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Posts posted by adjustedpete

  1. Its not a hard choice, and for all you people that havent heard yet. Leatherjackets ARE good to eat,easy to catch,easy to clean.Taking the kids fishing has never been easier. So get out there. There have been so many times when I target something and it doesnt pay off. I simply turn up at the jacket grounds and 20 minutes later, Im off home with a feed. The wifes happy and that means more fishing .And less questions about the tackle shop

  2. I got pulled up in pittwater at 10pm during the week , inspected and bagged. I had all the gear, so no drama. The copper said they will be doing it on a regular basis now. I reckon its great.

  3. maritine and the water police are just doing there jobs and as we all know there are many fools on the water be very polite and friendly when you get checked

    and treat them with the respect you would expect them to give you

    Very good advice Gary, I am checked alot(on the water alot) and I do exactly that. Never a drama.

  4. Nice day out mate,so where can I find a mate like yours. Im actually looking for a mate that doesnt drink and has boat licence AND doesnt eat squid...emoticon-cartoon-022.gif

  5. What does one do in this situation. Do we call someone and report it. Im sure you wont be the last one to tangle with the net and what about the fish being caught for god knows how long after. Did it look like a commercial net.smiley-angry021.gif

  6. I decided today was going to be the day my daughter was going to catch her first fish.She' 3 years old.smiley-angelic006.gifNo, I really didnt want to go fishing myself.So we set off from bayview, no wind and flat as a pancake. Ahh this is going to be a good day. First stop barrenjoey headland for a quick troll to see if any kingi's are lurking around. As we got there the wind picked up and she's not too good. " I feel sick daddy". Opps, I should of thought of that.smiley-angelic008.gif.I troll around to Avalon and back and pick up a decent bonnie. It was a little too big for her to handle, so I brought it in and she said that it was yucky and big. " I like small ones dad". Ookay where can I go for her?.Mmm flint and steel sounds good. We motor over, but on the way she really starts to feel sick. I say, lie down and have a little sleep and you will feel better and I keep heading to flint and steel.She goes to sleep on the back seat. God only knows how kids sleep anywhere.14ft tinnie, 2 stroke engine.I have a quick flick with my new carbon flick stick and abu garcia 810 spin reel for a donut. Time to move on, by this time the wind is a southerly at about 10/12 knots and my precious is still asleep. I motor back into pittwater, and just as I pass stokes point, lo and behold she wakes up.I dont feel sick anymore dad.I want to catch a fish, you promised.So i take her into one of the sheltered bays and set her up with a handline. Bait it up and toss it over, thinking to let her get the feel of fish biting.I get my flick stick out but before I can do anything, she's calling out"I can feel the fish dad. Shall I bring it in. Im laughing to myself,and say yeah bring your line in, thinking she just had a bite....Well blow me down if she didnt bring this little beauty in.I love this fish dad. Can we take him home?. Now I have to explain that he is too small and we have to put him back.Not happy Jack.Bait up again and this time she lowers the line into the water like a pro.Not even a minute later,she's yelling to me"Ive got a big one dad,its too big dad, its too big" I see the line pulling through her fingers and tell her to tighten her grip,she gets it almost to the surface but starts to cut into her little hands, so i grab the line and pull the fish the last meter into the boat. It was a 28cm bream.Yaahooo, she just fed herself.What a day.One to remember.Now all I have to do is figure out how Im gonna go fishing alone. Shes already asking about the next time.




  7. I live very close to you and I take my boat to Huey. It is totally worth it. Not only do you get really good work done.They give you good advice and even give you a discount AND make sure your boat is in tip top condition. Just the discount alone will pay for your fuel there and back.But you cant buy the way they treat you. ..........You wont be sorry.

  8. Piercing of the bladder (or 'Fizzing') is a contraversial method of depressurizing a fish.

    as there is no conclusive study to say that Fizzing improves survival. it may improve short-term

    survival however due to possible fungal infection or damage to tissues the fish can often die from secondary

    issues, however this does depend on the species of fish.

    The success of "fizzing" depends on the conditions at the time and also on the

    training and experience of the individual performing the procedure. It is a difficult

    procedure to perform accurately and, from an anatomical perspective, there is very little

    room for error.

    Hope this helps, I guess its a matter of which is the greatest evil


    Ben Camilleri

    DPI IT Geek

    Cheers Ben, Is there anywhere that we can learn this technique, as all I do is pierce on the flank just behind the pectoral fin where there is the least amount of flesh to go through

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