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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. Congrats to the young fella Scratchie!

    What a great effort & well done on showing him the ropes.

    With all the skilled junior Raiders out there our fishing future is in good hands.



    Hey grant,

    I couldn't agree more! I've seen many reports of a few young raiders getting amongst it and how awesome is that to see!

    My son wants to have his own account after seeing the report I put in for him. I will organize that soon!

    And it's because of the mods, admin and fellow raiders that at age 9, I will allow him to join a social network!

    I just hope he doesn't embarrass too many raiders with his catches! Lol

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  2. Phone up one of the many dealers, they will give you a quote over the phone.

    Thank you! But I've had a local repairer do it and I couldn't be happier! It costs me $800 for everything. Too many things to list but it also included new brake pads, cables etc. they even greased up all points on trailer, motor etc.

    very happy!!!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  3. dont rub it in


    i spent half my life trying to get one

    it pays to have a good mentor

    oh yeah and happy birthday


    Thanks mate. Not rubbing it in.......I spend a lot of time on the water and have fished port stephens for many, many years! I don't even need a GPS anymore. lol.

    But for me, the satisfaction you get from targeting a fish, is what its all about. If your ever up this way, pm me and if I can i'll be happy to show you around!

    Good luck with that, I had a mission getting him out for a bass fish yesterday, Mrs Diesel wasn't very keen on the idea and wouldn't let him out to play... And that was just a local fish down the river. I ended up taking my 9 year old daughter instead but we didn't get onto one unfortunately. I was hoping she would hook up to something but it wasn't to be. Perhaps next time.

    LMFAO, he was telling me today of his missed adventure. But been friends with them for 20 plus years, I ask her if he can come before I tell him he's coming. lol

    Unlucky on the bass bro, seems like a striking resemblance to the cox's and tcd. You can have youre freshwater!!!

  4. Scratchie you always tend to impress. Happy Bday buddy. I got the go pro 3, top resolution however doesn't last too long if you turn it on and off regularly.

    Hopefully I can get into some jewys when I'm up this weekend.



    Thanks champ. Unfortunately I wont be up here due to that dirty four letter word. (work) but i'll keep checking raider to see how your going. I will pm you the latest report I have and if your struggling let me know!

    Well done Brandon!!! Happy birthday Jeff. I bet it put a smile on your face watching him bring that beauty in... And the camera when you got home hehehe.

    Cheers Luc, I was actually thinking of diesel as he was pulling it in, lol. But I tell you now...... Diesel will have a jewfish report before the year is finished!!!

    Took the gopro snorkeling this arvo, one word AWESOME!!!!!

  5. Top stuff mate n now another jewie addict is created :D

    Sent from my GT-S7500T using Tapatalk 2

    Thanks. He's more of a fishing addict than anything. He comes everywhere with me and loves the journey!

    Great to see the young ones getting into some fish. I love taking my girls out fot a fish.

    its funny I also got a GoPro for my birthday hehe...

    cheers daniel

    I agree. It's one way I can spend some quality time with them and the only distraction is the reel screaming! And i'm very happy with the gopro!

    awesome on getting him onto his jewie

    if only my first was at that age, i had to wait all my life before i caught my first

    well done and a beautiful day to get out


    Thanks, but this was not his first, although was his PB. His first was at aged 3 and when he was 5 got a hat trick of soapies on the same bait....lol

  6. Well done mate and well done to the young fella can't wait till my girls are old enough to go out

    Cheers trimo

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

    Thanks. Don't wish for them to grow up to fast. My eldest at 13 doesn't want to really come fishing anymore unless its in the ocean. Chasing jew is boring!!! Hmmm

    Happy Birthday. The fish looks very nice, well done on Jr. THe water looks super-flat too. Well done.

    Thanks. Don't like birthdays, means i'm a year older.....LOL

    well done Jnr, now you gotta outdo your dad, Im sure you will.

    He will one day Basil, but I think I've got him pegged for now. i'm quicker at grabbing the rod!!!!

    Haha well done Jeff and mini Jeff, and score on the GoPro! That's a decent jew for jr, he must be proud! Just comparing the picture of him holding that prize in front of the boat with your avatar, he is a splitting image of ya. Looking forward to some of the first person footage that you get.



    Thanks Pete, no doubt he's my son! Gopro hero3 black, oh yeah!!! Now I just need to work it out!

    70cm jew would have been a great fight for your son well done :biggrinthumb:

    He played it really well, but we were using solid gear. We have too because you never know what might smash a livey up here!

    Well done jnr great catch

    Wow a gopro camera better check the car for scratches or something

    ( just kidding ) can,t wait to see the fisrt video Scratchie


    Cheers Brian, first to work out the gopro, then to find a brad pitt mask so I can put myself on camera!

    Wow! Your jnr must have been thrilled and I bet you were beaming with pride/jealousy too!

    Careful with that gopro, my case leaked on mine after I attached it to my line, great footage through! If you're going to do the same soak it in the sink for an hour first in fresh water! You are one lucky man!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

    Yes, brando was pretty pumped. Jealous- nah, never of my kids...... i'm here to teach them to be better than me! (and he needs to add 23kg to that fish to beat my record)

    Totally jealous not going to lie, we'll done bran

    I know simmo. I promise you that when your up in your new boat next time, your not leaving here until I get you onto something solid. Don't bring your rods, use mine. They don't really like tourists, lol

  7. Well done jnr!!!!! How big where the bait whiting?

    Between 20-30cm! I've found they make great live bait for jewfish. They normally live in the shallow flat areas, so if they are sitting in a deep hole 3m off the bottom, they certainly aren't in there comfort zone! I've caught a few like this over the past 3 weeks!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  8. Couldn't find a good spot at Taylor's beach, we had the kids they didn't wanna walk, so we ended up on one mile beach.

    Caught few worms and heaps of heads, the sand is very hard there. Had one bite on worm but no fish . After all was good to try different beaches .


    That's a shame mate, my friend went to Taylor's yesterday morning for 6 flatty up to 70cm and 4 nice bream to 42cm. We picked up a nice Jew today! So there out there, just might not like the tourists! Lol.
  9. G'day raiders,

    It was a beautiful morning up here to let it go to waste, so with the rest of the family still sleeping, me and one of my little mates Brandon, decided to take to boat for a spin!

    After not fishing for the last 4 days due to family commitments, just really needed to get a line wet.

    So about 830 we launched the boat and set out to pick up some whiting for live baiting. In about 20mins we picked up 6, so it was time to head to our Jew spot. It was perfect conditions and tides and out went the livies. We threw done SP's for a while but without success, so switched back to bait and picked up a few undersized bream, squire and tailor. Caught a few decent sized sweep too, which was a surprise to me that far in the bay.

    Anyway, right at the 2hr before low tide off goes the shimano, zzzzzzzzzzz, I said go for it Brando, he picked it up, set the hook and away she went. After me doing some untangling work with the other livey the fight was on.........


    The young fella played it like a pro and after great little fight up came this nice Jew, 70cm and 3.2kg!


    He wanted to take it home and promised to eat it, so I let him!


    After that, we headed off and was home by 11 and to my surprise the mrs had bought me a gopro for my birthday...........hmmmmm wonder if she'll let me go back out tonight with my new toy!

    Until next time, tight lines to all.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  10. Fished fingal bay this arvo , not even a bite 3 hours, but had fun catching the worms, not heaps but enough to keep us going for the next 2 days,tried shoal bay last night , same , not even a bite, we are still having fun , it's maybe a good thing not much fish around , so do more things for kids, I wasn't expecting too much fish this time of the year but it's good to get away .

    We may try Taylor's beach tomorrow for the last go.

    Txs for the help scratchie

    Fingal and shoal bay not the most productive beaches for fishing but beautiful locations!

    You should get something at Taylor's! Enjoy!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  11. Awesome write up stormy! As they say "the early bird catches the worm". I do the same thing with my mates! If the launch is 7am, it's not 8 or 9! And they are left there to stand on the dock! It's amazing how the next trip they are 30mins early!

    Nice fish btw!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  12. I just put this in another post!

    Taylors beach good for flatty, whiting or bream on an incoming tide. You can also pump nippers there as well. Corlette is another good spot for the same or you can try off wanda wanda headland. The breakwall at nelson or the anchorage is a great spot, but mainly on the tide changes as the current runs through fairly quickly at other times.

    The beaches also fish well at the low light periods and the best of them probably middle rock at one mile or the southern end of wreck beach.

    That should be enough to keep you busy! Good luck.

    I will pm you some boating spots in the bay!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  13. Taylors beach good for flatty, whiting or bream on an incoming tide. You can also pump nippers there as well. Corlette is another good spot for the same or you can try off wanda wanda headland. The breakwall at nelson or the anchorage is a great spot, but mainly on the tide changes as the current runs through fairly quickly at other times.

    The beaches also fish well at the low light periods and the best of them probably middle rock at one mile or the southern end of wreck beach.

    That should be enough to keep you busy! Good luck.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

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