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aussie big bob

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Posts posted by aussie big bob

  1. Thanks ant

    but i would not have thought that 2kg would have been heavy enough but i am going to try it next time.

    i am now working on mk3 after reading your post. i am totaly happy with mk2 but the time factor to make them with all the cuts and hammering to make the point is just to long.

    so have taken your idea and am making a point that will fit over the tube that i am useing. this will save me a lot of time.



  2. Hi guys

    I have never been asked to see my licence here in Forster - but whenever I have been on a NSW stocked freshwater lake, I have been checked almost every time! Worst complaint was that my photocopy of the licence had been wet & not easy to read! So now i laminate them. I copy my licence about 10 times on my fax & then whack them thru a laminator. The original stays at home. One goes in each of my tackle bags & worming bucket & I sticky tape one onto my kayak, so I know it is always there!

    I thought they had honorary fishing inspectors in NSW - never seen any of them, either!

    Funny thing was that in 1999 I actually saw a fishing inspector down at Janeys COrner one day, but he only checked the blokes out - must have thought I didn't know what I was doing ..... I had caught more than the blokes! LOL!




    Will they except a photo copy as this is one brillant idea it just ashame i did not think of it



  3. Hey Bob,

    Thought I would give you our way of making sinkers....

    We get a 30mm steel pipe, cut it in to 25cm long sections, then fill each with hot lead which is melted- the same way you would make conventional sinkers... the only difference is, this time you are pouring the lead in to the steel cylinder....

    To make the tip pointy, we place the cylinder over a log which has a point cut out of it, so when the lead dries, it is pointy....

    we have been getting to the bottom in about 5mins tops.

    Cleaned up last week. Got 6 Genfish, one Hapuka around 20kg and a Deep Sea Perch.

    thanks keepin tabs

    any photo's of the ones you make



  4. Hi there fellow raiders

    It is now time for the result of my concrete sinkers. On my last trip to browns I did seven drops ranging from 450 to 700 metres.

    The result is as follow.

    The concrete sinker worked fine. It still took average of 10 mins to get to the bottom.

    I was on a drift of approx 2.5kms and found the sinker to be fine but believe that the drift would have made me release an extra 50mt of line. I believe that this was caused by the flat surface on the top of the sinker and not the total size

    Once on the bottom I also found that the sinker was keeping close to the bottom and properly would have held ok if the drift was not so fast. But still not 100% sure. When I say that it was keeping close to the bottom I mean that approx every ten or so mins I needed to let out approx 10 to 15 metres of line to bring back the slack.

    On the day I lost 3 sinkers with a cost of 95 cents each. :thumbup:

    So now with all this in mind I have taken the big bananas advise and have come up with browns mk2.

    I know that there are many variations, but here is mine based on the most used sinker, which is the trusty old sash weight.

    So here are the pictures of browns mk2. These are half the length of a sash weight and are heavier than the sash weight in the photo. The sash weight in the photo weigh 2.8kg my new mk2 weigh 3.1kg. I am also now trying out some 1 to 1.5kg models to be used at places like the peek and wide fad

    The cost of the mk2 sinker is about the same as a sash weight but the volume is a lot smaller.

    If any one is interested in these sinkers please do not hesitate to PM me






  5. Hi there locodave

    I have decided to put my two cents worth in.

    First of all i would like to say that i am not a moderator or a be all and end all of site sponsors

    But i would like to say that i have been too huey's looking for a new boat and i do think that when this man gives you advise you should at least listen to it.

    I found huey NOT to be a man that wanted to do nothing but try and sell me something in his yard.

    I see that this is the same as the advice huey has given you.

    I would be taking his advise and narrow your choices down, and taking them for a test drive.

    I my self own a glass boat and have the same concerns that you have about beaching them and I can tell you now I would not beach my boat.

    To be able to find a boat that will be every thing you want may never happen

    I know this as I have owned a mustang a Webster twin fisher a Cox's craft and a fibreglass shark cat and I can say that I always found something that I was not happy with them in one way or another.

    So when you do make the decision on the style and brand of boat you want then I would at least give huey a chance to see what he can come up with. Because if he can not help you in the purchase of your new boat at least the free advise that he has given you. Will hopefully lead you to the right choice.



  6. Ok you asked for it and here it is

    User name Aussie big bob

    The reason for the user name is because I am Aussie big bob my current weight is 129kg of the fiercest

    Fishing machine that you will every see. :biggrin2::biggrin2:

    No just kidding about the fiercest fishing machine but I do love fishing, fishing and fishing. :yahoo::yahoo:

    And if I could do it every day then I would. :1fishing1::1fishing1:

    and I was not joking about the weight :074::074:



  7. Hi Yellow Submarine - look forward to reading your reports on the Yosemite trip!! SOunds brillliant!

    For me, today I plan on going to Blueys Beach & find some good cabbage & then hit the rocks with it - a buddy knows all the spots & is willing to show me! :1prop:

    I repaired the bail arm again on my yak rod & may have to do something a bit more permanent (perhaps araldite that little head back on!)

    Beautiful sunny, dead calm morning here just now! The water is dead flat.



    with those sort of condition maybe we should all go to roberta for the weekend.

    my have to get the dictionary out to remind me what the word CALM means



  8. Hi Guys

    I was lucky enough to watch a buddy's copy of this dvd - all on halco hb lures (scorpion, etc) and mainly fishing the flats ie less than 3-4ft water.

    Brilliant stuff! Also shows fishing snags in rivers (take the middle hook off so you don't snag on the fallen trees so much.) It is only half an hour in length, but the info they give is a lifetime of fishing knowledge! Even down to looking for bream poo/grit on the submerged branches, proving it to be a top bream spot!

    It may have been a freebie with one of the mags. Well worth a look!



    yes i have seen that one but i think there is onther one you would like and you can get it at your news agent

    fishing dvd vol 8 it has some real good shallow water fishing in it



  9. G'Day Everyone,

    I'm a new member, a former rock hopper who recently purchased a boat (Polycraft 455, 50 Yamaha). I've done all my fishing in Botany bay with a reasonable amount of success. I'm was thinking about putting in at Rose Bay and going across to Middle Harbour, any suggestions??

    i agree with off tap the tunks park ramp is a much better ramp to launch from if you want to fish middle harbour.

    i come from campbelltown and i still find it just as quick to go to tunks park than rose bay and its only a few mins from the ramp to to spit bridge.

    and if the weather turns it will save you crossing the harbour.



  10. Hi all,

    Here's a pic of a mate of mine with a gummy he Landed on a Sth coast Beach Late one night

    not too long ago.


    My mate is 6ft+ and the Gummy, She wasn't too far off him.

    She seemed heavily Pregnant, so we were happy to see her swim away after a few quick shots.

    Tighten those Lines


    great work on releasing her fellows :thumbup:



  11. Sounds like your mum enjoyed her self

    but the question needs to be asked

    Did your mum enjoy her self to the point that she will be out there again,and maybe become the next new member of the fish raiders family

    as i think that we need more mums and dads



  12. Bob.

    It was great meating you out there.

    You can't say we didn't try. By the sounds of things we need to kick it a bit wider next time. I have to say that it was the longest I have ever cubed nonstop. We went through 8 big blocks of pillies without a turn on the reel. We left at 5.45pm.



    sorry to here you did no good either :thumbdown:



  13. Hi dudes!

    I am interesting know do you eat any rays? And if you done, what rays?.

    Here in Skandinavia is some rays what my fish book say very taste, like lobster meet.


    yes i have eatin many shovel nose rays :)

    and i think they are great



  14. May i just say that is a HUGE days fishing. Did you put a Jewie bait out o/night or did you just sleep. Why do you launch the night before?


    Well all I can say it beats getting up at 3 in the morning to load the boat.

    And what better way to spend an evening six pack of beer the smell of the salt air and the

    Wind blowing threw your hair. Mind you I don’t have much hair but it sounded good.

    But the best part is when you wake up all you have to do is up anchor and your of f



  15. Hi there fellow Raiders

    It all started in with a post in desperate and boatless for a deckie.I had one taker that was keen to go

    Up until the night before then pulled out. :05:

    So not letting this bother me i loaded the boat that night and headed for the ramp. Arrived at Cooks River Ramp about 8.30pm.

    I took my time in preparing the boat and had it in the water by approx 11.30pm.

    I headed over to molly point to bed down for the night as i was meeting another fellow raider that was also heading out to browns. The night was cold but did manage to get a few hours shuteye.

    Woke up at 4.30am and started fishing for some lives. And as some of you raiders would know from previous post my livey fishing is not all that successful. And today was no exception. Only managed one octopus

    So approx 6am pull stumps to go and look for the raider that was now 2 hours late. Head for the ramp, which he was going to launch from only to find it dead. So tried to ring but no answer. Decide to head to browns. On the way back pass molly point I see the raider which I was meeting up with fishing for lives at the point. So decide to have another go at the little suckers and guess what I caught some. In actual fact 3. As I was solo this was enough for me as the plan was for cubing for fins.

    Its now about 8.30am and we set of for the mountain. We get to about 16km off browns and decide to troll the rest of the way into browns. So as I was solo only put a spread of 3 lures out. I caught up to the other raider approx 8km south of browns where he had decided to start his cube trail. I let him know that I would troll into the mountain and see what was happening and then would troll back. Got to the mountain to find it was like a car park. So started my troll back to where I had left my fellow raider.

    Arrived back with fellow raider and started cubing and dropped a livey out under a balloon. This went on for quite a few hours. When all of a sudden and albatross decides that he would try and pop my balloon :mad3: so after some yelling and screaming to get it away from the balloon I decided to throw something towards it to try and scare it away.

    Well guess what stupid me had only one thing that I could throw and not hurt it and that was a hand full of my cubed pillies. :1prop: This is the stupid bit (on my part) the bird went after the pillies.

    And on its return up it got tangled up in the line and as it took off the 8/0 hook that was holding the livey on went threw the back of its leg.

    So with all of this I had to decide how to get the bird into the boat without chocking it to death as the line was around its neck.

    So all lines in motor over to the bird to get it into the boat and untangle it and remove the hook

    Now with line untangled and hook removed I put the bird up on the bait table to let it rest and fly away when it was ready, but no the albatross decided that the boat was a better deal and jumped back inside the boat.

    I did not mind this, as I did not have a deckie to keep me company. After it had left a few trade marks on my carpet It was time to have another go at getting my new deckie to leave as I decided to head back into browns for a bit of cubing and bottom bashing.

    To sum the rest of the day up left browns approx 5.54pm arrived at cooks river ramp 7.30pm.

    Tally for the day 15kg pillies cubed and 154kms for one octopus and one albatross both were released. Sorry no photo of the albatross as it has been deemed to be unsuitable for this site so have put 2 other photo on instead one that I took just south of browns and one of my lives hope you enjoy.

    But at least i was out there and loved it :yahoo:





  16. Hey guys,

    We are planning on heading out for a cubbing mission on the weekend and was just wondering how many kilo's of pilchards you guys would go through for an afternoon ( say from 12 till 5 ish)

    Also if you guys buy the trap bait for your trails do you buy some higher quality stuff like wa pillies for your baits????

    Thanks in advance for helping out a newbee. :1prop::1prop:

    Buy the good stuff for both

    thats my opinion



  17. What a great winters day it was, not too cold virtually no wind and the Harbour looked clean and clear.

    We arrived at Tunks Park at 5:15am to find the ramp blocked by a small mountain of soil and large back hoe.....What the!!!, but there was a temporary (very narrow) ramp to the right of the original. So in the dark we launch hoping not to hit anything.

    We started chasing squid at the spit bridge where we got 1 squid and small cuttle, lesson No1 cuttle fish hold about 10x more ink than squid, after 15min of cleaning the inside of the boat we continue for zip. I saw a Noble super V heading which I was sure was Kelvin, his is blue with a Honda?

    We move to south head in search of more squid and catch another which went 40cm, whilst at South Head we notice the ocean is dead flat, so Gordo starts with I know a spot that I guarantee we will catch fish blah blah blah. So to keep him quiet we head offshore, there were no promised Flatties around but we did get a 42cm snapper, 5 sweep and mix of rubbish reef fish.

    It's now 11am and we decided to go back to original plan of chasing kingies in MH, we get to Fishraider spot X (I tell ya this web site owns MH) out goes the smaller squid and the cuttle, the suns out, no wind, no other boats around we were in heaven, then a demon of the deep hits the cuttle and tries to take it hell, ten minutes later a 75cm King is in the boat.


    Sorry for the photo quality I'm a bit embarassed as I work for major camera manufacter, I have half a dozen digital cameras at home and the only camera I had with me was in my mobile.

    Anyway we had a great day and ended up with a 75cm King, 42cm snapper 5 sweep (pet food) 45cm flattie 2 squid and a cuttle.

    so does this mean huge discount on digatial camera's for fish raiders :yahoo:



  18. I spent most of the day with my head down, got REALLY seasick. From what i have heard we were one of the only boats to get a YFT today :thumbup:

    cheers james

    this might sound silly but have you tried ear plugs works for my friend



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