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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. A terrific fish Rob. She's very well conditioned all the way through to the tail Terrific release photo mate. Here's hoping the warmer months produce more of these wonderful big fish. Cheers Ian
  2. You have been added mate
  3. Here's a couple of links that may help: Sunnies 1 Sunnies 2 Cheers Hodgey
  4. You have been added to the list Cheers Hodgey
  5. These were very enjoyable: Killers of Eden - Tom Mead Ghosts of the Estuary - Sol Bannura Cheers Hodgey
  6. Congrats Mick and baby Amelia. Cheers Ian
  7. Awesome fish fellas and congrats on the new PB Greg! :yahoo: Cheers Ian
  8. Good on ya Grant. Made the best of a bad situation and caught some nice fish in the process. Congrats on your first 'toga mate. One of my favourite fish to catch and very entertaining on the rod! :thumbup: Cheers Skip
  9. Hodgey


    You'll find some interesting feedback here. Hope this helps Cheers Hodgey
  10. G'day all I have removed a lot of responses from this thread. Rock fishing is a popular pastime in our country, and sadly it is responsible for many tragedies throughout the year. I appreciate many members are concerned that publicising these locations may add to the numbers of fatalities. There is several references to safety throughout this thread. In the interest of 'fair play', I have left a couple of responses that demonstrate the mixed opinions regarding this topic. It has engendered a great deal of interest, with many members appreciative of Brett's effort. At this stage, I suggest we all accept a standing caveat that rock fishing offers risks that should be assessed prior to (and during) any session that is undertaken. Please be mindful of any further comments posted on here. Thank you Hodgey
  11. You have been added, Stan Cheers Hodgey
  12. LMAO! You were OWNED, Leo! :074: Great report mate. Curiously, you never mentioned the 'berleying' when we spoke Great photo by the way Ray Cheers The Southern grub
  13. That would have been a great tussle on the light stuff. Another victim of the Nitro power! Congrats on a top effort Cheers Hodgey
  14. Looks like you're having a great time chasing the blackies, mate. A great fishing location that is holding such a diverse range of fish - very envious ! Some crackin' photos as usual Cheers Ian
  15. Hodgey

    Fathers Day

    Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there. Hope you have a great day with your families. Cheers Hodgey
  16. Bass/EP season open today. Murray Cod season closed.

    1. musty


      thats it, EP'S in my belly from now on!!!!!

    2. Hodgey


      Lol! Definitely going to try one now ;-)

    3. musty


      Treat yourself mate, you will be pleasently suprised!

  17. Pound for pound? Very interesting ... great question. A 1m+ sooty, bonefish or black bass would keep you entertained for a while! Cheers Hodgey
  18. You have been added mate. Here is the link to the last Bay Social: 2010 Cheers Hodgey
  19. Nicely done as always John. Some very nice fish for the table and another successful session on Browns. Conditions looked superb! Cheers Hodgey
  20. G'day Stu Yes, I use the improved albright in joining 2 - 8lb braid to 4-10lb leader without an issue. I was using the 5 turns surgeon prior to that, but found the albright profile to be smaller. For the bigger braids (20-30lb) and leaders (25-35lb) I was using the albright but I have been using the FG knot of late and can't fault it. Cheers Hodgey
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