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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. My mate caught this little creature this morning while we were flicking blades around the shoreline on Botany Bay. It had long fluorescent blue dorsal and anal fins. Looked like something out of a marine aquarium! Any ID?
  2. jenno64

    NB Jewy

    Cracking fish, you've got Good Friday sorted!
  3. Great post and a magic catch off Sydney!
  4. Great post and nice to hear the results are coming after so many hours....cracker tassy inker too:)
  5. Cracker red and well done on persevering in the conditions!
  6. Nice work! Love the first pick, it looks like a bonny hanging off s door!
  7. Great tale! Yes the squidding is addictive and yes there are plenty of bozos out there!
  8. Very nice work Sam What size and colour jigs did the business if you don't mind me asking?
  9. Great post and great plating sounded like a great catch and tasted great too!
  10. Bad luck on the big one but that's why they call it fishing not catching. Refine refine refine and it will happen. There is a video called local knowledge by no no no who talks with a south coast jewey expert. It is worth watching and dispels alot of myths:)
  11. Congrats on the monster mull! There will be great relief for the whiting, salmon, tailor and worms on that stretch of beach for a while!
  12. Great haul and a stonker in amongst them!
  13. Great read and some top pics. You should be sponsored by the NZ tourist crew!
  14. That's an Australia Day feed to be proud of!
  15. Well done Donna, that's a PB smashing and you've tapped into a good patch of flatties there!
  16. Headed out to the Georges this morning to fish the run out tide for flatties. Launched the yak at 7am and deployed my poddy trap while I trolled the flats for 20 minutes. I trolled a couple of shallow diving lures and came up tight on a very nice 58cm flatty in about 5' of water. Kept this one on ice, then collected a nice batch of poddies and hit one of my deep water spots. The tide still wasn't running with much grunt yet but after a half hour I scored three flatties in quick succession; two around the high 40s and one about 70cm which I released. I tried another run out spot for no joy and headed back to the deep spot for the absolute ebb of the tide. A nice mulloway hit like a freight train and came up after a short fight; didn't have the brag mat on me but I'm thinking it was pretty close to 70cm and I released it surrounded by wakeboarders, jet skiers and whoever else was floating around. Dropped a poddy down into the depths and another nice flatty in the high 50s nailed it. Headed home with a great feed and spent an hour filleting, skinning and boning some sublime morsels for a few nice dinners:)
  17. Well done and I bet dinner was ddelicious:)
  18. NIce fish and great pic.....caught with a guide still counts....especially if you go back and do it again:)
  19. Sounds like youve cracked the code....I agree with the run out!! Love those poddies too!!
  20. Glad to hear you got into the fish! I'm going to Mana on Thursday for 4 days and taking a travel rod, reel and some poppers and plastics. Any other general info would be much appreciated Spearer!!
  21. Happy New Year Raiders and may the PBs come thick and fast, along with great health, happiness in 2017!
  22. I use poddies from 10-15cm and fish them on a live bait hook (wide gap) on a 1m trace, weighted by a dropper rig on a slider about 40cm off the bottom. I vary the sinker weigtht depending on depth and current so I always can feel the bottom. Look for some deeper drains off the flats up your way and fish a livey deep while flicking over the flats. 2017 could be the year of the 1m beast!
  23. I swapped the yak for a day out on my mate's boat in the bay yesterday. We collected some poddies and fished with nippers for pretty much zilch in the morning as the high came in. Had a go for some squid with minimal results. The plan was to head up river tohe stronger part of the run out with the poddies and it wasn't until early arvo when we had some good results. My mate was wrapped with his 68cm flatty and a bonus 40cm bream on a dead poddy and I scored a close second on the day with a 60cm flatty and a 38cm bream, all on poddies. Funnily enough, the nippers and squirt worms didn't get a look in!
  24. Headed out into Botany Bay/Georges River today with a mate to suss out some of my successful kayaking haunts. Caught some prime livies and a couple of inkers early but things were very slow until the tide started to run out about midday. Luckily there was cloud cover and a few showers all day otherwise we would have fried! My mate was very happy to land a 68cm flatty on a live poddy and we then got into a 38 & 40cm bream and another flatty of 60cm on live and dead poddies.
  25. Awesome session there GF! I assume you were offshore....what depth?
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