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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. SOMEBODY take a camera!!!! Good luck Stewy ... stay dry mate Congrats on your session fellas. Terrific to see Nat getting into some great fish on lure. I sense another convert in our midst! Cheers Hodgey
  2. Another crackin' session Grant! Slinky must be GREEN with envy now Keep 'em coming mate ... work can wait Cheers Skip
  3. :yahoo: Outstanding fish mate. Fantastic to see her swim off again too! Cheers Hodgey
  4. Try this link, mate: Thailand Charters and this one: Thailand fishing
  5. Congrats on the new PB mate! Freshly smoked fish, straight from the water ... :drool: Terrific photos too. Looks like you all managed to find a few fish. Overcast days are prime fishing time, and your session adds weight to that theory. Great to see you reporting on another successful outing mate. Keep 'em coming Cheers Hodgey
  6. Great feed of fish Rob; you're gonna be popular tonight! Cheers Ian
  7. That's sure to get Slinky motivated, Grant. Some nice bass in those photos mate. Great report with the new deckie Cheers Skip
  8. They're tailor. Slip down to your local tackle or boating store Dave and grab a copy of the NSW Saltwater Fishing regs. Keep it in the boat so you can refer to it. It contains species identification and (more importantly), species size and bag limits. We have a link to the brochure in our 'NSW Fisheries' Section located at the top of the page. Here is the link: NSW BAG AND SIZE LIMITS Cheers Hodgey
  9. Every time I swim my Megabass Anthrax I say a prayer to the fish gods that the tailor are on holidays!
  10. Agreed, Leo. Terrific photos! Hodgey
  11. A remarkable report, Roberta. Some fantastic photos of the local fauna. The photos of the yakkers out in the deep briney battling big fish are amazing. What a feat! Thanks for taking the time to commit it to the forums mate. Like PeterS ... I'm off to read it again Cheers Skip
  12. You don't know how frustrating it was listening to you blokes while I was stuck at work! What a sensational session. Well done fellas! Some fantastic photos of an amazing day on the water Cheers Skip
  13. What a top way to spend the day with your son. The brag mat looks very impressive too, mate! Great to see you back into the fishing again Cheers Hodgey
  14. What a great selection of tasty fish Well done mate! Cheers Hodgey
  15. An eloquent and anecdotal account of an amusing piscatorial session, Tony. Mysterious 'snagging sand', cameo appearances from Happy Gilmour and Mr Bean ... what a day! Great work as always, mate. A thoroughly entertaining read Cheers Hodgey
  16. Raiders. I hope you have a terrific day! I will catch up with you soon, Cam Cheers Hodgey
  17. Sounds like a roller-coaster of a weekend mate, but you stuck at it and got a couple of fish for a feed. Your boating and fishing confidence is growing with every report. I hope there is a good kingy just around the corner for you. Good luck! Cheers Hodgey
  18. Raiders! I will toast your birthday with a rum when I get home, Gary Cheers Hodgey
  19. No worries Cath. Have a great time up there, ya lucky buggers! Cheers Skip
  20. Finally booked my first weekend at Burrinjuck!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iMick


      Nice mate, we just booked Mulwala.

    3. Hodgey


      Good stuff Mick. My mates were there last weekend and landed some nice yellas and cod. Dropped a beauty at the side of the boat though!

    4. iMick


      Mulwala's worth the drive then, enjoy Burrinjuck.

  21. Great report Brian. Marlin, bass, cobia ... your trip had it all! Throw in a few ales with some great mates and you've got yourself a terrific couple of days on the water. Well done mate. Great photos too Cheers Hodgey
  22. Another great day on the water with your Dad, Rob. Some quality fish amongst that assortment. Good to see Dad rewarded after being hounded by annoying reddies all day. Two beaut fish on the light gear! Cheers Hodgey
  23. Good on ya Rob! Hope the kids had a great day. It sounds like an entertaining outing for all concerned. Cheers Ian
  24. Congrats on the surgeon, Stewy A lovely bag of fillets for Reggie's family Cheers Skip
  25. Please send your Charter suggestions via PM system Cheers Hodgey
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