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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. Raiders. I hope you have a terrific day and celebrate accordingly. Look forward to catching up with you again, Kel Cheers Hodgey
  2. Raiders. I hope you have a great day. Enjoy your 18th mate! Cheers Hodgey
  3. :1happybday: Happy Birthday to the many Raiders celebrating today. Hope you have a terrific day! Cheers Hodgey
  4. Hodgey


    This mystery is solved .... Thank you for your enquiry. We sent your image to one of our marine invertebrates experts and he gave the following identification: The crab is a Ridged Swimming Crab, Charybdis natator. It's common along the northern coastline and extends down to NSW and southern WA; usually caught in inshore trawls but also in crab pots and sometimes by line. They are edible and occasionally make it into the fish markets. The Red Swimmer is a different crab (Nectocarcinus integrifrons) from southern Australia. Cheers Hodgey
  5. Raiders. Hope you're wetting a line and finding a few Have a great day! Cheers Hodgey
  6. How good is THAT! Congrats to the young bloke for having a go and getting a couple of squid for his trouble. You must be a pretty good teacher, Dad Cheers Hodgey
  7. mate! I hope you received something suitably fishy amongst your gifts Cheers Skip and family
  8. to all the Raiders celebrating today. Have a great day everyone! :beersmile: Cheers Hodgey
  9. Agreed. Great photos mate Hodgey
  10. Good to see you landing a few fish Leo. Looks like you were blooding the new outfit? Keep the reports coming mate! Cheers Skip
  11. Hodgey

    ianoc69 (40)

    Happy 40th birthday mate! Have a terrific day Cheers Hodgey
  12. to the Raiders celebrating today. Hope you have a great day! Cheers Hodgey
  13. Hodgey


    Just got off the phone with the Museum. They have requested a copy of the photos (which I have emailed to them) and they should have an answer for us shortly. Cheers Hodgey This received this afternoon: Thank you for contacting us here at the Australian Museum. We have received your email and it has been recorded as Australian Museum Enquiry #18055. If you need to contact us about this enquiry, please reply directly to this message keeping the text in the subject field unchanged. Please note that due to the current high volume of enquiries there may be a delay in replying to you, and where further research is needed, the delay may be considerably longer. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Kind regards, The Search & Discover Team
  14. G'day Raiders Judging by the amount of boat traffic already moving through our district, 'fishing' is on the agenda for a lot of people over Easter. My little home will be swelling at the seams with an influx of Victorians and their littlies. Our plan is to have day trips to Burrinjuck and the Clyde River, and chase a few fish in our local lake and river system as well. Fingers crossed for some decent weather. Where is everyone else headed? Enjoy the extended break, Raiders, and stay safe on our roads and waterways. I look forward to reading all the reports! Cheers Hodgey
  15. Good to see you landed a few, Mick. Looks like you were graced with some reasonable weather. It's the opposite for me ... confidence in chasing fish in the Mulwala system and scratching my head about where to fish in Burrinjuck Great photos mate. I need to get back down there and chase them again! Cheers Hodgey
  16. :1happybday: Many Happy Returns to all those celebrating today. Have a good one! Cheers Hodgey
  17. Hodgey


    No worries at all mate. As of Friday I had not heard from them. I will send a reminder on Monday. If that doesn't work I'll send the photos to the Museum Cheers Hodgey
  18. to those Raiders celebrating today. I hope you have a great day! Cheers Hodgey
  19. That's a terrific session in pretty appalling weather fellas. Congrats on the new PB Dan. Celta's and Tassie Devil lures are older than me, yet they're still accounting for fish today. Great report as always Stewy Cheers Skip
  20. The photos were well worth the wait! :drool: What an amazing trip. Well done mate Cheers Hodgey
  21. Hodgey

    FISHBONES (44)

    Happy Birthday mate. I hope you have a terrific day and celebrate accordingly! Cheers Hodgey
  22. to the site Dale. There is a wealth of information available here and I'm sure you'll be able to offer some yourself! Enjoy the forums, mate Cheers Hodgey
  23. to the Raiders celebrating today. Have a great day! Cheers Hodgey
  24. Damn! Big numbers of BIG fish. Looking forward to the photos! Congrats to Rich Cheers Hodgey
  25. The Sic-Stik Pro has been one of my favourite rods for a long time Leo. Unfortunately mine is in the shed at the moment awaiting a new tip Very nice outfit mate and something that will provide hours of enjoyment Cheers Skip
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