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aussie big bob

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Posts posted by aussie big bob

  1. I'm too familiar with boat finance as I am with cars :P

    But is it simalr as to cars? The older the baot the more interest there is?

    Thinking of getting a 99 model boat. Who would offer the ebst insurance for that?

    First of all i would be having a real good look at the price you are will to pay for the second hand boat.

    I would then have a look at what a new one is worth. I would compare what you will get with the

    old one and what you can get a dealer to throw in on a new one . You realy must think about what type

    of use or fishing you are going to use the boat for, and has the second hand boat got every thing you want.

    I know that there are many people that will say i can get this or that later but i find that many dont.

    I myself have done this and found out that i did not realy save much on the second hand boat.

    I am not saying not to buy a second hand boat but have a real good look at the cost of a new one

    fitted out to what you realy want as you might save a lot of money in the long run.

    And with some of the offers from the dealers you might save on some interest as well.

    Some times better to pay a little more up front to save a lot in the the end, and be truly happy with what

    you have bought.



    and no matter which way you go happy and safe boating

  2. nice sinkers there bob.

    do you reckon you could share with us how you go about making those suckers?

    it would benefit a lot of people and i for one would be very grateful for your help :)

    Hi there Nathan

    i am sorry it took so long to reply but here are a few photo's of the sinker maker

    by using this mould set up you can make sinkers from 2 to 6 kg

    and the big casting shadow in the last photo is me. hence the user name ( aussie big bob )

    any more beers making these sinkers and i might have to change it to ( aussie huge bob )






  3. May have to take Monday or Tuesday off! Sunday may be doable in a bit bigger boat than mine!

    New moon also it should go off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i loved to but the work load wont let me

    so it's the w/e or nothing for me



  4. Well done on getting them both in the net! Amazing that the cuttlefish didn't let go! He'll never do that again... :wacko:

    What did you do with the cuttlefish? Aren't they normally good eating?



    Yes Roberta

    they are top eating in my opinion, it took about 40 mins to clean then approx 3 mins to tenderise

    with mallet and cling wrap onother 2 mins to crum and onother 3 mins to cook and all i can say is

    yum :yahoo: yum :yahoo: yum :yahoo:



  5. Hi there fellow raiders

    Just a quick report on how a mother in law fish (Sargent baker) can become a delicious meal of the best eating cuttle fish

    Well all started early Saturday morning putting the boat back together finished by 10.30am

    By 11am boat was loaded and ready to go. So off to cooks river ramp with the :wife:

    Boat in water by 12.30pm. Head out into the bay to find the water conditions not that bad but the westerly where something different :thumbdown:

    So with all this in mind decided to head for the third runway and try a few drifts. Done two drifts but the wind was just too strong and fast. So with the water conditions not being that bad headed for the south head for a drift or two

    This turn out to be a waste of time aswell. So decided to move up past north head towards Maroubra

    Get about half way between north head and Maroubra decided to stop and do some drifts as it was

    Now getting late in the day

    Done approx 2 to 3 drifts of the shore out to see for not much more than 2 small nannies and one small


    On the fourth drift the :wife: puts a bait down and gets a few small touches and then calls snag so as usual put rod down and go to help only to find that it was not snagged but did have some weight to it.

    So handed the rod back to the :wife: and left instruction to just keep lifting and winding after about 5 mins or so

    Up comes this large baker with a cuttle fish attached to it and mind you the cuttle fish was not hooked it was just not going to let go of the baker

    So now with dark setting in it was time to head back to ramp.

    arrive cooks river ramp 7pm

    Not much on the fish side of things but at least we got on the water for the first time in 3 weeks

    P/s 5 tooheys pils :beersmile: and fresh crumbed cuttle fish :D just to top of the day’s events. What more could you want






  6. Hi Bob

    exactly what info are you after What target species?

    Also this (Blue Water)rigging topic might be talked about at this weeks up and coming Workshop


    For rivers using mullet i hook thought the lip

    whole squid and long squid strips sliding snell

    yakka and tailor through the back

    Sliding snell for slabs

    Hi there johnno

    You ask me what am I exactly after. Well here it is I am after, the never ending quest for knowledge.

    What one man may think is true may not be so true.

    The gathering of knowledge from many is far better way to go.

    The type info: any that will help me achieve catching bigger fish.

    The type of fish: any but could narrow this down a little to ( bigger ) tuna, kings, snapper ,dolphin and more

    And just to sum it up a little quicker I was board and had read just about every thing on the forum so I thought I would start something and get some answer or ideas for when the weather finally comes good.

    As this is what I thought the forum was all about help, the chance to try what others have already done.



  7. Hi there fellow raiders

    I was just thinking how long does it take for dry rot do set in

    as my boat has not been in the water for the past 5 weeks. :Funny-Post:

    But to a much more serious topic. I was just wondering how other raiders rig there live baits as i am no expert and thought i would try and get some tips on the different styles of rigging live baits

    I would like to know about down rigger, trolling, anchor. kingie, tuna and what ever other style of live bait fishing other raider do.

    leader size, hook size, hook position, weights at anchor if used and i suppose why its done that way

    and i think some pic's would be good aswell



  8. It depends who you speak to, there are a lot of cheap variations out there. It just takes a bit of ingenuity.

    We've got an electric winch, so I guess it doesn't affect me much...


    I have an electric reel but when i lose a sinker that i dont want.

    The electric reel does not seem to make it any cheaper



  9. Hi there fellow raiders

    I visit this site approximately 3 to 4 times a day and love it :yahoo:

    But there's one thing that I have noticed is that there are quite a few raiders that have not put in there location in there user pro file.

    So when I read topics or replies that say things like up here, down here or out here. Where is here

    I know I could simply tie up the forum to ask where is here

    But I really do think that if raiders filled in there location on joining this would probably get them more answers to some of there question as other fisho's would know what location they are in.

    Should this be compulsory at joining?

    Just my thoughts



  10. I think they are a little too thick. The more streamlined they are the better IMO.


    you could be right but i belive in one thing, that if it takes 45seconds longer to hit the bottom then i am willing to wait. B)

    it is all about cost.As i dont realy want the sinker on my retrieve.

    So the cost of the sinker is the most important thing to me not the time.

    But would also like to let you know that mk2 is on its way and the size will be smaller and weight well be around the 3kg mark and the cost to be lowered as well :thumbup:



  11. thanks heaps for the tips guys :)

    but i was thinking more along the lines of reef queen vs massive o/h vs whatever else any of you guys might use. the biggest problem i have now i just getting the rig to the bottom (oh and hopefully getting them back to the top too!!)

    i'll give those rigs a go IFS, and will try and call tony some time soon.

    thanks for the tip on line too big-banana

    my old man has the seriously old skool bent butt monstrosity that he's thinking of using. problem is its rated for 15 kg line and i just dont think it has the balls to handle all the heavy gear.

    any thoughts?

    my choice of reel

    tanacom bull 1000 with 80lb braid and 4kg concrete bullet shaped sinker

    3mins later your on the bottom



  12. Doesn't sound right mate... Unless the gauge is calibrated wrong?


    There is no gauge on my boat this fuel consumption is simple as.

    I fuel the boat right up to the brim and jump up and down like a crazed lunatic to ensure that there is no air lock.

    When I can see the fuel at the filler cap the boat is full.

    I go to browns and anywhere else that I may go.

    I then stop at the servo the next trip out and repeat the same as above but If i only fit 38.7 lts in than this is what the boat used, simple as that.

    No gauge needed to tell me any different.

    And to answer other question of what rpm, I very rarely run my boat above the 45 hundred mark this gives me a top speed of 46km in good conditions and an average speed of 33km in choppy conditions.



  13. Hi raiders

    It has been a while since I have been out so would just like to mention a quick point about my last trip, which I have just found out now.

    The post was called (browns and beyond) total distance travelled 157km. Here is the good bit I have just refilled the boat 37.5 lts :yahoo:

    Now here is a quick run down on this trip Sunday 3/06. Day starts a Campbelltown 3.30am go to pick up the deckie which has travelled down form the bidgee for some yft and blue eye fishing. Deckie was not all that well prepared by the time I got there, :05: so getting out of c/t was later than expected and still had two more stops to make before I hit the ramp.

    Stop one was fellows raiders house to pick up the new Daiwa tanacom bull 1000 some sash weights and spare game reel and spare fuel drum as still not sure on the above amount fuel used for last trip, not sure if air lock.

    Stop two was the servo to check the fuel tank was full and not air locked. Boat took another 3.2 lts, but I think this had run out the breather as it has a tendency to do this when the tank is full but still not trusting it I fill the spare fuel drum just in case.

    Arrive at ramp 6.30. We are on our way to browns at 6.45am condition were quite good so throttle up to 45km and head for the mountain, speed was reduced by some 10km as the condition had changed

    A bit as we rounded the heads of b/b.

    Now down to a comfortable 33km arrive at the mountain little bit after 8am. So first thing was to get line down to bottom on the new Daiwa, 3kg sash weight 3 x 14/0 circle hooks loaded with squid and 467mtrs later and we are on the bottom at the mountain for the very first time. :thumbup:

    The first drop only produced a small green eye shark but the second drop of 420mts produced a much larger catch and this was the mountain it self. :ranting2: So with rig left on the bottom of the mountain we decide to try for a yft.

    But with no luck.

    So started troll back to wide fad (not there) then trolled to peek (was there) trolled to close fad (was not there) like other raiders did not know that they had been pulled. :05:

    So here is the good part 173klm 1 green eye shark, 1 stripey and 38.7lts of fuel

    This is not a type o it only took 38.7lts. :yahoo:

    So when I return your fuel can w/c you will not need to buy mower fuel for a while as it still got the 20lts in it.



  14. A nice feed to be had in those crays!!!

    How powerful are there claws?

    Pardon the ignorance, but where is Bidgee? and what river are you talking about?

    Lots of the dams and rivers are pretty dry now, which doesn't make for good fishing or camping.



    It's the murrumbidgee river



  15. well cfd

    i will make you feel better i did the same thing but i looked for both fad on my return from browns

    but i also did not know that they had been removed. it was getting to the point that my navman was just about to go overboard as i could not find them



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