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aussie big bob

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Posts posted by aussie big bob

  1. That looks like the ice boxes that Watto sells

    might pay to check them out at the Big

    Bacon & Egg breakie on this Sat (8am to midday)

    Raiders HQ west seems to be the place on Sat mornings


    Exactly where is the breakie

  2. Well as planed me and white caps joined up for a day on the water in his 640c :1fishing1:

    As promised we headed out to the close fad for a bit of dollie :1fishing1:

    And yes as I promised I showed him all my knowledge, :Funny-Post: which was not much

    As it was he that coached me in the first place.

    Any way back to the day, turned up nothing at the fad so off o brown in hope o a yft

    This did not turn out as planed but we did come up with a few stripes, :tease:

    So once again I would like to thank you white caps for the day out and another first for me a trip to browns

    here is another photo



  3. Hi there once again fellow raiders

    There was one thing I left out off my first post and that is to thank the person that was responsible for me making the Pb that I did,

    And that is (white caps) the only thing for me to do now is to return the favour.

    So I hope that on Sunday we will be able to hit the water together in your 640c and I will be able to share my knowledge off fishing the fad with you, now that I am an expert :biggrin2::074:

    Thanks white caps for making my day work out

  4. Hey mate, I think I was that other boat that you saw there, we arrived with no other boats and saw one pull up riding solo.

    We were in DILLIGAF, a Haines Hunter 580SF

    that would have be me flying in like a crazed lunar tick in my little 5.4mt coxs craft :074:

  5. hi there fellow raiders

    with all the hype about the dollies and the b bay fads i thought i would give it a go

    day started at 3.30am arrived at boat ramp approx 4.30

    first stop was the bait grounds to get some lives, that was a joke 2 hours for zip.

    so off to the fad for the very frst time. arrive at fad to see only one other boat there.

    so as this is my first time at the fad and the first time i had fished for dollies i set out

    three unweighted baits, well this turned into a bad misstake as all three rods started to go off

    and as i was on my own this presented me with one big problem , solution was just to sit it out and see which one was going to stay on, a few mins passed and one dollies is on its way to the boat,and skipper

    happy :biggrin2: so do another drift and on again dollie num 2 on its way to the boat. things start to go quite

    so decide to head to the peek for the first time as well on the way throw aout 2 skirts which i bought last year at the boat show and yes you guested half way the and i am on to my first stripe tuna :yahoo: , and boated it :thumbup: the rest of the way to the peek zip so off to 12mile also for the first time but also zip

    so now with the dollie fever decide to head back to the close fad and try for some more dollies done about 5

    to 6 drifts for only 1 more but happy for that :biggrin2: so now its time to head back to the bay before night sets in trolled all the way back for zip. arrive at cooks river ramp 5.30, the day was great with me geting 2

    pb dallies and tuna :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

    here is photo of the tuna not big but my first :biggrin2:



  6. here is another photo that was taken about 30mtr off bear island looking south west across the bay

    it may be of some intress to thows who dont relise there is a bommie of bear island a real trap as the photo shows


  7. :1welcomeani: Well they are a couple of nice Flathead, sounds like the downrigger and rod went for a swim heh :1badmood: ! let me know the co-ordinates it might do a drift or 2 :1fishing1: . Well done on your first report lets hope there are many more.

    well you should know the truth as it was you that convinced me to get it out

    the space shuttle would not have made shuch a splash if was to land in the water

  8. Oh yeah...did you lose the downrigger and rod over the side Bob?...Hope not as that would have REALLY

    put the kybosh on the day's outing.


    that is prob the best way to put it

    there would be many other way i could explain it, :ranting2:

    but would not be fit for this fourm and its younger readers

  9. Hi fellow raiders

    This is my first report a bit late but its here now

    Headed out for a day on the bay, day starts at 3am Campbelltown arrive at boat ramp 4.30am. The day was not looking promising, :1badmood: but launch the boat anyway. first stop is yarra for some livies sat there for 3 hours for only 1 small yak.

    Next stop moll point sat there for approx 2 hours for zip

    Buy this time the weather was looking even shitter, :1badmood: but this was not to stop me so up anchor and off to the wide-open sea. This was a stupid move as it was even shitter out there so head back to the north head to try some trolling with my Scottie downrigger which my friend encouraged me to go and get

    Out of the carboard which it has been living in for the past year or so ( if he does this again he wont be my friend for long ) :mad3: well the down rigging did not last very long due to a number of things, so after a small hissy and 1 charter special, 1 maple 7 to 15kg rod and one Scottie downrigger less :05: I head back into the bay to try a few drifts this went on for a few hours for only 1 just legal flat head 36cm

    So with only about 1 and a half hours of light left it was decided to head back it to wide-open sea.

    Headed out of the north head approx half a click with weather still not the best but down to the bottom goes the baits just hit the bottom and first descent fish is on its way to the boat (flathead )so hope are up but for nothing more over the next hour or so, so back to the ramp 6.30pm


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