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Everything posted by henryinnis

  1. I went on a boat 2day and say 100's of jellyfish. They were a massive breed, and I heard they come in summer but only a little bit. There are 1000's!!! They are yellowy green and are hard and solid. I asked a local who said they gave a nasty sting. ANy idea's FR's?
  2. This is our 2nd outing with him and he is a great bloke!
  3. Went to North Narra to meet up with Alex Bellissimo at 2.20 for a whiting and beach worming session and to try and get a feed. We arrived 5 mins late, turned up, and saw Alex's van. We got out, had a look, which then at which point I said Where's Alex? A bloke nearby said, "Don't worry he's just gone worming. He'll be back soon." Linda asked him if he was a fisherman. He said yes, you may have heard of me I'm Gary Brown. We all nearly dropped dead. He gave us a free copy of his book which he signed for us and then we set off. Gary stayed with us. Alex took us to spot X on Nth Narra where we picked up a couple of worms in tough conditions. 20 in total in 2 and a bit hours. Very hard! We then moved down a few street's and began to fish. Tough work, an 1 1/2 hour no result. Tried another spot for nothing as well. 3 hours gone. Finally we moved beaches to Long Reef. Come up on the beach and loads of weed. Dropped a line and in the first ten minutes a whiting hooks up. Landed, legal, 31cm. Fished for another half an hour, suns going done and the fish are biting. The bloke next to us got a decent salmon and so we put another heavier line out for no result. Then I start pulling it in and 1 metre off the beach a little spotted dart takes the worms. Dad also picks one up. Gary had several bites put pulled up only weed. Dad casts again and WHAMMO and a 1 1/2 pound tarwhine pulls up. Gary then pulled up another Tarwhine which was a bit smaller. Worms AGAIN! As the sun finally set Linda's line starts hissing off. Alex called weed, I called weed. Alex then called fish. After a 5 minute fight, a 50 cm (approx) ray comes out. All in all a fantastic finish! Have fun everyone and see you at the social! Henners
  4. 1. A nice fresh kingie 2. A fresh tailor 3. A Grunter Bream
  5. Try a 24 hour flight! Gd work Kelvin!
  6. Hi, Flatties and bream is what i have heard
  7. Hi, I have fished rose bay wharf for good results and have seen guys catch some good stuff. Tailor and Salmon are around at times. The bream flathead and the trevally can also be good. Use prawns, anything (including the kings) down there will go for it. Cast out straight to the moorings or to the side. The bream under the wharf are alright too....
  8. The ROse Bay wharf has stacks gd luck henners
  9. Well done Kelvin another top catch and report.... Interesting about the spray..... I am thinking it may contain a pheremone to stimulate fish and squid.... Looking forward to the social and see y'all there
  10. LB fishing at brooklyn is hard. However from experience I can point you to a couple of places. Under any of the bridges will be good for stuff like bream. If you can cast far enough into the gutters as well, you may have a chance at a small jewie (or so I have heard never caught one but my cast is not great ). The best bait would be live yakka's, a small hook and a slice of bread under any wharf should pick you up a couple. If all else fails hire a tinnie..... Good luck, Henners
  11. How do u catch live prawns to use as live bait..... do u do it at night??? and then fish for jewies at night???? also how do u keep live bait caught alive at a house? can it be done for overnight?? can u catch yakka's early morning in pittwater?? want to catch a jewie!!!!!!
  12. Speak to Alex Bellissimo. Best beach fisho in the world
  13. Have a cannon downrigger and don't know how too use it. Help????/???????
  14. Hey Luke, You really need a bigger rod. The smallest for beach fishing should be an alvey 12". However, if you really want to try I have beach fished for bream with a 6". Mate, you really need to just ask a raider to take you out or try and meet up with us. I am a bit far as i said on msn but maybe if you went to someone closer they could definately help you out. If you r eva up north give us a shout.
  15. Hey, I have fished Dee Why from 4-10 and had some great results. You should patrol the whole beach as too look for the gutters. The really good ones may not be in the centre of the beach. AT dusk, the Salmon, Trevally and bream are abundant. I have caught an 80cm Aussie Salmon, and the guys next to me have caught a heap of trevally and a few bream, with 2 salmon. At night we had a shovelnose shark as well as two jewfish bites. We struck too early however. If you really want to learn how to get really good at it I would suggest going out with Alex Bellissimo. He is a great guide and will help you with techniques and beach fishing skills.
  16. definately a baitcaster combo, go for a rod from &*(&^, my first rod was from there and i got it for $50 it has served me extraordinairily well.... as i said on msn beach fishing and wharf fishing are a whole different ball game, im 14 and i had 2 have lessons on beach fishing.....
  17. Hey evry1.... Went 2 Port douglas: had a gr8 time! WOuld reccomend to any fisherman.... In total we caught: 5 Giant Trevally's to about 50cm 1 Grunter Bream to 51.5cm 5 Black tip reef sharks. 1 Bull shark 1 Speckled Mackerel - 77cm 2 Jewies to 30cm 2 Mangrove Jacks - 30cm Lost: 1 Tuna, 2 Queenfish, 1 Black Tip Shark, 1 GT, 1 Mangrove jack A fantastic 12 days fishing!!!!!!!!! Pics below: (sorry about the sizes!!) PS How do u lots of pictures post pictures??
  18. I am up at Port Douglas these hols - gr8 fun!!! Dad is at Lord Howe chasing kingies! I am chasing the elusive black marlin!! Grrrr!!!! Anyway I have caught rainbow trumpeters t0 20cm nothing to write home about .... The highlight so far has been catching a 77cm speckled (spanish) mackerel! My 1st!! The disapointment has been me dropping a REALLY BIG FISH on light tackle. I pulled out his gills in a overenthusastic strike!!! Will post a final report and pics on 4th January!! Henners
  19. Dad and i up for it.... Fishing in a boat
  20. Hi every one, Heard there is fishing in Glebe in the Bicentenial, but want to know where ect. Any tips including baits used would be helpful.... Henners
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