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aussie big bob

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Posts posted by aussie big bob

  1. Thats a great Idea Bob,

    so much damage chipping untangling time and money saved,

    and Bob what a lovely set of legs you have there mate.

    Yes the legs are great but there not mine. :biggrin2:

    All jokes aside this makes loading the boat much eaiser and cleaning is just as easy aswell. :yahoo:

    Just roll it out to the boat take out the rods and its there when you get home.

    And when you get home reload it wash them down.

    Once that is done and all you have to do is wheel it back inside.No more three or four trips and no more ducking doors ways with the tips. :thumbup:

    as my rods live inside the house.In fact at the end of my bed. :yahoo:



  2. Well done on some nice YFT

    Thanks netic

    I was sure that the season was going to end up with no fin.

    After eight to nine trips to the mountain and no fin the season was looking bad.

    But thanks to Mark this was not the case.

    There may have only been jelly beans but at least they where fins.



  3. Hey boys good looking photos and the fins wern't bad either, those kind of waters make me wish I was there with you, well done guys and heres to more fishing in calmer waters.

    Tight Knots


    you are right about the the fin not being that bad :Funny-Post:

    just ashame they did not weigh in as good as one of the boys ( the fat one with out the shirt ) :biggrin2:



  4. Hi Bob I struck that mildly poisonous warning somewhere before with fish.

    I'm not sure whether they mean you easily recover in an iron lung or suddenly create and empty peak hour train.

    Hope this helps


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    Wish i could get ( mildly poison ) cleared up as they realy are good eating



  5. How did the shark taste Bob.

    Im curious to know.

    The eating quality was great. There were four of us which consumed one whole shark.

    All agreed that is was very good eating the only draw back is that according to some

    USA research study they are considered mildly poison if consumed. <_<

    I have not yet found any other web site to confirm this. Or what they mean by mildly poison.

    I would also like to add that the four of us that took part in the feast are still kicking and

    Do not seem to be affected in any way so the choice is yours whether you eat it or not



  6. go the tan... bull.

    i have the same reel on a 60kilo rod.

    i got myself one of those perch when i went bottom bashing at browns.

    awsome eating.

    You are right on there john the Tan...com is a great reel :thumbup: as i have 2 of them now

    The fish must be good eating i just need to find the shark that ate it. :biggrin2:

  7. How big were the sharks?

    cheers james


    You had a bit of sport all with those sharks Aussiebob. That shark in the first pic looks like a quick caesarian job, how big was that one's mother? :D

    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    The largest was 1.3 and the rest were on 1.1



  8. Hi there Fellow Raiders

    Here is a short tale from my trip to browns 13-11-07 a bit late but here it is

    Took brother inlaw out to browns for a bit of trolling and bottom bashing.

    The trolling side did not produce much but did manage a few ogoolies from the deep.

    First drop produce the head of a deep sea perch, i think the shark prefered the rest of it. :05:


    So just to keep it short we had a great day on the water with a total of 6 perch and 4 sharks no fin

    but still a great day out.






  9. Hi there raiders

    It has been some time since my last post. So here is the tale of my last trip.

    It all started with a call from a fellow raider (Mark) on Saturday asking if I was interested in a trolling and bottom bashing session on Sunday. As the weather reports where not so hot and changing every report the answer was yes weather depending. So for the rest of the day we kept in touch and at 5pm the decision was made to go as the last update on S/B was looking pretty good.

    So pack car and have 6 quick beer set alarm for 1.30am and hit the sack at 10.40pm. Now with little sleep and alarm screaming drag myself from the sack and head over to Mark’s house, arrive at his place at 3.30am grab the gear out of car load into boat and we are off.

    Hit the ramp approx 4.30am and head for the heads of Botany Bay. Arrive at the heads approx 5.30am and conditions are as good as the forecast said.

    So now throttle up and head for spot south of browns. First thing we were going to was bottom bash a spot that Mark had on his G.P.S. Arrive at spot approx hour and a bit then it was straight to the bottom, fished here for a while with no luck so pulled stumps and headed for browns which was some 15kms away.

    Decision was made to do a troll as we were on the water early and had some time to kill. So out goes lure number 1, it would have been lucky to be in the water 15min when the 15kg go off so as it was not my boat Mark gets first go and I get the gaff ready.

    The run was short then slack so sprits drop a bit as thought it had spat the hook but this was not the case it was just swimming back to the boat. Mark say it’s not pulling all that hard so I help boost his sprits and call it for a stripe :biggrin2: (what kind of mate am I) but this was not the case it was a fin.

    Not the size we were hoping on but it was a fin, :yahoo: So with a few short runs at the boat the fin is gaffed by Mark himself as deckie was not taking the chance on losing the fish with a bad gaff shot.


    Now with fin in boat and bleed we head off again, start on a big circle to where the first hit happen.With 2 lures in and a steady 8 knots it was not long before the 24kg goes of and once again I head for the other rod and Mark grabs the 24kg.

    As I was retrieving the 15kg it also goes off but this was very short lived. So Mark hands me the 24kg and I now have the feel of my first fin for the season in some 8 to 9 trips to browns and beyond.

    There were no thumping screaming runs but it was my first fin for the season. With the 24gk being over kill on the small fin the fight didn’t last that long. So now in the boat we set lures again and do a few laps around the same area for nil. We make course for browns as I had another goal to achieve and that was to catch a blue eye and gemmie.


    On the way too the mountain we had two more hits but no luck. :mad3:

    Bottom bashing at browns in hope for a blue eye or gemmie only produced some deep sea perch

    With about 12 drops between us we ended up with 400 meters of 80lb braid lost :ranting2: and 10 perch to show for our efforts.

    We pull stumps and start the troll towards 12mile. Trolled to 12mile zip, run to the peak zip, run to the flat head grounds for one sweep.

    With time approaching 5pm it was time to pull stumps and head for home. Arrived ramp approx 6.30pm. Arrive at Mark’s house 7.30pm give him a hand to clean the boat a bit then off home.

    Day end at 11pm

    But all in all great day :1fishing1: thanks again mark



    P/s so there is no confusion i am the fat one without the shirt :074:

  10. can anyone help with id

    this was caught at browns 400mts plus

    i thought it was a green eye shark but photos on the net dont agree



  11. Hi there Mark

    Sorry to hear about your family and the car but :05:. The worst of all was the lack of :1fishing1:. :mad3:

    So next time you apply for leave to get some :1fishing1: in please PM me as I have some tools that

    will help you if your next lot of leave starts off as bad as this one did.

    ( 1) brand new pack of double edge Gillette razor blades

    ( 2 ) a very sharp ( Shobu Zukuri Katana ) sword

    Unlike most others I fill that this offering is far more better than cheap shots about your ( crapadore )

    So remember all your solution are just a pm away



    P/S if your :wife: finds out about the skirt you don't have to wait for your next leave to pm me

  12. Hi there Roberta

    Good to here that the kids had a good time.

    But do you realise by taken them out for what I would consider to be an hour of the best pass time. :1fishing1:

    There is a good chance it will now become a life long obsession :1fishing1:

    As it has done for most of us here at fishraiders



  13. First of all would like to say thanks to all the raiders for their help.

    Was at the tackle shop yesterday and purchased some of the lures mention in the reply's

    6 spanyids all different sizes

    3 packs of 3" minnows

    4 small popers

    Now all i have to do is find the sambo's again and try them out

    thanks again for all your help



  14. Hi they’re fellow raiders

    I was just wondering if any one out there have picture of lures they use on sambo’s.

    The reason I ask is because I was out on the bay yesterday and there where sambo’s everywhere

    But as always every thing I threw at them ended up with the same result. zip

    This is not the first time that I have failed at the sambo’s. :mad3: In actual fact it is properly the 8 encounter with the same result.

    I am starting to doubt my ability as a :1fishing1: as I can not even catch a sambo even when they’re starring me in the face.



  15. first of all i can tell you it was not easy driving of to work :mad3: from the boat ramp with an empty trailer :thumbdown:

    you dont know how cruel that was waving to me as you drove off towards botany bay :mad3:

    but thats life and was glad you had a good days :1fishing1:

    now you have finaly got it down pat , we can expect photo's on your next report



  16. ok here they are. :yahoo:

    first of all. I would like to thank all the raiders for there input.

    and would also like to add that i still have about 7 of my old concrete sinkers left if any raider wants them

    free free free free


  17. Usually I use weights at around 2.0kg to 2.3kg up to a moderate current flow.

    When it's running quite fast I opt for a 3.0 to 3.5kg weight so I know the baits are on the bottom

    It just depends, I would have a rough guess at 1 weight to 3 drops or so.


    thank's for that ifs



    Hi bob........

    as you can see that would be about maybe half the size against the other which is a clone

    of the one that you have it weighs close to 3lbs

    and would be the heaviest i would resort to....

    the normal size for me generally is a further 1lb

    lighter still that's not to say the heavier sinker wont do the job for as you know it does

    just that i personally have better results going lighter.......

    try it bob......and hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised..

    Cheers Warnie.

    thanks johnno

    ok thanks for that Warnie

    now with all this in mind i will have a post of all my browns sinker on by sunday



  18. Hi bob

    I personaly would rarely ever go over 1.5kg in weight for brown's even when current is pushing hard

    1kg is closer to the mark for me and down to a snapper lead when no current is present

    the lighter you are the less inclined you will be to lose tackle

    i could arrange and pm pics that would most likely surprise you then by the sounds of

    things which may involve you to have a rethink and maybe adopt a differant approuch

    if that will help you...


    That would be good. Like to see the pics



  19. You can get away with 1.5kg weights and I'm sure even less when there is very little current running.

    But when there is current bring out the heavy weights.


    Thanks IFS

    but in your trips to browns how often would you use weights less than 2kg's and what sort of loss rate do you have



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