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Posts posted by vipernut

  1. Nice squid. Used to fish bundeena wharf a far bit,abou 8yrs ago now. Used to drive down with some refreshments and spend a few hours on the wharf.

    There used to be plenty of squid around,and pike. Have caught a few nice flatties there on dark. Also used to catch a heap of port jackson sharks there(always released-wish i had a saltwater aquarium but,got a few small ones).Put up a pretty good fight on light gear.

    Good luck.


  2. What a shame, would have been good to attend my first FR social on waters that i fish. The upside is i will be

    enjoying 9 nights on the manning river at the time.I will look forward to reading the reports.

  3. Hi picked up a few packets of the berkley squid in 3inch, Has anyone tried these and if so, which jighead size/weight would be recommended.Also if anyone is interested pm me and i will let you know where they were purchased at what i think is a good price $4.68 pkt of 8.


  4. Hi all, I have recently bought an overhead boat combo. The rod is rated at 5-8kg. I opted for 15pound main line,and today bought some Seaguar leader in 30pound.

    My question is how much leader should i use, I will be using the rod as a general purpose outfit with a mix of trolling/bottom bouncing.

    I am abit of a novice with this type of gear(most of my gear is lightweight).

  5. It would help if you tell me if you are land based, what style of fishing you will be doing (beach,river), and and perticular species you want to target.

    Hi kingpig, i have a boat,so am thinking off fishing mostly the river. I have a very open mind as to what species,but am hoping to play around with a heap of plastics so predomadently flathead,bream,whiting and possibly a trip one day futher up to try and tangle with some bass.

  6. Hi all, i am attending a wedding in the middle of september(wife is in the bridal party).The wedding is in the taree area. I decided it would be a good time for a bit of a holiday,so we are going up for nine nights and staying at a place on Mitchells Island(manning point).

    The perfect place for a fish,Manning river on one side and 100m to the beach on the other side.The trouble is i have never fished in this area before.I have already aquired some maps of the river system and looked for likely spots on google earth.

    I was wondering if any members have any knowledge of the area.From what i can see from maps and google i will be launching from manning point.

    Also if any members live in the area, i would gladly offer them a spot on my boat for a days fishing in exchange for some good company and some local knowledge.



    I have also just realised that the boat is un-named and i have know idea where to start to come up with one.

    Any suggestions would be helpfull.

  8. Thanks fellas,yes im very happy.

    It is extremely clean,has been well maintained and is set up ready to go fishing.

    I want to do a few little things to it including making the rear seat more user friendly. just has a bench seat. I want to make a new one with some form of back rest and have already started measuring up for the job.

    At the moment i fish in the georges/botany bay with my father and brother in law.I will continue to fish this area,but with the freedom to fish the locations i want to fish.I am also keen to fish port hacking and even have plans to fish lake illawarra.

    I also have plans to fish windamere dam,as my parents live up that way.

    I look forward to meeting up with fellow fishraiders on the water,and posting some reports.


  9. Hi all,I am one very happy person at the moment.I bought ny first boat yesterday afternoon.She is a pre loved cruise craft,with a 99model 60hp evinrude on the back.I got alot of accesories with it including a lowrance color gps combo(with map card) and all saftey gear.Also got 12months rego on boat.

    Just a few little mods to be done to set it up how i want it,but im pretty happy with what i have got to begin with.

    Now i just have get my boat license and i will be right.



  10. Hi all,my name is Stephen. I have been a fishraider member for a few years,but have been absent on the forum(and from fishing) for a while for several reasons.

    I am 32 yrs old and live in macquarie fields.I have 3 kids(1 boy and 2 girls).Myself and my partner are very heavily involved with our local soocer club.We are both on the committee,while my partner and my son both play.My son is also involved with our district rep side.This takes up a great deal of my time and OF COURSE most weekends.

    When i do get to get out for a fish,the majority of the the time it is with my father in law.We mostly fish botany bay/georges river,but occasionally fish in port hacking.I am still trying to master the art of succesfully fishing soft plastics,as so far i have been a bit hit and miss.

    I am also on the verge of buying my first boat,and am currently looking for something that satisfys what im after.I have a few to look at through the week and fingers crossed i find the right one.

    I think its going to take me a few days to read through some of the posts,so i can find out what has been going on.I look forward to posting some reports and catching up with fellow fisherman/woman.

    stephen :1fishing1:


  11. Definetly 2nd round for AUSSIES.

    Bazil-just so much talent bound to come close to winning.

    France-a definite chance to be around at the end,also full of talent+ have my favourite player and

    pick for the golden boot.Thierry Henry.

    Who needs sleep


  12. Had planed on hitting Maianbar saturday arvo,until just after lunch when father in law rang to ask if i wanted to go in the boat with him and :wife: Uncle,so of course i said yes.

    We hit the river about 430pm and after a short trip to our spot X,the lines went out.We had tried the same spot a week earliar with the :wife: uncle landing all the decent fish,while myself and father in law came home with big fat doughnuts.So we were hoping for a better result this time and we wernt dissapointed.

    The next few hours up to about 930pm saw us land a good number of fish and made sure that we all came home with a feed of fish.

    We ended up bringing home between us-2 jewies,60cm and 75cm.

    -4 whiting,all very nice size and very well fed.

    -6 Bream

    It was a top afternoon out on the water and we now know that Spot X fishes better on a falling tide.


    P.s All fish were caught on worm baits

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