to Victoria with the RFS very early on Sunday morning and returned Thursday evening.

    That song and the images hit the nail exactly on the head, mind you there were a couple of very scary images there for those who know what to look for.


  2. I have just got back from a week in Victoria with the RFS. It is worse than the pictures in the paper show and there are some images I won't forget.

    Having said that we arrived in the middle of Sunday and saved a town, so I'll focus on the positives.

  3. My battery isolator switch on my Stacer seems to have crapped itself again. The first time it happened it was "fixed" under warranty but it has happened again. If I buy one from somewhere like Bias, are they difficult to replace myself or should I go to an auto electrician?

  4. UHF is generally a land type radio.

    Was your question maybe directed to the difference between 27 Meg & VHF radios?

    No, I am trying to find a hand held 27 meg radio but am being offered "27 meg UHF CB radios" which I am assurred will pick up the marine channels, but I was a bit sceptical!

  5. iv been told that if you slice a tomato and rub it on your burn it works.. never tried it so dont quote me but yea.

    My Mum used to do that when we were kids. If we came home sunburned she would make us take a hot shower and then run 1/2 a tomato on our backs. It did no good whatsoever other than to increase our pain and attract flies!

    Seriously thought, I use liberal applications of a Chap Stick with a SPF of 15 or 30 which stops my lips drying out and protects against sun and wind burn.

  6. Hi Tim

    I bought an Environet which while OK for a quick scoop was very hard to pull through the water if you had to chase a fish and we lost a number of good fish as a result.

    I now have just a plain style landing net with a head diameter of 55cm with a 1 metre handle and it is fine for my 4.5 m boat. The net is called a Hawk Premium Landing Net and cost me about $25 from a tackle store.


  7. A couple of years ago when I was in Victoria with the RFS I had a funnel web crawl up the undone chin strap of my helmet. I saw it out of the corner of my eye and threw the helmet as far as I could. When we went to the helmet and found the spider we had the same debate funnel web v trapdoor until it stood up on its back legs. I nearly had a heart attack....!

  8. I don't add salt to my ice as I always have a couple of frozen containers in the freezer and never know what they will be used for, it could be fishing or it could be beers for a picnic or barbeque (who needs salty beer!)

    I have never found the need to make them last longer, the 4 litre container will last a couple of days in an esky.

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