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Yakka Eater

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Everything posted by Yakka Eater

  1. Thanks Bro, a mate said the same. I used his and it felt pretty smooth.
  2. Looking for a new rock spinning rod for bonnies and sambos, wondering if the 9ft symetre combo is any good. $250 is max I want to spend for now, but will spend more if I have to later on. thanks
  3. There are legal bream there, grubs and crustacean soft plastics are good, flick them around the boats, moorings, jetty and pylons, e.t.c, Be persistent, they will turn up.
  4. I agree!! never too many! Making your own would be fun and save a fair amount of bucks
  5. wasn't meaning to be sensitive😂 I mainly use plastics when i'm fishing bays and estuaries, at least $600+ annually
  6. How much does everyone spend annually on soft plastics?
  7. Great Haul, That big bream must be pushing 40+?
  8. Same here, actually went out the next day and pulled out 11 more mackerel in under an hr... gave most away and prepared the rest for a jewie's dinner some other time
  9. Headed down to Wollongong Harbour Breakwall last night, packed as usual, had a pilly under a float and managed a just legal tailor on the first cast. After a while of no hits changed over to a blue metal lure and managed four slimies... 2 in the freezer and 2 in the smoker with the tailor. No pics as my phone was dead but not bad for 1 hrs fishing.
  10. Thats a cracker! Every time I fish with mates the results are usually an empty case of beer and often an empty bucket😉
  11. As South Coast fishos would know, Shell Harbour Marina has been open for a few weeks, and you can visit to see schools of mullet and a couple of grey nurse sharks under the jetties, I also noticed some decent bream but have never seen fishermen there and don't know whether you can fish there or not. Just wondering whether you can fish there and if so is it worthwhile or should I just head down the road to Bass Point. Thanks P.S The burger joints there are worth a look (And a taste)
  12. Can't get much fresher, I struggle to find gutters due to eyesight but often go with mates so it doesn't matter. Good string of success anyhow🐟
  13. Thanks, usually fish beaches and have done alright on whiting, even caught a few on cut pillies, which i thought was random.
  14. Anyone know of species prevalent in wollongong harbour down to port kembla harbour land based? Caught squid, salmon and rat kings in wollongong harbour, but only fished their twice.
  15. hope thats a different banana in each photo, not very covid safe if not😄 solid catches anyhow
  16. Must have been cos there is a sharks supporter on the boat
  17. 2021 could have been worse... zombies did not come out to play
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