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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. Well done fellas. Another great session on trhe EP's. A terrific way to celebrate the return of the boat! Cheers Hodgey
  2. Hodgey


    Raiders. Hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays, Nick Cheers Hodgey
  3. Woo hoo! Good work Olivia. That is a beauty! Great stuff Billy. A very proud Dad and rightly so. I hope you have many more successful trips together Cheers Hodgey
  4. Nice one Stewy. The bream look to be in excellent condition What a shame the jewie gained liberation so close to the boat Sounded like you weere having a great time anyway! Cheers Skip
  5. fellas! I hope you have a terrific day and receive something suitably 'fishy' amongst your gifts Cheers Hodgey
  6. Congrats on a crackin' whiting John. Be sure to enter it into the Lure records as well (equal 1st ) Cheers Hodgey
  7. Great work John That'll make a beaut feed on the bbq. Enjoy with a few Cheers Hodgey
  8. Look at those 'shabby' stradics amongst all that class gear Pack some of that stuff in a suitcase in Jan, Tony ... and we'll see if we can't actually catch some fish on them What a great selection of reels! Cheers Skip
  9. An excellent report Derek, and yet another destination to add to the 'bucket list' of fishing destinations Cheers Ian
  10. Fantastic news Roberta Keith must be so relieved now. You have both been through a hell of a lot over the last few months. I hope the 2 week holiday is great! Cheers Skip
  11. Oh dear ... that's like a red flag to a bull! Nice work Slink. Even more justification for me to purchase more tackle Cheers Skip
  12. Well done to Dean Great to see another convert to the world of lure fishing, particulalry a family member. Good on ya, old fella! I just hope you remember what you taught him Hodgey
  13. Hodgey


    :1happybday: Raiders! It's a beautiful day down here, so I hope you're experiencing similar where you are. Have a great day! Cheers Hodgey
  14. Where do you get your energy, Roberta? The car has barely settled back onto the shockies from your barra sojourn and you're off chasing bream and bass again! Dive-bombing terns, inquisitive cows and feisty bass; your report had it all. Terrific to hear of Keith's progress as well. All indicators point towards a much better 2011 for you both Cheers Ian
  15. :thumbup: Damn, that is a fine collection. I always blame Slinky for any new tackle I purchase, now HE'S got someone to blame! C'mon Slink, show us the reel collection Skip
  16. is bassin' again this weekend

    1. DarkHorse


      Good luck with the bass mate, hope you get some PB's for you and Dene again!

    2. Hodgey


      You must be psychic mate! My new PB is now 50cm!

  17. Well done Becca. Great to see you having a crack at the kingies. What a shame the big one eluded you but the consolation prizes were a great reward. I bet you're still grinning Gaz Cheers Ian
  18. Well done Rob, and congrats on a new PB! That is an impressive outfit you have. Great to hear that it lived up to your expectations. Sounds like you had a very memorable bay. Catch up with you soon! Cheers Ian
  19. Good on ya Mick. Mediocre conditions and dirty water didn't stop you from finding a few fish and enjoying yourself regardless. Once it all settles down, it will be a different story next time around. Looking forward to your report "Nambucca Pt II" Cheers Ian
  20. Nice work mate! Google images provides photos of similar looking critters, with the apendage at the front appearing to be the way they anchor themselves to the sea bed.
  21. Prawns started running down here on the Far South Coast 2 weeks ago. Good numbers and quality ... approx 150m from my front door! Cheers Hodgey
  22. Hodgey


    Many Happy returns to all the Raiders celebrating today. Enjoy! Cheers Hodgey
  23. Ah Ray ... you've done it again! Terrific feed of fish mate. A worthy entrant for cotm too Hodgey
  24. That's something you'll remember for a loooong time! Great photos and report mate. Fingers crossed you crack it for a good kingy VERY soon Cheers Hodgey
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