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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. You have waaaay too much time on your hands, Mr Malinky! A full cup of coffee was required to wade through the entire ballad, including prolonged viewing of some amazing photos. Take a bow ... a bloody great read! Good to see you all got into some green fish. Grant's total is extraordinary, considering the handicap he had with that god-awful shirt! Cheers Skip
  2. What a great solo effort! Thanks for putting that footage up, mate. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Cheers Hodgey
  3. What a bloody shame no-one was there to take your picture with that beast, Dan Without a doubt the largest cod I have heard of landed on a surface lure. That is a brilliant effort. Thanks for the calls, texts and general sh!tstirring while you were away fellas ... I owe ya now! Keep the photos coming. Cheers Skip
  4. A very nice pair of fish mate Cheers Hodgey
  5. Hodgey


    G'day PT Another Power Pro convert here too. Ties a very good knot, lays nicely on the spool and is reasonably priced. Cheers Skip
  6. Sounds like you buggers had waaaay too much fun! What a crackin' session. Fantastic photos Greg. Well done on a VERY memorable session lads Cheers Hodgey
  7. Well done mate. Great to see more people catching these iconic fish. Looks like there is plenty of water in the 'Bidgee, and the color was good too. Great photos as well. I look forward to your next report! Cheers Hodgey
  8. Thank you for your kind sentiments everyone. I look forward to showing you photos of an upgrade in the future! Cheers Hodgey
  9. :thumbup: Congratulations on a fantastic fish! A great report matched with some excellent photos. Well done! Cheers Hodgey
  10. G'Day all, There's not much I can say to embellish this 'capture', other than to say it was pretty special because it's my first jewy on lure: He measured a gargantuan 40cm ... now I would like to upgrade! Caught at the bottom of the run out tide on a 3/8oz jighead/100mm squidgy fish in Black/Gold. Pleased to say it was target species too. Cheers Hodgey
  11. I have the Abu Revo Sx and am very happy with it. I use it predominately for cod fishing, throwing spinnerbaits, jitterbugs and jackalls, and it has not missed a beat. A very popular reel for Top End Barra fishos. IMO it holds its own against some of it's more expensive competitors. After using my outfit, a couple of mates have purchased these reels and speak highly of their performance as well. Cheers Hodgey
  12. Congratulations to member 'blackfishing' for winning January 2012's Catch Of The Month. We will contact you shortly regarding your prize Cheers Hodgey
  13. Have a great day Raiders. Seems Dan got his birthday present a little early! Cheers Hodgey
  14. Awesome jewy ... and on a lure is the icing on the cake! Cheers Hodgey
  15. Call into your local fisheries department. They will usually provide you with their personal business card (including mobile number). I have the business cards of our local fisheries boys and they are a great pair of blokes who spend a lot of time patrolling our local waterways. Cheers Hodgey
  16. Great thread, Greg. I believe this is especially relevant to EP's; a species that is well documented for it's 'shutdown' attitude once fish are released back into the water. One exception to the rule that springs to mind is Barra. On more than one occasion (sightcasting), I have caught (and seen others catch) the same fish that was released just 5 minutes prior. Having said that, the barra weren't schooling at the time. Bream are infamously finicky, yet tournies appear to catch multiple fish from one spot, even after releasing others in the same location. There must be some sort of scientific research to explain this, although I guess there is a huge amount of variables to consider? I look forward to other people's comments! Cheers Ian
  17. Hi all, We spent four weeks 'frying' down in Victoria over the Christmas/New Year break. The heat was often accompanied by very strong winds, making it virtually impossible to contemplate fishing. We did manage to get a couple of sessions on Cairn Curran chasing the reddies, and bought home a great feed of fish for all the family. The notable catch for the trip was the young bloke landing his first freshwater fish on soft plastics. He wound up with five redfin and was very pleased with his efforts. We were using 1/6oz jigheads and 75mm Squidgy Fish in Killer Tomato. Back home now and getting back into the saltwater scene again. Spent some time with Deno poppering the flats and managed to find some nice fish. Boat traffic is still quite heavy although the visitors are expected to take off this weekend. 72cm - released Longest fish measured 39cm The usual issues effected the fishing -when there was no wind the fish were hard to find, but as soon as the wind sprung up across the water, they became active and were hitting the poppers regularly. 75mm poppers that are predominately clear were the most productive. With minimal rain and moderate temperatures for much of the previous few months, the water is relatively clean and clear so long casts retrieved briskly are the order of the day. Here's hoping for a bumper year this year! Cheers Hodgey
  18. to the forums Kristy and congrats on an entertaining report. Great to see you out there giving it a shot. Once you find a fishing 'buddy' who can spend a bit of time showing you how to refine your techniques etc, your results (and enjoyment of fishing) will dramatically improve. Best of luck on the water and make sure you keep us updated with your progress! Cheers Hodgey
  19. Holidays finally over and back to work ... and Fishraider :)

  20. Hodgey

    Happy birthday

    Thanks very much everyone! Yes, got 2 piles of pressies, Roberta, including some new fishing gear! Cheers Hodgey
  21. Great to see you got onto a few fish Paul, and even better to read that your little girl had some success too! Enjoy the rest of your holiday mate, and good luck! Cheers Hodgey
  22. That is a great photo Good on him. A terrific achievement for the young bloke. Cheers Hodgey
  23. Hello all Just a quick note to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. Thank you to all those I have caught up with over the year. It's been a very lean year for time spent on the water, but I hope to rectify that starting with these holidays. I am heading home to the Murray to chase the green fish. Please contact one of the Moderators if you have any concerns or questions regarding Swap and Sell or COTM until my return on 09 Jan 12. Stay safe on our roads and waterways, and I hope you have a successful time on the water. Cheers Hodgey
  24. Good thing you found that out Stewy. Thanks for the heads up! Cheers Skip
  25. A great photo of a remora! Congrats on a terrific trip mate Cheers Hodgey
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