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Posts posted by adjustedpete

  1. I was thinking of giving Narrabeen lake a go this weekend too. I'm bared from taking the boat out as the wife is due in the next week or so and it takes too long to get back if i'm out on pittwater or the ocean if i get THAT call. So i may see you on the lakeside.

    good luck,


    You can still go into middle harbour mate, just tell her you will meet her at the hospital and get dropped off in manly. Its only a few minutes up the hill.happy-smiley-8810.gif.

  2. Thats the best thing about fishing,even if you dont catch'em. You have a story for around the camp fire about the 1 that got away. By the way thanks for the tips, I will be making up some leaders AND changing to 50lb braid for my next trip.


  3. Nanook has it right, Its a 30 careful minutes walk. You can catch anything from salmon, kingi's, bonito, tailor, bream out there. Just be careful it can be dangerous if the swell is up. And it is only for the experienced at night.

  4. Hello everyone... just wanted to start a thread which allows you too show off your biggest squid...

    These are mine which i caught on the Northern Beaches...

    Now lets see who's is the biggest...

    Cheers SquidKing Combo

    These were caught at Palmie. 40cm and 38cm hood


  5. Im running a '96 yammie 40hp 2 stroke and I have been putting 95 octane fuel into it and I am having problems with idling and it seems to have some power loss too. I dont know if its my imagination, but Im gonna take it to Huey and see what they say. The fuel companies screw us again!!!!

  6. Try and trap some poddy mullet and use them as livies.

    Mr Flattie's favourite tucker. :drool:

    Use a rig of, mainline to a small swivel, then your leader with the smallest ball sinker

    you have in your tackle bag, running to a #5 wide gap hook.

    Pin the livie carefully thru the back just behind the dorsal fin, making sure

    you don't go too far near the spine or it'll kill 'em.

    Toss him out whereever you see weedbeds with sandy patches nearby, or dropoffs and cast into where

    the meet. Keep in contact with your bait and you'll notice him getting real agitated on your line..

    that's usually a predator (Mr Flatty) about to snaffle him.

    Wait for the "thump" on the line as they usually just inhale it whole without

    swimming away. Gently lift your rod and feel if there is any weight on the line..if so..strike

    to ensure the hook is embedded well..usually in the corner of the mouth with wide gaps.

    And hopefully you're on!! :thumbup:

    You'll also find the bigger bream will attack live mullet as well and not so many small stuff.

    One thing to beware of though is Long Toms are about atm and they also love poddies.

    Just take care when unhooking them as they will have a go at you if they get a chance.

    One earlier this week latched onto my nether regions as I was bringing him in to release.

    Luckily I was wearing waders so the wedding tackle is still in one piece.

    Nasty bastards..seriously! and big suckers, some over a metre. :1yikes: with teeth like crocodiles.

    Try the above and I'll just about guarantee you'll score a flatty.

    (sorry..no refunds) :beersmile:



    Just listen to this advice and perhaps PM the master for a little more precise location details. and you will be home and hosed.

  7. Thanx for the heads up guys, I will be investing in a jar of juicy plastics as soon as possible.... And John, you're right I will try anything, and that is just to get out fishing. :ninja:

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