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Kiwi Dan

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Posts posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. That's funny, my dad used to get the similar comments when he told them he ate callamari. His ausie mates jested with, are you serious you ate that cheap, slimy, tough, stringy, ugly bait. Now of course it is a different story now that you have learnt to prepare and cook callamari it is now a prized table fish and it is not cheap anymore.

    the meal looks great, are you going to share your favourite preperation style?

  2. Ohhh cheez

    i bet the thought's of no racing this saturday or

    god forbid no melbourne cup has got you sneezing....dan

    i have a better idea go fishing instead its a whole lot cheaper (not)


    im devo about the melbourne cup warnie, i put off leaving for my honeymoon by 2 days just so i could be here for it.

  3. Gday all,

    Im an easily pleased type of guy, apart from the :wife:, i love my footy i love my fishing and i definitely love my drinking but now the last piece of that puzzle has been temporarily taken away.


    Im just wondering if there are any other punters out there that are having withdrawls from not being able to fill in that form for a boxed trifecta or a win and place. I know there are still the greyhounds but it just aint the same.

    On the bright side there is an extra hundred or so $$$ rolling around in my pocket from not losing but it just aint the same.

    I hope the horses get better soon.


    kiwi dan

  4. He would have to be silly not to have eaten it, they

    taste great :biggrin2:


    filthy!! I got a flounder on Sunday and chucked it back.

    i thought it was too small and wouldnt be much of it to eat but it was about the same size.

    o well!!

  5. I can garuntee it would have been some nice snapper picking away at that cuttly its almost a given. Next time try pitching an unweighted white stick bait next to the cuttly and hang on. Say G day to Adriain fo me at stryker tomorrow

    yeah im regretting not putting something down next to it but my mate wasnt well so i turned back.

  6. Gday all,

    Went out yesterday to have a go at some squid at the spit, got there about 3am and started drifting around. After 3 hours with not one tug we pulled the pin and decided to fish the high tide in middle harbor. After 2 more hours of nothing we decided to fire up the burner and wack on some sausages. Once we were done we decided to hit the harbor. We trolled around Grotto point to the bommie for nothing and then decided to anchor up at Grotto but again got nothing.

    We agreed that this was f@#$$ so decided to head to south head for a look. Got out there and after 10 minutes FINALLY Steves rods on the bend. After a short fight Steve lands this solid size leatherjacket.


    Steve also had a good fight on a port jackson which he lost at the boat but we werent cut up about that.

    We decided to head over to the front of North head for a half an hour and this is where it got better and made the 9 hours for only 1 fish worth while. Steve was feeling a little worse for wear so decided to lay down and try sleep it off. I continued to fish and said would head back in 10 minutes, he fell asleep so i thought hmmmmm surely he wont mind if I stay out a little longer. About 30 minutes later i noticed a something floating across the surface about 20 meters away. I kicked Steve to get up once i made out it was a massive cuttle fish.

    post-4176-1188186669_thumb.jpg post-4176-1188187463_thumb.jpg

    I turned over the boat and headed straight for it. It was floating along the top still alive but it had been smashed from something as it had junks missing from it. We drove right next to it and scooped it up. It weighed about 5 kgs i reckon and we were stoked!! We headed in straight after that as the footy was about to start. When we got back to tunks I cut it up and bagged it in snaplock bags hopefully to convert into kingies later on. I got 8 sandwhich bags full ready to go in the freezer. I would have loved to have hooked into whatever took junks out of it!! I wish squid and cuttles were this easy to catch all the time!!

    Also when we were coming in we followed a pod of dolphins from along the rocks from the heads all the way down past the quarintine bouy. We tossed pillies to them and followed them to try and get some good pics. There would have been at least 20 of them. Can anyone tell me if it is against the rules around following dolphins. I made sure i wasnt too close but we didnt know if we were actually allowed to or not.

    Great weather as well!!



  7. well done Ceph, you love a plastic session dont ya!!

    I too encountered a knob doing about 20knots through the spit bridge yesterday morning. Out of all the pylons he could have gone through with no boats in them he picked the one i was drifting through and about 3 metres from me at that.

  8. post-4273-1188138608_thumb.jpg

    This is what Ian threw at me and said "eat it, it's full of adrenalin". Guys, it was still beating when I put it on the glove. Amazing stuff.

    I'll take this opportunity to thank all concerned.

    Well done guys looks like you all had a great day.

    Boban did you eat it?


  9. mate i was in botany bay today and there is nothing but yellowtail at every spot imaginable, i fev trevs were caught by a few boats but it was the slowest day ive seen in botany ever with all the boats around us at most times ot even losing their bait. try the hawkesbury or harbour.

    i would hit the hawkesbury, although tough work a feed of flatties can still be had alot easier than the other waterways in my opinion.

    goodluck with it im hitting the hay.

    Hey mate did you take your burner for sausage sambos?



  10. You reckon there is a Middle Harbour Jewie around Dan??

    I seem to recall you doing ok in the mud after the last wet.

    No idea mate but im heading out in the morning to try find out. If this rain settles a bit im going to head out about 2.30am for a quick squid attempt then fish the incomig for a little while.

    you heading out this weekend?

  11. hello mate,

    Mate I cant give you an educated explanation into fishing before and after rain but ive fished during rain after rain before rain in the coffee water after the big storms and ive caught fish, thumpers at that. Im not sure what the best advice is but i reckon if your not having a go your no chance anyway.

    And at the end of the day id rather be on the water fishin instead of on the couch listening to the :wife:

  12. mate all i do is i have one of those $20 camping single burners in a case you get from fish shops and bunnings etc. And a non stick frypan and a old pair of tongs, they dont take up a lot of room at all. Then when i go fishing i just take a loaf of bread and a snaplock bag of about 6 sausages.

    Half the bread can be used for berley for yakkas and the other half for snag sambos!! You cant beat hot snag sambos on the water. You can even cook your fish straight out of the water!! i know a lot of people use burners on the water now.


    Kiwi Dan

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