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Everything posted by frankS

  1. Jim. I'll be hanging around the fountain somewhere in my Fishraider T shirt, I might bring the other one as well IF someone else wants to wear it for the event. I used to have a stack of " I fish and I vote " stickers but I can't find where I stored them. Would have been handy to get the message across to future parliament . Frank
  2. I can't ID it either. Probably something extracted from a ballast tank of an ocean liner or tanker. Could be something like a juvenile Cole fish or the like. Frank
  3. One tiny little slip up and he would be history. Months of work and preparation would have gone into every sequence of the filming and to be that good would be a lifetime of practice. Amazing footage and thanks for sharing, I couldn't just watch it once . Frank
  4. Is this still on for sure ?, I don't want to be wandering around Hyde Park in my new Fishraider T shirt by myself, can't decide to wear the White one OR the Black one ? . Let's all meet at the fountain, do the march, then we could go to a buffet and have some refreshments and a chin wag between us Fishraider members. Frank
  5. Well done old mate, good to see a couple of nice fish on the bank, I generally fillet and get rid of the fat before cooking, very tasty flesh and a good meal. Frank
  6. The way you are going it looks like you might have yours finished before I have mine completely finished. I have been slowly ( and I mean slowly ) prepping mine to get it ready for this coming season, I will see if I can add a few photos. Looking at your boat is like seeing mine!! I am thinking of painting my topside Maroon with white bottom, but might just leave it unpainted till I make up my mind what colour I want it. Send me your address in PM as I want to send you some small items that you might find handy for the boat.
  7. frankS


    Never tire of looking at photos of any kind posted on here and the Sunrise/sunset one are among my favorite. Unfortunately I have none to show as I haven't even been about during any nice events the past 6 months and very rarely have a camera on the boat when I do get out, but that will change this coming season when I get my latest project boat finally in the water. Frank
  8. Couta means cold water and time to find another spot, good going to pick up those nice flathead. Frank
  9. I used to camp overnight at Rhino beach just down from Croppy point, it's a beautiful little spot and close to some great fishing, camp well up on the beach towards the bush. Don't know if it's frowned upon these days but I spent many a night there and nothing ever said. Frank
  10. Donna. Delivery date states mid September so probably a week or two away yet. Keen to get them, don't know about a photo as I am not the prettiest model about but I', sure the shirts will look great on anyone. Frank
  11. Originally the front sheet of alloy would have been all the way back to where the bracing is, on yours it has been cut back for some reason, and there would have been a curved one piece windscreen on it. Frank
  12. It's a Brooker. On the starboard side of the gunwale about centre from the tip of the bow to where the steering would be there will be a number stamped into the outside of gunwale, this would confirm the identity. 50hp in my opinion would be overkill, I have one like this with a 30hp 2 stroke Mercury and it goes OK 40 would be great as mine is fully decked out with centre twart seat removed floors and cast decks added forward steer elect motor 85 ltr bait tank etc etc etc. I have also welded another full 4mm plate to the transom with additional bracing, so could take a 70hp if I wished but with yours as it is with tiller steer 30 would be ok. Wish you were closer as I would love to get my hands on that thing and help you build it. Frank
  13. Jon. Your girls are simply amazing, from your first post on Sydney Angler I have admired your stories about your girls and the wonderful photos you have provided us with. They truely deserve any rewards and awards that come their way. Please keep us informed all the way with their progress. Frank
  14. John and Neil. Should be able to work a trip down your way Neil, will talk more about it when you are up here in November ?. Frank
  15. Very good point about the long leader and this is why I encourage discussion on the subject, to talk about pros and cons of the subject. Frank
  16. I remember when I first started going beyond the heads to fish, the Peak was everybody's choice and I was not exception. Back then there was no GPS no Sounders ( might have been around but I couldn't afford one ) and we had to go by compass and land marks, was a bit touch and go to get over a decent spot, If you was first or 2nd boat out there it was just good luck if you were over reef, there would be 20 or 30 boats on the Peak at prime times and the action was usually hot. When I could afford a sounder it was the flasher style that read the bottom and if you were very lucky and had everything adjusted right you could see flashes of fish, WOW that was technology and it was amazing, then several years later the first G P S units were available to the public and I bought a Garmin 120, It picked up 8 satelites and you could follow tracks to get to your spot, store waypoints etc, it was the start of the end for places like the peak as every man and his dog could now buy a boat and travel offshore and find fish. I got my first boat around 1962 and by 64 was going outside, think it was around 69 or 70 that I got my first sounder and wasn't till about 86 that I got my first GPS. Sometimes I would spend more time playing with my new toys rather than fishing and trying to find new spots, as back in them days you knew you could catch plenty of good fish whenever you wanted them. Things sure have advanced in the past 50 years or so. Frank
  17. A friendly warning not to do it. We are getting a lot of new folk here that are just learning the art of fishing and want to learn different aspects of the art. A subject came up recently that prompted this post and I thought it best to start a thread about the subject. With Alvey reels and beach fishing in particular . When beach fishing you generally want to get your bait and sinker out there as far as you can cast it, to do this with and Alvey you twist the spool to casting mode and hold the line with either thumb or finger, some hold the line against the rod others hold their finger/thumb on the spool itself. You than whip the tip of the rod as fast as you know how and release the line from the spool at the best angle to achieve a long cast. Now to do this the line whips off the spool at a tremendous speed and force and if you are using Braid it will cut and cut very deeply. So any body new to fishing or even the experienced fisho that may not be aware of the dangers, I urge you not to put braid on a Alvey reel. And I encourage discussion about this subject. Cheers Frank
  18. Baz. Just didn't want any newcombers to the sport thinking they could use braid with Alveys. Just to emphasize my meaning to new folk. With beach fishing you generally use heavy sinkers and you want your bait to get out there as far as you can throw it, ( not always best ) and to do this using an Alvey you turn the spool side on and hold the line with either finger or thumb ( whichever method you use ) and you whip the bait and sinker out as fast as you know how, now this makes the line come off the spool at tremendous pace and force, if you are holding the braid stopping it from falling off the spool till the optimim time in the cast when it does release with your finger/thumb in the way, it will cut and cut deeply. I think if Braid was made in Australia where Alveys are popular it would come with a warning on the packaging. Frank
  19. Berleyguts talked about using Alveys which is good advise, but then he says you could use Braid which is not to be used with Alveys, you would have no fingers left if you use braid with Alveys off the beach. Maybe I read the post wrong but then, IF I did so will others. Wilson make very good beach rods. Frank
  20. I have never liked fuel gauges and electronics is not one of my strong points. I have always just used a dip stick for large fuel tanks, very simple just measure up the stick to the full mark cut a groove in it then measure 1/2 way and both 1/4 and 3/4 marks and find somewhere to store stick. Sooner or later electronic device will fail. Frank
  21. Wow a drag net to gather bait, seems like major overkill to me, why not start off with a scoop net and prawn light. Frank
  22. Unfortunately the Weedy, ( Blue spotted ) Whiting due to it's habitat ( around weed beds ) is not as good eating fish as it's cousins the other types of Whiting. However you can still get a tasty meal from them if cooked right, the one in photo would be male, not that that has anything to do with the taste. Frank
  23. frankS

    Windy days

    Wow Fab you sure know how to get the juices flowing. When do I get an invite to the next windy day's feast ?. Frank
  24. frankS

    Electric motor

    Jim. Have you had the chance to test out the downrigger bomb yet ?. Frank
  25. frankS

    Electric motor

    I have a oldish style 54lb Motorguide with 40 inch ( 1 metre ) shaft, On a 4.3 older style Brooker . It does the job on most situations but can struggle against fast current and wind. It does most jobs I want. The newer electrics are so far advanced of my old unit it would be unfair to compare. Frank
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