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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Ryder

    Lazy sunday

    Good to see, I like to rebuild and reuse when ever possible. I've had this blowfly trap sitting around for years, you've given me an idea. Thanks. Have to measure it make sure it's legal Ryder
  2. I knew the weather was going to be a bit dodgey and didn't want to get caught far from home so I went to Tarban. Saw heaps of good size bream competing for bread kids were feeding the ducks. I cast the new sugapen off the other side of the bridge into the creek a few times and I was on. First bream off the surface. Not huge about 20 cm but I was happy. I walked along the wall casting as I went and managed another undersize bream a and a couple of choppers. I definitely missed a few takes and had heaps of near misses mostly in the creek between the mouth and the footbridge. As the weather started closing in and thunder in the distance I was casting off the bridge when my graphite rod discharged electricity into my thumb. It lasted about 1/2 second and I could hear the Zzzzzzzzzz Ouch Would this be from the static in the air before the storm or does it just build up in the rod from casting ? Made it out of there before the real lightning started. P.S A local came up and asked me if I was after kingies ,with my 3 kg outfit I laughed and said no, he said they have been in there. Ryder
  3. Very nice fish. I am learning so much from fishraider, thanks for the report.
  4. Weather permitting I am going out tomorrow for a fish. Following your advice I am making the move to more synthetics. I have Zmann grubs and power bait minnows and a sugapen, this time I am looking for a feed. Any suggestions north-side would be much appreciated. I am thinking Bayview or Narrabeen. Thanks
  5. Well done mate. Persistence paying off.
  6. Years ago on holiday We met a guy constantly catching big ones night after night. He told us fresh mullet was the go. Next night my brother got one about 60 cm. Far north end One mile beach Forster. Śhhhhhhhhh
  7. No I followed DPI recommendation, "nothing west of the harbour bridge" besides we wear fishing for fun not a feed.
  8. WOW!!! MASTER! This is what I aspire to. Looking forward to learn at the social. Thanks for the post Ryder
  9. Ryder

    Alvey reels

    I inherited fibreglass one from my grandfather around 1979 he always used Alvey. I think he was still using a cedar in the 70's. Built to last and very tough. One night camping I ran over mine reversing the car, right over it. I snapped off one handle, everything else fine and usable. Lucky it had two.
  10. I talked my wife into going to Brays Bay Rhodes for a fish this afternoon with a new bag of Gulp jerk shads . Struggled to get a park, the restaurant gets busy on weekends. Once out of the car the wind was blowing straight onshore so we headed back over the river to Kissing Pt. I set her up and while rigging my gear she's on 2nd cast. Chopper tailor her first fish on plastic. Ten minutes later I'm on to my first Legal flathead. A lot of boat traffic with the ramp, and the ferry and river cats make the pontoon a wild ride Fairly stoney shoreline and quite a few snags, combined with the choppers we finished the new bag in 45 minutes. But we headed home with a first each
  11. Hobart , 400km south of their normal range.
  12. Did anyone catch radio Aunty science show today. A young researcher said that she has been tracking kingfish and mahi mahi, and they have been turning up way way south of their normal range. She said it was because of the EAC. Maybe this explains some of the unusual catches around Sydney. I didn't catch all the details. Is that a coral trout in the banner images? Dad in Nelson Bay. if so I say keep bringing them south EAC
  13. Great catch, and great report. I'm glad you chose SWR that tuna sure beats whiting off the beach I suggested. Ryder
  14. I think I got it Snake eel, posted it in Aquarium
  15. I think it's a serpent or snake eel.
  16. Happened to me and it was the seal behind the prop. Fishing line was the cause.
  17. One of these hands is my wifes
  18. Hey Nutsaboutfishing I cracked my cherry a couple of weeks ago at Brays Bay just over the river at Rhodes. About 1km over the bridge on the left there is a park ,restaurant and Kokada track Memorial. I fish from the restaurant north towards the mangroves along the park. I posted in saltwater lure and fly. No finesse just let the 5" gulp sink , slow wind in and it worked. I am definitely looking to learn more from a social SWORDFISH
  19. Hi DanRob You could try the main beach at Crescent Head. Live worms are available at the service station in town if the sign is out, they go fast. The whiting fishing is very good. The beaches down the back road to Pt Plomer are great too but harder to get to, long dirt stretches can be rough. Ryder
  20. Thanks Erwin the red was much better than the white. The Boss really knows how to put on a show. 3 hours went fast
  21. If any Raiders who attended can remember the name of the WA red wine over the bar please message me. Great night
  22. That's it simplify! Don't forget grated potatoes for yakkas Cat food goes well in a crab trap too
  23. Wedding cakes, fish from upstream side according to the tide, and let the bait drift right in there. Kingies are midwater hunters so don't go right to the bottom.
  24. Thanks guys. Felt like a kid and wanted to run home and tell Mum.
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