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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. Hey Roberta Good to see the bream still interested in surface stuff. It is being reciprocated down here as well, but with plastics worked on the surface as opposed to HB's. It would be great to fish the surface all year round, wouldn't it? The bigger tailor were here recently but seem to have moved on for the time being. The smaller 30-40cm models make an occasional appearance. I hope the big schools of salmon venture back into the lake again this year. That was mind blowing on bream gear! Cheers Ian
  2. VERY nice, Nick! Can certainly see the time and detail that has gone into this one. Cheers Skip
  3. Nicely done Nick. There are some very good black bream moving at the moment, and they are in prime condition. Nice pics mate. Cheers Skip
  4. This article in the news today: Storm warning Cheers Hodgey
  5. Raiders! Hope you have a terrific day and managed a session on the water Cheers Hodgey
  6. Thanks very much Dave. I will stay in touch. Cheers Ian
  7. A very to our raiders celebrating today! A special cheerio to Roberta. Have a terrific day, hopefully spent on the water. Did you receive some new fishing bling? Cheers Hodgey
  8. G'Day Raiders, Is anyone heading down my way shortly? I have purchased a new rod and it is currently in the Minto area in Syd. I'm located in Tuross Head but could organise to meet you anywhere from Batemans Bay to Narooma. The rod is 7' and is a one piece. If someone can squeeze it in and bring it down I would be very grateful. Cheers Hodgey
  9. A very nice consolation prize with that fat tailor, Anth. Quickly retie hook onto ehats left of leader and chuck back out. Yet another creaming run and I hook another goodun, this time leader parted as I was bout to beach the fish- def a jew could see the golden hues in the light from my lantern! In the excitement of the moment, sometimes the little things are missed. Next time, remove any doubt and re-tie a completely new leader. It is easy to overlook scuffs and nicks in the leader when your hands are trembling in anticipation of a trophy fish. Not to worry mate, they'll be there for you to nail next time. Good luck! Cheers Hodgey
  10. Congratulations and Thank You Byron for many hours of informative reading. I look forward to reading many more to come mate. Cheers Ian
  11. Definitely. Find the deep holes in the estuaries during winter and you generally find the big flatties or jews. Some of my biggest crocs have come during the middle of winter. Numbers will usually be down, but the quality will be very good. Batemans Bay offers some very good drummer fishing, as does Moruya. Just be mindful of the MPA. Let me know if you head down. I'd be happy to catch up and point you in the right direction. Cheers Hodgey
  12. Welcome back Andrew. Well you've been busy! Some great fish and some terrific footage. (Just watched the Marlin footage as well) Good to see you getting into a few fish in the yak mate. Hope to see some more footage soon Cheers Skip
  13. to the many Raiders who are celebrating today. Have a terrific day everyone! Cheers Hodgey
  14. This link may help you: Filleting knives Cheers Hodgey
  15. Kings on bream gear ... now THAT'S entertainment! Congrats on yet another successful session Trung. A great feed of fish there. Cheers Hodgey
  16. Hodgey

    Members Boats.

    Hello all, Byron has asked that I place this post in here on his behalf. It is a duplicate of an existing post. Hodgey This is my jew boat. It's a 15 1/2 foot Sea Hunter side console made by the Mayfair Plant in Queensland. When my boat was manufactured Mayfairs also made boats under the name of Stessyl and Clarke having taken these companies over in the late nineties. In approx 2002 Mayfairs ended the boat manufacturing side of their operations to concentrate on making trailers namely the well known Tinker and Redco brands. I have owned over 20 boats in my time and I must say this is the best boat I have ever fished in, it has three swivel chairs i.e. two in the stern area and one in the bow area- with a 70 litre ice box located longwise hard up against the rear of the side console unit provides a seat for a 4th person. This boat virtually has three separate fishing areas and fishes three quite comfortably and having the small side console makes it very roomy for a boat of it's size and it has a well designed carefully thought out set up with heaps of modification work done for a song by my good friend Geoff aka Geoff on Fishraider. thank you Geoff your advise and involvement in the work makes this boat a fabulous boat , a boat that nobody would ever want to part with. 24 volt - 82lb thrust Motorguide Electric Motor (electric motor, twin deep cycle batteries and charger installed by Geoff - Brackets to support the electric motor were designed and made by Gary Brickman of Seriously Stainless to save cutting the bow rail :- As many of you may know Geoff and I are senior members of Fishraider and we could do with an offsider or two to help us with launch and retrieve and hopefully add to the jewfish catch either in Botany Bay, the Georges or in the Hawkesbury. In my case I am awaiting hip replacement surgery so I will need as much help that I can get to get my boat out on the water as often as I would like to. I live in the Cambelltown area and Geoff lives in the Auburn area. I am going to put up post sometime in the near future so that I can make up a list of members with good boating experience who would like to try and get onto a jewfish or two. The ideal situation would be to start off from Campbelltown and launch at Brooklyn until I have my hip joint replacement surgery. Any member, who would like to make up the third man and in some instances the fourth man in my boat, please contact me by pm or call me on my mobile on 0413210048. My best friend George aka Cungeee George on Fishraider will be fishing with us on some sessions particularly when overnighters are necessary. The photo below is a random photo and shows that jewfish do exist if you put the time in. Photo taken after a Tom Ugly's bridge session a few years ago with my grandson littlejewgaffer when my back was ok before I was involved in a boating collision at Ballina. Cheers jewgaffer
  17. Both destinations can produce good results during the colder months. At that time of year, water temps in those sytems will be pretty low. (Tuross dropped to 8 degrees last Winter). There is usually some entertaining beach fishing in both places, predominately for salmon or tailor, although some big bream often feature as a bi-catch. Slow your retrieve rate down, downsize your lure choice and you may be pleasantly surprised what you find! You may find Shoalhaven and Mallacoota more productive at that time of year? Good luck wherever you decide. Time spent fishing with mates is a great trip away! Cheers Hodgey
  18. Great effort Rod. I have been hounding Dene for some photos! Nice work on the vid Cheers Skip
  19. Fantastic kingy Josh. A truly memorable 'first fishing report'! Cheers Hodgey
  20. Hodgey

    1000 posts

    Congratulations on achieving 1000 posts, Leo. Champion effort mate, filled with helpful hints and amusing anecdotes. We'll have to catch up for a fish this year! Cheers Skip
  21. A tough week Pete, but that is a crackin' bass! Some terrific photos mate. I can attest to the effectiveness of your home-made blades. They have been very effective down here ... unpainted! Cheers Hodgey
  22. to all those Raiders celebrating today. Have a good one! Cheers Hodgey
  23. Happy 21st birthday Brett! Hope you have a fantastic day mate Cheers Hodgey
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