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Everything posted by Blackfish

  1. 700 Fathoms dropping down to 1300 Fathoms........ its more of a Canyon than a Hill. There is a hill before it at 490 fathoms, not sure of coordinates for that. Don't think i'll fish it with a hand line B.F.
  2. I don't believe any body has fished it but yes its something like 400 fathoms............. Stayed tuned and I will find out. B.F.
  3. Curious Croc......... Just put you hand in the Water Sunset In the Wilderness Just a Couple of photos I thought I'd share. B.F.
  4. I've seen Jackets diving up the Barrier Reef nibbling away on Coral ............ so definitely not on the Menu those ,have to resort to Coral Trout etc . B.F.
  5. Beat me Flattieman also found the bugger under Scrawled Filefish. The link I found also mentioned reports of ciguatera poisoning . http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/Country/Count...pecies=scriptus I think that fellow posts on a Indonesion Fishing web site. B.F.
  6. Should take the dog out with you, it seems to be able to sniff out a fish. Good work . B.F.
  7. Yer right about one think Leaky181....... better than domestics at home......... which was my day. I know the fishing was crook but at least you had a day out with the mates. B.F.
  8. Great story and photos Covanova, special part of the country . B.F.
  9. The Maltese Falcon and I went up to Palmy this morning hoping for a few Bream. Well with the N.W. wind blowing which made it a bit hard on our little point with the wind putting a belly in our line ,and just on low tide with not much water in our little hole,but hey no excuses . The Falcon putting a bit of Burley in... Bites were a bit scarce and we had to work hard for 1 Silver Drummer-released(I thought I had the mother of all Bream)1 Black Drummer-released /undersized, a few Wrasse -released and 3 Bream with 1 released as we thought it was the only one we were going to get and it was only a bit over the legal limit . The couple of Bream we ended up getting Pretty poor effort but "Better Then Work" B.F.
  10. I don't think it will be in direct conflict with this site SINOHBF so http://www.fishingouting.com/forums/index.php the Mods from Singapore but they do some fishing up around Indo. Regards B.F.
  11. How about that I'm from Australia and sometimes look at a Site from up your way SINOHBF ..... what a small world with the Net. Look foward to reading some of your posts. B.F.
  12. Blackfish

    Fish I.d

    Not sure what part of the country your in but as a East coast guess Red Rock Cod http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/students...s/scorpaena.htm Or maybe a Half Banded Seapearch, seen a few in Sydney. http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/fishfact...sh/hmaccull.htm Now if you live in some Exotic location I'm ??????? B.F.
  13. All these closures don't address the real Problems ................... Targeting Spawning Fish ......Beach Hauling etc. Estuary Trawling.. destroying the Eco that a lot of Juvenile fish grow up in . How about addressing these and I bet you'll have more fish. B.F.
  14. I think they could be Juvenile Lobsters ..... something like they come to the surface and drift with the currents till they get bigger. Used up my download quota for the month ........ computer, soooooooo... slowwwwwww. Google it and I'm sure the answer is there. B.F.
  15. On that occasion CFD there was 2 of them and they just hung around, though they got a tad excited whenever we hooked a fish ,they normally just sulk around low in the water, but when you hooked a fish they raised themselves and started snaking in the direction of the hooked fish. If you were using a Popper they got really excited and tried to eat the Popper and they really got the Sh#ts when they couldn't kill the buger.........great visual action. Plenty of stories of Crocs up that way, no battle ship size ones but enough to make you think before dangling your toe in the water. B.F. P.S. Little-Flatty no it was not on the Northern beaches unless you live about 400klm north of Broome ,and one lived on the Beach a couple of Hundred mts south of the Camp.......... and would come to Visit .
  16. This is a photo of a Croc that was waiting for someone to put their toe on the back step. Seeing that I was sitting on the rear seat with the tiller it was hard to watch the boys fishing as I was not keen to take my eyes off him/her. On another day one came up and put its nose on the same step and just hung there. B.F.
  17. I to hope the fellow is alright. You also have the problem with Hypothermia at the movement. There is a MASSIVE amount of water in those swells, 14-15 seconds between peaks. So be very careful today off those rocks. I think we all want to see reports on here of what you caught not in the Paper that a Fisherman got caught by the Ocean.
  18. Guess a BIG Ray also ................ Smokin. B.F.
  19. Great photos and how cool do those dolphins look. To me, catching fish is only part of the big picture and how many people don't get to see pictures like that for real or don't want to .................. well I recon it would be to crowded anyhow. B.F.
  20. Seen Turtles in both Botany Bay and Pitwatter ,also saw one up at Woy Woy many years ago(when I was young) never seen one in the Harbour but there would be no reason they would not be there . There is a Penguin rookery in the Harbour and in Pittwater, not sure about Botany though. Saw a Seal in the Harbour last year a couple of times. A mate saw one of the third Runway last week and another mate saw one off Molinex point this afternoon. Plenty of wildlife out there, Enjoy. B.F.
  21. ARRRRRRRR............ now I see it The other thing I've found is take the Pic in your highest resolution, then crop it . Sometimes works. B.F.
  22. Just came back from a working/fishing trip up in the Kimberley's and all the good gear that people had, the biggest cause of Fish Lost (Deep Water release ) was bad knots. Practice tying knots with the line you will be using before going .... anywhere. Good link Aron. B.F.
  23. Try this Link http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/fishfact...sh/oornatus.htm They are a commercially harvested species in NSW, and I've heard there good eating, Recon a bast#$@d to clean though, B.F.
  24. The bird could have been a Gannet ..... Try http://www.amonline.net.au/factsheets/aust...sian_gannet.htm B.F.
  25. That Bl#%dy Hindsight , could of been a shark , they like big fast runs ... though I have heard a 3rd hand report of a Very large Cobe coming out of Botany Bay. B.F.
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