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Posts posted by PM79

  1. A big thanks to Pete and the rest of the Go Fish team for last night!

    I had a great time and the guest speaker was very informative, also being my first time to the shop I got to sticky beak around.

    I can't remember her name but a big thank you to the lady with long blondish hair behind the counter who set me up with membership, you were very helpful.


    P.S. Go Fish needs fishraider beanies! They had none last night. :(

  2. best place to stay swansea caravan park

    I'll second that, I've been going there for well over 13 years and that park is great.

    You have quick access to the water, able to get to the sand flat at the back of the park by foot when the tide is dead low for nippers and it's a quick trip to the lake to start the drift.

    That being said Belmont has the advantage of shortening the trip to the waters up past Coal Point and I've had some good fishing up there, you can also go to Belmont Wharf with no hassle for squid and squid's ink hotel is close too for squid.

    Oh and between the islands where the channel meets the lake you can find a good spot for blood worms on low tide, if that's your thing, which go mean on the drop off and all the flats surrounding the islands when the tide comes back up.

  3. But you are being secretive when you don't say where the exact spot is, in fact you are teasing.

    He gave everyone the area of the catch, Sailors Bay.

    Help me out champ.

    Just go to google maps, search for Sailors Bay NSW and you will get the location.

    All that's left is for you to get out there and look around because as netic said the bay isn't that big.

    the chances of finding it by myself are as good as Sonny Bill Williams coming back to play for the Bulldogs.

    I'm far from a fishing expert but I managed to find the wreck after being told about it a long time ago, it's seriously not that hard to find.

  4. Took the boat out for a run yesterday and when we got to the ramp a Tunks Park we saw that not only had one of the pylons totally collapsed into the water but the pontoon was free floating because the ring was broken off that holds it to the other pylon.

    I was wondering if anyone knows what caused it all?

    Also someone came and put up some tape and signs to warn people from using the pontoon which was good but some people tore it down.

  5. Drink real ale rather than the commercialised chemical fizz that the majority of big brewers put out masquerading as beer!

    No chemicals = no hangovers & you can drink until the cows come home with no problems.

    Alcohol a is diuretic so no matter how it's made the cause of a hang over, dehydration, remains.

  6. Basically when I'm good and hammered I stop drinking for about an hour, then I drink water for an hour and then I hit the alcohol again.

    I usually wake up in the morning feeling pretty damn good.

  7. What sort/class of rod do you have that on?

    I use the Mid Spin model Starlo StiX Tournament Pro Spin rod.


    • Length: 7'
    • Pieces: 1
    • Line Weight: 3-6kg
    • Lure Weight: 7-21g
    • Guides: Fuji SiC

    For information sake I use Nitlon for my braid and fluoro carbon

  8. Nice fish mate, hopefully I can pick up a few tomorrow.

    Now sharing information is great but when it comes to fishing spots I totally agree with Squid, we can't go hammering the crap out of them.

    There is nothing more annoying that turning up to your spot to see heaps of boats week after week.

    If all you're ever relying on for a catch is a spot someone else went to a few days ago then you're never going to really learn anything considerable about the waterways you fish, sure you may enjoy going to said spot and getting a good catch on a regular basis but I myself think that's a hollow victory in a sense.

    The harbor is quite large, poke your nose around and see what you find.

  9. Well it's been a few months (I got a bit slack) but the boat is finally done.

    This boat is a downgrade from our last which was a 5.3m, we found that offshore just wasn't our cup of tea.

    We gave it a shot for a few years with good success but we missed what a smaller boat brings to fishing so we sold it and bought a second hand 2003 model 4.3m brooker hull which had had nothing done to it, just an unpainted hull.

    The ideas were flowing while we were checking this boat out and after we bought it we got some basic ideas together and got to work.

    Although there were a few differences of opinion a long the way it turned out exactly how I pictured it and I think we're both pretty happy with the end result.

    Here are some pics of our new baby, I wish I had a before picture to show but I forgot to take a photo of it when we got it.


    I had seen a members boat (can't remember who but thanks for the idea) where they had put a small box on the side of the boat, attached the cutting board to the top of it and then the sounder and switchboard were put below the cutting board on the side of the box for the driver to see.

    I took that idea on board but it didn't turn out to be very practical for our boat so I modified it a bit and below is the end result.



    For the motor we decided on the latest model Mercury 4-Stroke 30HP EFI and it's amazing.

    We ended up having to install a permatrim as we were having some planing issues and with me being a big guy it definitely helps when I'm out on my own.

    It's been a while since I drove a boat with a tiller but this engine makes the boat go like a nightmare, I can't wait to get it back out on the water and take it for a spin which hopefully if the weather holds will be tomorrow.


  10. Been here for a year and I never got around to this so here we go.

    My name is Paul, I'm 29 and unemployed which used to mean I got to fish my heart out and now that the new boat is finished I hope to be to fishing 2-3 times a week. :thumbup:

    I've been fishing and camping since I was 4 thanks to my Dad and I would say that they are both a passion of mine.

    Although I've lived in Sydney all my life I would say out of all the time spent fishing over the years the majority of it was spent fishing up the coast with quite some time spent fishing in Swansea, I guess I would call Swansea my home grounds over the Harbor and Hawksbury as there is just something about that channel and that lake that feels like home to me.

    I guess I just know those waters better than what's right at my feet, something I hope to change by exploring the harbor and pittwater more but I do love my Swansea.

    My father and I recently downgraded from a 5.3m boat to a 4.3m, we originally bought the 5.3m so that we could venture out of the lakes and rivers but after a few years with some pretty good success offshore we've come back where we started out in boating and I myself can't wait.

    We just finished the boat last night (pics to come soon) with the installation of the rod holders and I can say that it was a great experience to start from a bare hull to get to where we are today, even if we did disagree on a few things. :074:

    As I said fishing is a passion of mine and it's something that I never stop learning about, although I may be a bit behind in the fashion so to say.

    I'm an avid lover of bait as I've never been one for lures but I'm now starting to venture out into soft plastics country, I find it quite interesting and hopefully after the squidgies soft plastics info session tonight at my local store I'll have a better idea about it all even though I'd like to think I know it all. :1prop:

    I can't quite recall how I stumbled across this site but I'm glad I did, the community here seems like a great one and I hope to get to know it and it's members better.

    Hope to catch yas on the water some time.

    Cheers Paul

  11. Slim Beauty is a fantastic knot. Easy to tie and very strong.

    Going to have to give that knot a test, thanks for the name drop.

    Albright is a great knot but, unless you tie it absolutely perfectly, it will fail.

    I find that the improved albright is a lot better, I always add a little graphite powder and it always goes perfect. :thumbup:

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