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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. Hodgey

    Happy Birthday

    Happy 50th Birthday John! Have a great day mate and blow the froth off a couple for me :beersmile: Cheers Skip
  2. Congrats on your very first breambo on lure, Rob! There will be many more to come, I'm sure. Love the hat in the photo, but are you sure that color suits you? Best wishes to the family as always. Waiting to catch up for a drink ... Cheers Ian
  3. Un~bloody~believable .... I hope the police catch 'em before you do, Tony. I hope your gear resurfaces mate. There is some quality stuff amongst that lot. I have a couple of spare reels etc I can send up to you if you're stuck, mate Cheers Skip
  4. A great feed Stewy! Good to see they are still around. There is a few lurking around the timber in deep water down here. Cheers Skip
  5. Fishraider gear is usually sold at the social events. The last one was postponed due to inclement weather. We'll keep you updated about the next one. Cheers Hodgey
  6. to all our Raiders celebrating their birthday today. I hope you get the opportunity to hit the water today! Cheers Hodgey
  7. :yahoo: Outstanding report, Peter. What a beaut bonnie! fantastic to see that you managed to get the young blokes onto a variety of species. No wonder there was big smiles around the table. Congrats to you, Syd and the lads on a productive and enjoyable day on the water. Cheers Skip
  8. The bass fell to 1/8oz gold colorado/willow in purple and brown and 1/8oz silver colorado/willow in fluro green/black stripe. The bass should really fire in the coming weeks! You're always welcome mate I look forward to catching up with you, Dad and that very nice new boat of yours. See you soon! Thanks very much everyone. I have had one session on the water in 9 weeks so it was good to blow off a few cobwebs and locate some fish to keep the family entertained. I hope to do a lot more in the future! Cheers Hodgey
  9. +1 for the Curado and the Revo
  10. G'day all, It's been several weeks since I have managed to hit the water, and the arrival of my brother and his family over the long weekend offered the perfect opportunity to remedy that fact. My family have not had many opportunities to fish saltwater or indeed the Tuross Lake system. TurossBrown very kindly offered to fish with us and take one of the extra people out of my boat, which was a huge help. Thank you once again mate. Dene M also took them out for a day when I was working. Good on ya mate. The weather was kind and the fish put in an appearance. We managed to get a feed for them to take home and they set quite a few new PB's: > Sister-In-Law: 59cm flatty = New PB > Brother: 56cm salmon = His first on soft plastic and bream gear. (still beaming ) > Nephew: 42cm Bass = His first ever, and a luderick on soft plastic = his 1st ever as well There has been a lot of laughs and a heap of smiles over the last week. They've seen some new country, experienced some different techniques and equipment ... and we had a few Bundys as well. They leave tomorrow with a feed of fish, fresh lobsters, prawns and oysters, and a lot of new stories to regale their freshwater mates with. Cheers Hodgey
  11. Extraordinary bass mate! Congrats to you both, and thank you for taking the time to write such a great report! What an impressive trip! Cheers Hodgey
  12. Congratulations to DTROJAN for winning September 2011 COTM. We will be contacting you shortly regarding your prize.
  13. to all the Raiders celebrating today Cheers Hodgey
  14. A couple of very nice bream, Paul. Well done! Cheers Hodgey
  15. Hmmmm .... this weekend just got a little more interesting, I reckon! Have a great weekend, Peter
  16. After fishing only once over the last 8 weeks, I might finally be able to wet a line over the long weekend. I have an addtional couple of days and my brother arrives tomorrow. I am hangin' to get out on the water again! What is the rest of the Raider community up to? Stay safe on our roads and waterways everyone. Enjoy your break, and good luck! Cheers Hodgey
  17. What an interesting article. I can remember the Ugly Stik being released in Australia. Everyone was bending them into insane shapes, with the standard catchcry "You just can't break 'em. Every angler should have a shed full of these things." Thanks for the info, Leo Cheers, Skip
  18. VERY nicely done mate. Congrats on a great fish on the light gear! Cheers Hodgey
  19. Hodgey

    Happy Birthday

    Many Happy Returns, Donna. I hope you have a lovely day and get suitably spoiled by Stewy Cheers Skip
  20. You can read about it here: Fish kill Hodgey
  21. Pure GOLD and congratulations on your little iTwins Cheers Hodgey
  22. The kids will love these! Cheers Hodgey
  23. to all the Raiders celebrating today ... even Slinky and Leo! Cheers Hodgey
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