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Posts posted by vipernut

  1. Have soccer early saturday & sunday. Hoping to go for a :1fishing1: saturday arvo,not sure where yet. Possibly somewhere around the gong.

    Sunday arvo watching the dragons V broncos with father in law (a keen St George fan)

    enjoying a few :beersmile::beersmile:

    Hoping for a dragons win to bring the broncos closer to THE MIGHTY EELS

    What a game tonight,flogged the dogs. :1clap::1clap:

  2. The :wife: dragged me out to local Big W today after her soccer match. I thought might aswell check out fishing section for some bass minnows(all gone). :thumbdown:

    Instead i spotted the berkley 4" shrimp and of course had to buy them (they look so good). :thumbup:

    My question is has anyone used them?if so how did you rig them(what brand jighead) and has anyone had any success on them?




    heres a pic


  3. son has the saturday off from soccer so hopefully i will be :1fishing1: . probably head down to maianbar in the arvo,pump some nippers and have a :1fishing1: .

    sunday :wife: soccer. :soccer_h4h::soccer_h4h::soccer_h4h:

    Just recieved a call from our u/9 div 1 side and they want my son(u/8)to play goal keeper for them saturday.It is a morning game luckily so i should still be able to get out int the arvo.


  4. With plans for a picnic/fishing session on monday with :wife: and friends.I decided to head to maianbar to pump nippers and to squeeze in a quick fish. Arrived at just after 4pm(low 5:20) with No1 son. headed out on the flats and pumped a few nippers all the while slowly heading towards main channel.

    Once at the main channel proceeded to set up rods and bait up son(lucky he knows how to cast,atleast). There were lots of pickers around so repeated previous several times.Nathan then says he has a fish and winds in a little toad :thumbdown: once it was dealt with and uncerimonaslly returned to water,had to bait him up again.

    Checked my negleted rod and of course no bait. As i am casting out again Nathan pulls in a just undersize whiting. Removed and returned to the water,and rebaited his rod.

    Checked my rod and of course nothing.It was then Nathan decided to play in the sand :1clap: .Pull out other my other rod rigged with a bass minnow(pearl/blue) on a suidgy finesse jig head.

    Second cast using a slow lift/wind retrieve i come up tight on what felt like a good fish,after a short fight and one burst just as i was about to beach it,in comes a flatty.My first legal fish on a sp :yahoo::yahoo:

    A few more cast for only one missed hit,but my other rod buckled over with a nipper and i pulled in a 32cm whiting.

    As it was getting very dark and no1 son was getting hungary decided to pack up and leave just before 6pm

    The flatty went 46cm and is my lunch tomorrow :thumbup:

    P.S. sorry no pics only had mobile with me and didnt turn out to good.

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