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TAZ last won the day on August 21 2019

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  1. Gee, crap water flow. Where i am its no better. Been crook for the last couple of months and just got about to check out the waters where I am. No flows, low dam levels. Pretty sad in my district too. Wow how times have changed from fishing through all 4 seasons with success compared to now! Gotta get used to it I guess, though not liking it.
  2. People like you, catching fish like that! Well, great stuff.
  3. I love flatheads. Is there any way you can Cook em that's bad? Mmm, maybe in cow dung but never tried that.😁
  4. Totally agree. Everything, creature, stretched to the limit has a limit. Well put mate.
  5. Unreal, (old fashioned exclamation) never heard of that happening fishing. Thank goodness King Brown's and Taipan's dont do that! 😁
  6. By catch pffft, they're a great catch!
  7. Wow, I'd have given just about anything to have been one of those kids holding those fish as a kid! What memories they will be!
  8. Hi mate. Sometimes I almost forget the generation I come from and just "kapow" fire from the hip. Hey, thats us! Hope no offence by my comments. Toothy's, mate, for me, I think of myself first, the creature second. End of story. But I never just disregard the creature like crap and will do what I can to be sure that to me, I have done the best in the given situation to give it the best chance of survival on release. I will readily admit that it has been a learning process and in times past believe this fish I released died due to me and my ignorance, no ifs. Some may still die to this day, but hopefully less than before. Have caught numerous Sharks and yep, that think some swam off and kicked it, but hope as many survived. Same as all my freshies. I never head lift anything I dont want to eat, end of story. And, never dry handle anything I dont want to eat. Or, bother to take pictures of them either. The longer out of the water, snap snap snap away, the more likely they are to die. Some fish are so high octane they cant take more than half a minute out, like Macks, caught enough of them to see that too many went belly up in very short time. Watch some fishing shows and laugh at how quickly the camera pans away after mack releases after photos get taken. Shark food.
  9. Holding fish, big fish by the gills, lip grip or anything that places all the weight on the spinal area by down force is said to often result in permanent damage and the eventual death of the fish. Just common sense that one I think. Can't imagine too many creatures would fare that well being dangled around by their heads or jaw. Especially an aquatic one.
  10. What the hooks made out too would have to have impact as well. I was once told when i used to fish for mulloway if you want a fish to survive with a hook in it and the hook to eventually rot away don't use stainless. I used to fish for them with stainless 10 O's. I know virtually nothing about it personally and it's just something I was told.
  11. TAZ

    Walker Wobbler

    Awesome Frank, I like it. How true, if there was a shop near water they were hanging there in plain view. I can still imagine them hanging on the wall at a shop, now long gone, at Laanacoorie here in Vic. 👍
  12. Good stuff mate, new boat, catch fish, doesn't get much better than that.
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