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Posts posted by vipernut

  1. Will try to get some info,My parents live up that way about 40min drive to windamere.Talked to my dad briefly last night and he said the fishing report in the local paper said they have been getting a few nice fish mostly on spinnerbaits.There was a photo of a 104cm cod and he mentioned a nice rainbow as well around 60cm(not sure where it was caught).

    He also said the dam was around 30% full and the water was fairly clear.He is going to chat to a few of the locals he knows that fish there regularly and gather some info.As soon as i know more will post.



  2. Went down to windang this morning with my 11yr old son in tow,Arrived just after 6am.I have not fished this area for several years and with my son with me didnt want to venture onto the breakwall.

    Decided to walk the flats between the bridge and the the channel entrance.My boy was using some frozen prawns left over from a previous outing(Ill remember the yabby pump next time),while i tried several different soft plastics.

    Despite all efforts though couldnt manage a thing.I had one bump and a few follows from some small whiting but couldnt hook anything.Saw a couple of fish power thru one of the small channels(appeared to be reasonable bream)with the majority of their fins sticking out of the water as it was only shallow.

    Also saw a few splashes and showers of small bait fish,tried several plastics and even my stiffy popper but nothing.

    Can someone recommend a spot in the Windang area that is child friendly and produces fish.



    P.s I did however register in the competition being run in the lake for the $5000 bream,there is also 4 tagged flathead worth $500each.The competion goes till the end of february so looks like i will be fishing down there a bit more,but i think the boat might be the better option.


  3. Did anyone make it down there today,Iceman/Chriso.

    Will be there tomorrow morning around 530am,My 11yr old son has decided to come along aswell.I will be fishing with sp's while my boy will be trying bait.

    will post a report sometime tomorrow.



  4. This was one of the creatures we caught. Had a short snout and a few pectoral fins on its back.

    Does this look like a sawfish ? Definitely not a ray ?


    Definetly shovel nose shark(ray),They are pretty good eating.



  5. I will be taking the girls down on thursday morning to fish the last couple of hours of the runup

    Will be chasing whiting of the beach probably somewhere between the breakwall and the surfclub

    I will look forward to reading how you go.I cant make it thursday but friday morning is looking like a definite.

    Mate that sounds good i may not be able to this friday though but i'd love to go out and fish with someone a little more experienced to get a few pointers. I will definatly let you know when i am free and will meet up.

    Cheers Chris

    Would be good to meet up sometime,Just send me a pm and let me know when you are available.



  6. Hi Chriso,

    when are you thinking of heading down there might be able to meet up.I have been keen to try down that way as well.Havnt fished down there for afew years but,and not with sp's.

    I was thinking of maybe an early friday morning session this week,wasnt sure to go to maianbar(which i visit fairly often)or try somewhere new.

    Am also in campbelltown area.would be good to meet up with a fellow raider for a fish.



  7. You can do it(the course)on your computer,you just have to pay $10(i think it is) and download it or you can reuest the dvd version to be sent out to you. I did mine on the computer and at the end of it you print out a certificate to say you have viewed the course.Then you take this with you when you go for the licensce test.



    P.s. Do the pratice test a few times on there website to,The questions in the test are exactly the same word for word.

  8. In defence of my brother Uncle Johnno, he doesn't fish a lot during the year, nowhere near as much as the rest of us and when he does he only ever keeps 1 fish for the table.

    How many of us can say we only ever take just 1 legal fish and pack up for the day?

    No defence needed.

    Why is that big flatties always start the should have released it debate.Im not a moderator but think some people need to reread the site rules.

    15. No criticism of legal catches and/or inappropriate imposing of C&R views in fishing reports

    This is the only fault, on what is a perfect fishing site.

    That is one terriffic flatty :thumbup:

    I think Uncle Johnno will be bragging for a long time,I would :tease:



  9. Hi evopete and :1welcomeani: to the site.

    I would say do an internet search on your outboard,should find specs somewhere.

    I would also suggest you contact Huey,one of the site sponsers.You can find his details in the sponser section.He would be the best person to talk to in regards to which outboard/and price would match your boat.



  10. Hit the bay early with the father & brother in law(on their boat).Slightly windy and a bit choppy.

    Headed over towards towra to try a drift but the wind wasnt really helping.The father in law hooked up first,thought he had something decent,abit of weight and a slight pull.He pulls up a very nice size toad :tease: . I was next,to hook up and managed a just undersize bream(24.5cm).

    The wind was a pain so decided to try the other side of the bay,over near brighton.The wind was abit better and the drift abit slower now all we needed were some fish.It didnt take long and we were all hooked up,we pulled in about 15 whiting most just under legal,but did manage 4 legals around the 30cm mark.

    We then came across a patch of pinkies that were fun to play with on light gear,Geez they hit hard for their

    size.I then hooked up to something that felt slightly different and pulled in a bream of about 20cm that had the weirdest head ive have ever seen(photo on brother-in-laws camera to follow). It had a big bite mark on it,suffered some time previously as a result it had a hump like a snapper with a big concave part behind it,It must have been lucky to survive it.

    When then decided to move again,and did a drift more towards the sailing club.The brother in law managed to catch 2 of the smallest flatties ever :tease: and i managed to catch 1 that went 40cm.After that we had a couple more drifts where i managed to catch one of the little ones that decided to spike me while unhooking it :mad3: and the brother in law caught a small one aswell.

    All in all a good day on the water,back home by 1130am

    Tally for the day

    1 legal flatty, 4or5 small ones.

    approx 15 whiting-4 legal

    approx 30 pinkies

    about 6 bream

    a toad :1prop:

    and 1 small occy.



    P.s everything was caught on live nippers except my legal flatty which took a frozen prawn. :wacko:

  11. Another top post Pj,

    Even if you didnt catch anything,Still great to be on the water.

    That is one very nice looking location to spend a few hours relaxing, waiting/hoping for a bite.



    p.s. Hoping to try a spot over the weekend that i think may hold some carp.Not 100% sure if i will make it

    as the :wife: is working and i will have the kids..Will post if i make it out.

  12. Can we please stay on topic which is your replies and responses to my day with my Little Yellow Buttrest!!!

    I'd love to continue this topic and feel it should be aired but will start a discussion in fishing chat at another time to do so!!! Meanwhile tell me what you think about my Carpin' outing!!! :yahoo:

    Cheers as always

    Hi pj,

    Sorry that my question has taken away the focus from what was a great report, :thumbup:

    I thouroughly enjoy reading your posts/poems on your carpin adventures,and look forward to your next report.

    I will definately take you up on your offer to show me what carp fishing is all about(sometime in the near future) and then,hopefully i will have my own carp story to report on.



    ps Enjoy your little yellow buttrest!

  13. As an end note it's my understanding that to date nobody has been prosecuted under these laws in Australia.

    This may be true but i would hate to be the first,and have always obeyed the laws that are in place.

    Truly Australia's laws are so disjointed something has to be done to change them and bring all states inline with each other!!! Did you know in the ACT you can freely release Carp

    I agree we should have one standard law, I was aware of the ACTs policy where they give you the choice to either remove or return them.

    Come out for a day with me and I'll show you what Carp fishin's all about!!!!

    I would gladly join you on a carp expedition sometime in the near future.


  14. I know DPI ask for you to remove them

    Cheers as always

    From fisheries website-

    "carp have been identified as a major threat to Australia’s freshwater fisheries. They should not be

    returned to the water alive and strict penalties apply for translocation of carp".Due to this ruling i dont really see any other option than to humanely kill them. I know they are prized fished elsewhere(so a good pommie show on foxtel on the weekend,targeting carp.They caught one that was 33pound,Geeez it was fat)but without trying to start an arguement i would much prefer to catch one of our native bass and maintain our waterways for them to thrive in.



  15. Hi pj,

    Once again a great report :thumbup: .I have been thinking of trying abit of carp fishing in the menangle/camden area. I know a few spots that look like likely locations.

    I have one question,what do you do with the carp when you catch them?

    If i managed to catch one i would kill it humanley,but dont want to bring it home to dispose of it.I dont want to just leave it in the area rot either.

    Was thinking of just bagging it and disposing of it in the first bin i find roadside.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.



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