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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Ahhh...a cpuple of days fishing with the Tuross Flathead whisperer.....doesn't get better than that! Well done on the bream, whiting and flathead and maybe next time on the big crocs!
  2. Seeing as it was warm today, I took my son down to another stetch of beach near Ramsgate and over a few hours we land 4 thumper whiting from 36-38cm, all on tube worms. The biggest fish dragged my rod out of the sand tube and into the water giving my new Stradic a sand & slat bath so it's off to get it serviced I have enjoyed a lazy week fishing for whiting from the sand...haven't got the kayak out since Sunday!
  3. Great result!! Those kings sound like brutes..
  4. Elbow slapping family fun!!!!
  5. We returned in the arvo and my father-in-law caught a 37cm model about 3m from the shore!
  6. Yesterday arvo I went down to Brighton land-based with some bloodworms to coax a few whiting up for dinner. Managed 4 nice fish in 20 minutes and then things went quiet as the sun disappeared. Returned this morning with my son and FIL with beaqch worms this time. First cast a nice fish of about 33cm then for the next hour and a half, we caught 7 legal fish and threw back at least the same amount of undersized fish. 6 yo Hugo got 2 fish over 30cm and my father-in-law scored a nice one to break his duck. With yetsrday's catch, we now have enough for a family feast tonight. It's been a while since I've fished for whiting and I might just keep it up while the water is warm!
  7. Andrew, What a top post and some scorching first trout....you must be stoked! Looks like a great change from WB!
  8. What a session...you guys must have had the jews worked out!
  9. That is a fat torpedo of a king!! Top joint effort and I hope to see a 130 soon!!
  10. Hodgie, The mojo and the clear water has returned for you. I haven't caught a flatty over 50cm for 2 months up here! Can you wrap barrier tape around your favourite 3 spots and hope noone goes in there until the challenge? I don't think so! Your only hope is cyclonic wind until the challenge. If anyone deserves to take it out it's you (with a 1m+ croc!)
  11. Now that's an eventful day out...well done on the breambo and bad luck on the phantom line puller!
  12. Welcome back Donna and I'm glad to hear such a story with a happy ending!
  13. You had an eventful day! That lost jew sounded like a good fish. I'm keen to give WB another go while this good weather is with us.
  14. Hodgey, That is certainly sportsfishing at its best. Unbelievable fish on the gear! How has the lake been for flatties since the grand opening?
  15. Andrew, I got your message too late and thought you may have been out there today...you cleaned up again yesterday...well done WB master! I got a taste of the big bream today so I'm still keen to join you out there soon.
  16. Headed out at 6:30am this morning with some poddies to fish the last of the run out under CC bridge. Maruded by tailor and squid I gave it away and followed the tide up into Woolooware Bay. This time trolling sx40s as the water got down to 3', I picked up a flatty going mid 40s along a rack. 10 minutes later my othe rod screams drag and I though I was onto a big flatty. A few darting runs later and a 40cm bream swims into the net. My biggest so far and lucky it took the rod trolling away from the racks otherwise I would have struggled. Lots of smaller flatties and a few small bream and whiting and I headed in.
  17. Roberta, You are becoming the big bream whisperer. Those are magnificent fish and in that shallowe water , they must have been awesome!
  18. Wow that fish looks alot bigger than 2kg and with thta blue colour...great catch!
  19. Andrew, You had another solid day on the bay! I fished Oyster Bay from 8-10am for about 20 flatties up to just keeper size, but most around the 25cm range. I should have hauled myself out of bed a bit earlier and joined you!
  20. Roberta, Your fishing experience grows exponentially! What a great report and its time Roberta had a TV program!!!
  21. Hodgey, You were pretty quick to dazzle with the ulyimate lure connection! I am still lamenting the lure you sent me that is Jew bling and I will report the result of the next outing!
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