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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. That is a terrific breambo, Chris! Hodgey
  2. G'day Ken I used Fireline Crystal in 2lb - 8lb until about 18 months ago, then I changed to Power Pro. There was no reason to change other than to try something different. The Power Pro ties a great knot, lies very well on the spool and is substantially softer than Crystal. That said, I pulled out a reel over Easter that had Crystal on it that must be at least 18 months old, and fished with it for the Easter break without incident. If there was a noticeable difference between the two then I would say Crystal seems to generate more tip wraps and wind knots than Power Pro. I have been using Power Pro on my spin outfits as well as my baitcasters and I am very happy with it. The bright yellow color also makes it easier for tired eyes to see it! Cheers Hodgey
  3. Great report Jorg. What an idyllic location for a fish. I noticed what appears to be a spinnerbait in one of the photos. A lot of footage I have seen about Largemouth Bass feature the use of buzzbaits. Did you give them a go while you were there? Great to see the Sammys being effective on fish in other countries as well. What a versatile little lure! Cheers Ian
  4. More than 35 years filming fishing and outdoor shows, Bill has certainly had his fair share of blooper out takes! Bloopers 2
  5. A very to all the Raiders celebrating today. Have a good one! Cheers Hodgey
  6. You are bloody uncanny Greg, fair dinkum! I'm sure you sweat S Factor Cheers Ian
  7. Hodgey

    1000 posts

    Our newest Moderator browney1 has just clocked up 1000 posts! Congrats on a great effort Mike. Your posts have provided many hours of enjoyable reading and interesting hints and tips. I look forward to many more to come! Cheers Skip
  8. A great bream on a very nice outfit mate ... Well done! Cheers Hodgey
  9. Top effort! What a way to blood the new yak. That's a great fish mate ... well done! Cheers Hodgey
  10. What a picturesque place at a great time of the day. Top photos Ray Cheers Hodgey
  11. Congrats on your new PB Stewy Commiserations on your lost fish, Reggie. He'll be a little bit bigger when you nail him NEXT time! Cheers Hodgey
  12. This has now been rectified.
  13. Try this link mate: Trapping Mullet Cheers Hodgey
  14. Congratulations on an outstanding effort everyone! Cheers Hodgey
  15. Definitely giving 'em a sporting chance Billy Terrific footage as always mate. Hope to see more of your vids in the coming weeks Cheers Hodgey
  16. Nice to have you back, old fella Another terrific camping trip away with Hutcho and friends. Sounds like an ideal way to unwind from work. Great photos as always mate. Cheers Hodgey
  17. Congratulations to peterS for taking out this month's competition. We will contact you shortly mate to ascertain which prize you would like. Cheers Hodgey
  18. Hodgey

    small bait ball

    I think you'll find it's a school of juvenile striped catfish Cheers Hodgey
  19. Many Happy Returns to those Raiders celebrating today. Have a great day! Hodgey
  20. A truly memorable catch from the Queensland Connection once again. Great to see you finally wet that white elephant you call a boat, Slinky. Cheers Skip
  21. Beautiful fish mate. Well done Cheers Hodgey
  22. 2 terrific fish Greg. Congrats to you both! Cheers Hodgey
  23. to all the Raiders celebrating today. Have a fantastic day everyone! Cheers Hodgey
  24. :1happybday: Many Happy Returns Raiders. I hope you have a terrific day! Cheers Hodgey
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