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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Ryder

    lost keys

    Good news, like the saying goes ' Always in the last place '
  2. Hi Raiders, Haven't had much to report lately, I've had a few outings without success and been having a few issues with the family cat. He's been put on a new low protein diet and he doesn't like it, and he let me know by biting my leg. I'm pretty sure it's a little infected but that wasn't going to stop me this morning. Loading up the gear and the cat comes into the garage trying to get into the crawl space under the house. I put him out and locked the door, so he decides he's going across the road to have a go at the neighbors chooks. It took about half an hour to get him, I put him inside and left. First stop a small beach in Drummoyne to get the sand to mix the berley. Where's the bucket? Where's the bait? GRRRRR!!!!!!! Still in the driveway. Second stop back home, and I'm tossing around the idea of not going at all. Stuff that go! Got to the spot about an hour later than I wanted but I still had it to myself. I had my regular Butterworth/ Trudex combo along with a rod I had rebuilt matched with the Avon Royal 111 I picked up at Vinnies a little while ago, I hadn't caught a Blackfish on either. I started with the Butterworth and got a fish on the 2nd drift. When I didn't get another down for a while I started changing the depth. A little deeper, nothing, a little shorter and BANG I'm on again, then again for a 3rd fish. I knew I was onto a school so I berleyed more to keep them busy while I got the other combo sorted. New things take a bit of getting used to. The Avon Royal spins much more freely than the Trudex and I had problems with over runs and line spilling off on the cast. With running tide I didn't really need to cast distance, so I just dropped it in and let the current take it to the zone. That worked perfectly and I'm on again. The rod is a lot lighter than the Butterworth and a foot and a half shorter at 10 6 but it handled it well, it's more fun because it seems like the fish fight harder. I got five more on the new combo before I had another overrun problem, this time one of the loops that spilled off wrapped around a handle and formed a knot I knew wasn't coming out. The local kids turned up and started jumping off the rock, I didn't care, it was a hot day and I used to do the same thing. I just needed 1 more to bag out, so back on the Butterworth and number 10 was in the bag in short time. So what began very average turned out pretty good. Most of the fish were in the high 30s, I released 8 and kept 2 for the smoker. Cheers
  3. Good news, that was an anxious wait. He has probably been busy making guitars.
  4. I agree with all JonD is saying, really good advice. Crimp down the barbs on lures, not just for the fish, for yourselves. You don't want to be 600km from care with a treble lodged in your fingers or head that your partner can't pull out. Little wounds like line cuts and fish spikes get infected very quickly. A good pair of fishing gloves, and add this to your First Aid. It dries out wounds. Don't try to go Malcolm Douglas with native plants.
  5. You can get mullet at the markets, coop or local fish & chip fresher and cheaper than the bait shop. Ive seen guys use Shovelnose as Stink for beach worms, not as bait. I think I recall the guys in the video getting done for deliberately targeting Great White, a protected species.
  6. Ryder

    My YouTube feed

    Hi Raiders This music video turned up on my YouTube feed a bit randomly. I like sixties and seventies rock.... Someone has combined a scene from the 1969 movie Sweet Charity with Ike and Tina's Nutbush from 1973. You can see elements of Austen Powers, Michael Jackson and even Robert Palmer. Lets get things straight, I can't dance and I'm not into musicals, but this is pretty cool. Enjoy
  7. You could try Charlotte Head, just south of Forster.
  8. Sorry Savit, Now I have it, this copy is edited by James Cameron, my older one is edited by David Lockwood. They are the same book. The jewie is Cameron, the kingfish Lockwood. Maps and photos are a little better in the newer Cameron version but the text is the same.
  9. As well as the ' No Fishing' signs there was a 'Don't feed the cats' sign. There is a colony of ferals there. Its a challenging but rewarding boat spot for Blackfish.
  10. Mate I feel for you. It's a tragedy. 'Mismanagement' is not an excuse. Criminal negligence is closer to the point. I was down Manly way today for a funeral, we crossed over Warringah golf course . There was a fish kill down there that resulted in Millions in fines and Gaol Time.
  11. Very nice, and the price $5.95 that must be an early version. It's funny , GPS was still a weapons guidance system not available to the public. Spots were identified by intersecting lines of sight.pppp
  12. Never lend it out no matter how dog eared and disgusting it may be. Your mates wife will throw it out. That's what happened to 1 of mine. I don't think it will float that long, and I don't want to get it wet.Haha This is Lockwood, I can't find anything about Cameron
  13. Hi Raiders, Sly old dog just scored again. Pre Internet, Pre Fishraider, this was the best guide to fishing Sydney and surrounds. It's has featured in this forum before. https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/22152-sydneys-top-fishing-spots/ Published back in the 1990s by Modern Fishing, I had 1 back in the day, loaned it and lost it, the same happened to my 2nd copy. The same has happened to my mates. So in the last year or so I've managed to snag a few copies, 1 for me, I for Trevor, 1 for Gus and now for Royce. It's still a really valuable resource, some things have changed, eg. Ferry Wharf, size and bag limits, but then some things stay the same. $10. Love this book.
  14. I think you’re right. Queenfish.
  15. Very nice. I know everyone’s been waiting. Wonder if the spotty mackerel will follow?
  16. Absolute croc!!! Well done.
  17. Ryder

    Gulpless !

    The bags are known to dry out, and leak once opened. The jar is a better storage option. Even if you get some on special you don’t want you can add your favourites too the juice.
  18. Ryder

    Ekman Transport

    Happy New Year Raiders, Like most people having a few days off, not fishing much but going to the beach. Last week at Narrabeen guys were wearing steamers. Temp was 30 plus on the beach, below 20 in the water.. Why? ... The Ekman... https://apple.news/AaJVkP-hLTEKh0k89S8Y0Dw
  19. Sounds like a fun session with a little king in the mix. Well done.
  20. You made the right choice. No fish is worth becoming another statistic. That looks like a Blind Shark
  21. Leather jackets are known line snippers and they can be in plague proportions. A shiney swivel could act like a lure, you could try switching to black anodised. I reckon a squid got your livey.
  22. Congratulations Richard, well done. Great day for it, hope you get a legal.
  23. Merry Christmas Neil, See you in 2019.
  24. Hi Raiders Yesterday I had a look around at Kimbriki tip Buy Back at Terry Hills. A fishing/ sports store has had a fire or something and there are heaps of kids fishing rod combos up for grabs. I'm not sure of the brand or price, they look like this. They couldn't ask much. There are also heaps of flipper sets Land and Sea Brand, different sizes, worth a look if you're in the area.
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