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Everything posted by Hodgey

  1. Hodgey


    Nathan! Hope you have a fantastic day mate Cheers Hodgey
  2. Great work Mick! A beaut feed of whiting. 40+cm is a crackin' whiting, and to get more than one of that size is GOLD Cheers Ian
  3. I'd like to wish all the members and sponsors a safe, prosperous and happy New Year. Thank you for all your reports, photos, anecdotes and advice/suggestions in 2010. Our membership grows at a staggering rate, predominately due to the people who frequent our forum. I hope 2011 is your year for PB's, buckled rods and screaming drags, and countless productive days on the water. My New Year's resolution? I will get a jewy on lure! Cheers Hodgey
  4. Nicely done John. Looks like the family had a great time! What a shame the kingies were so tantalisingly close to the legal mark. Hopefully you'll nail some bigger models next time. Great photos mate Cheers Hodgey
  5. Great fish! Congrats Team Bangus Cheers Hodgey
  6. to you both. The uni knot is a reliable way to attach your line to your spool and is very easy to learn. The link is attached below: Uni Knot Cheers Hodgey
  7. Well Al certainly came back with a vengeance, didn't he? You and Syd are finding some quality fish in great numbers at the moment Peter Terrific photos as always mate. I hope the fishing continues for you into 2011! Cheers Skip
  8. You're obviously very happy with the stellas so I would stick to them. As for a rod, have a look at the new Berkley Venom range. Venom series rods Cheers Hodgey
  9. mate. Have a terrific day! Cheers Hodgey
  10. Cheers everyone, and thank you for the many texts and phonecalls! Scored VERY well today, with spinnerbaits, hardbodies, soft plastics, blades, Kokoda fishing shirt and a T Curve Revolution Bream Stick all being added to my collection today The weather is pretty ordinary, so I might just kick back and have a rum or two to the other Raiders celebrating today! Cheers Hodgey
  11. What a great way to spend a holiday. Looks like the Slinky Family had a terrific setup, with some aquatic travellers visiting as well. Hopefully the better fish put in an appearance for you today! Cheers Hodgey
  12. A beaut pair of breambos Grant. Nice way to salvage the day! Cheers Skip
  13. mate. Have a terrific day! Cheers Hodgey
  14. Merry Christmas to Byron, Shirl and the family. Take care mate and look forward to chatting with you soon. Thanks for the update Mrs Swordie! Cheers Hodgie
  15. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. It looks like the weather gods have arranged for some pretty reasonable weather 24-28 Dec, so I hope you all get the opportunity to get amongst some quality fish. Tight lines and screamin' drags, Cheers Hodgey
  16. You're on fire Trung Keep up the great work! Cheers Hodgey
  17. to all the Raiders celebrating today. Hope you're getting into a few fish, Josh Cheers Hodgey
  18. Top effort fellas! Great scenery and terrific company makes for a bloody enjoyable day chasing fish. Sounds like it was hard yakka but well worth the effort. Look forward to catching up with you, Coyote and the Junior Poddies over the Christmas period some time. Cheers Skip
  19. G'Day Will The equipment you require will generally be suggested to you by the person who adopts you for the day, according to the species being targeted. They may even be able to provide you with a spare outfit, so you know exactly what to purchase if you want to pursue those fish in the future. Line weight, leader weight, terminal tackle and lures can all be discussed prior to hitting the water. If you're intent on purchasing a new outfit, let them know your spending limit so they can advise you accordingly. Some of the things you should consider taking care of personally are: NSW Fishing Licence (unless exempt) Suitable attire for weather (Hat, wet-weather gear, footwear, etc) A drink and some tucker Money to cover expenses such as fuel and bait CAMERA Make sure you discuss your level of proficiency with the mentor too. Provided you can cast reasonably accurately, can tie your own knot and have a general idea of lure or bait fishing then the hard work is behind you. If you struggle with these basics then at least the mentor knows where to start and may suggest a tutorial on the bank before you venture out on the water. When you're out there, watch your mentor like a hawk! They can teach you those small intricacies that lead to cheshire-grinning success. It's a great time of year to learn, with most species starting to get quite active now. Good luck mate! Cheers Hodgey
  20. Hodgey


    Bogged Cheers Hodgey
  21. Great fish Chris Best of luck for the New Year mate Cheers Hodgey
  22. You'll need a different licence for Vic waters mate. Like NSW licence, they are sold everywhere. Cheers Hodgey
  23. Good on ya fellas. A great assortment of fish A shame about the smokin', Stewy. Smack 'em with the certate next time Cheers Skip
  24. G'Day all, NSW DPI has been running a photo competition for the last couple of years, with the best 13 photos being included in their calendar. The competition is on again, and can be found here: Photo comp Back in January, I posted this report, including this photo title 'Inhaled': I submitted the photo into the comp (on behalf of my brother), and he was notified recently that the photo would appear in the 2011 Calendar. (August photo). As if that wasn't enough, he also receives 10 free calendars .... and $600 worth of fishing gear! I have seen some amazing photos on our forum this year, so I would like to encourage everyone to have a crack at it! Cheers Hodgey
  25. Terrific report, amazing photos, fantastic fish .... green with envy Cheers Hodgey
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