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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. You're on fire Ray!!!! Is that second flattie a sand flathead?
  2. That is a seriously heavy fathead!!!! Top fish and lets hope she had a kilo of roe inside!!
  3. Top post Hodgey and it's good to see the full Hodge Dynasty in real action!!
  4. That is a magic day Ray, for you and your mate. Congrats to you both and well done on releasing the 2 crackers!
  5. Amazing fish on the trip. Your smile is wider than their heads!! What did the damage lure wise?
  6. Good to see you posting again Rob! Mondays would be my choice if I had one to fish too...well done on the mixed bag!
  7. Cracker whiting! I think I saw you guys down river near CC bridge too!
  8. What a great vid!! You guys must have had a ball! Top fish there too!
  9. Looked like a perfect day out with loads of fish Alex! Great markings on the big girl too! Top stuff all round.If you don't mind sharing some secrets, what sort of plastics were getting fish and what depths were you fishing?
  10. Roberta, Livies are a fun way to fish albeit a little time consuming but I take my 6yo son along for the bait collection. My brother is in WA atm with his wife on a road trip. He's no fisho though! Hope you get some kayak action over there and tell some tales!
  11. Hard Bodies and I was fishing around Captain Cook Bridge.
  12. Hit the Bridge on the lower Georges this morning to catch the top of the tide. Had an action packed 10 minutes with a small jew, an octopus and a nice flatty all coming aboard the kayak from the same drift on live poddies. On the turn of the tide, I trolled HBs for another flatty , a tailor and a squid. All good timing as I'm making a seafood paella for the family this arvo! It was a very busy morning on the water with plenty of cowboys nearly swamping me in a 4knot zone. I'm still swaying now!
  13. That will make a perfect meal Ray. Quality not quantity....it's the way to go!!
  14. I haven't been out for a fish for a while due to crap weather and work commitments so I promised myself a morning start on Sunday. Didn't get the yak in until 7am and out near the main channel, I hooked a little reddy half an hour later. As I was unhooking it, my heavier line went tight around my neck with a pink manns stretch being the lucky lure. I felt some serious weight and the Stradic screamed a few times while I got my other line in.I saw some colour and it was a cracking flatty. First netting attempt and she shot out of the silicon net taking drag with her. Secoond attempt was more successful and I spent the next few minutes getting the lure out with TLC. I didn't have my brag mat and she dwarfed my 50cm sticker on the yak so I measured from bothe ends and estimated her roughly at 80cm and full of roe with a fat belly. I managed a crappy photo from my phone. lip gripped her with my tea-towel and started swimming the girl and when she bit my knuckle a few times she swam off happily. Hoping that the fishing gods would look after me after the release, I picked up a stray flatty or two and a hungry whiting that slammed a 70mm hard body. Hit a good patch of flatties and scored 3 50cm+ models in about 10 minutes. It ended up a good morning and my pink lures did the trick for most of the fish.
  15. Great looking jew on the roids
  16. Top day out Ray and a good feed to take home too! Congrats on the first Jew.....you'll be keen to get number 2 and so on....
  17. Hodgey, Your presence down there is surely enough to raise the water temperature Top post and I can't wait to see you list a metre plus croc in the next month....I would have money on it!
  18. That is a great fish...I'm jealous....got to get out there soon!!!
  19. You're not a midget are you? Magnificent crocs there sir and well done on the JW Blue. I would be sipping on it right now with a pic like that in front of me. You'd better keep up the SC trip tradition as they are truly memorable fish!
  20. Top session there with a great croc release included! Were all fish taken on plastics?
  21. Great post and a cracking flatman!!
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