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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Two great sesions and it looks like the prawns are out and about...no wonder the fish are fat in the Cooks!
  2. Hey Fishdrawal you motivated me and I got out on the kayak this morning and nailed a good one!
  3. That's a cracker and the question is eat or strip! This is a good time of year for the biguns and I bet you are now hooked!
  4. That's a great session and well done on the PB! Did you get them inside the bay?
  5. Nice mullet... he looks like he was about to head out to sea for the big northern migration! Bonus Reddy too!
  6. That's a cracking session and I hope you can remember it! I'm surprised a nice jewy didn't wander past and finish off the night!
  7. Great fish and well done on the release! I caught and kept one in 2006 that went 96cm not long after I strated targeting flatties and I quickly made a vow to release anything above 65cm after realising how important releasing the breeders is. I've since caught and released well over 30 fish above 65cm including 3 in the 90s and I've caught plenty of smaller models for a feed in the mix!
  8. That is a solid sesh! How is the mullet caught in the trap....that is a deathwish
  9. Crackin' flatty there and well done on the release....very broad shoulders....on the fish
  10. Well done Stewy, I can almost hear the hoots you guys would have let out after cracking the metre in the Cook's! True perseverence when the oil light said No!
  11. Looks like the Cook's! What a fish!
  12. Wow, great haul....what size did they average?
  13. Nice flatties and lesson learned with the rod overboard. Over the years the Georges has claimed 3 of my outfits through lazy fishing
  14. Greta haul and feed from the stones!!
  15. jenno64


    Cracking inker there... that will feed a family Delicious!
  16. Decided to hit Kurnell yesterday morning as light winds were forecast until midday. On the water at 7am to spend the first half hour hunting squid but no joy to be had there. I decided to tie on a couple of shallow divers and head across the flats to some deeper water near the sanctuary zone where a few boats were already congregated. Just before I left the flats onto the weedy drop off, my trusty HB looks like it's snagged in the thick ribbon weed but the snag started to take line I turned the yak and followed the fish around for a few minutes trying to get a glimpse as I thought it may have been a ray from it's numerous runs. Luckliy I was only in a metre of water and the clarity was pretty good with a glassy surface. Got a glimpse of a large flatty but hard to estimate size in that depth. Only had a 6lb trace on this outfit so I took my time and she eventually came up off the bottom and slipped into the net. The trailing hook helped with a solid lip hook and the treble was caught near the gills. I took her ashore for a measure and some quick snaps and she checked in at 810mm. Unfortunately I hit the still instead of video on the GoPro ...the release was great as she changed colour and slid off happy to terrorise the hoards of tiny baitfish in the shallows. Rest of the morning was quiet but I did manage a legal but released reddy on the same lure. Pedalled over to the oil wharf to hunt squid but no go gain so I came home with pics only...didn't mind after such a nice morning and a great fish to upgrade a PB on the new Outback. I have a good vid of the capture but lost my video editing software when my PC was reformatted. I'll try to get it op on youtube soon.
  17. Wow, those two fish (on silly string) in one session takes the cake and sighting the whopper devouring a whiting on the surface makes that a 1:1000000 day! I bet you'll be telling the stories for a long time!!!
  18. Thta is an epic post and YOU are the muddy whisperer and head chef! Bet it was nice
  19. That is a great haul of whiting, congrats!!!!...which lake are you fishing?
  20. Great post Stickbeak ad fabulous to see you boys get amongst some epic whiting!
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