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Posts posted by PM79

  1. I've found that all depends on the quality of the hooks, if you're forever changing the hooks no matter how small the split ring opener is the rings won't last forever.

    I have a pair of braid scissors with a very tiny spit ring opener and the rings didn't last long so I decided to save some money in the long run and buy all new owner rings.

    It may cost more but it's worth it to replace all the hooks and split rings from day one, not only are the owner split rings stronger and better quality but the hooks are far superior to anything that's on the lure to begin with unless of course it already came with owner products or another brand of similar quality.

    Spend money to save money and time.

  2. Just make a government funded tow service for all waterways, most people don't call private tow services due to the cost or become members of them because of the cost weighed against service use.

    It would put the private companies out of business but tough shit, if their services weren't so expensive more people would use them.

    I'd rather row back than pay the huge non member costs or pay the cost of membership just for peace of mind.

    That being said maybe we should put all those waterways and maritime boats to use because 90% of the time I see them moored doing nothing and the other 10% I see them playing hide and seek amongst the moored boats trying to catch people doing the wrong thing, what about the people who are in need of help.

  3. Sadly, I don't think it is a junkie you are looking for, but someone who knows the value of the damn fine gear you lost.

    Exactly and it will most likely end up on ebay or in the trading post if they didn't take it for themselves.

    Thats all right mate, im just PI#*D OFF!! as you could imagine!!!

    And i would like to thank fishraidar for giving me a chance to tell fellow fishoes about the risks of leavin valuable equipment in your car and hpw its worth taking the extra 5 minutes unloading your car after fishing.........

    I lost gear years and years ago whilst camping but that's a situation where the gear was quite easy to get, I've been tempted to just say "**** it" and leave all my gear in the car cause I'm buggered after coming back from a day on the harbor.

    I couldn't imagine losing my current gear and it's total value would only be worth $700, losing say a couple of stellas and t-curves if I had the cash to buy them would send me over the edge.

  4. That really sucks stucatz, I'd be livid if that happened to me and my gear nowhere near worth as much as yours.

    It's a bit unfair to assume to was a junkie or a dole bludger, a fellow fisherman could have spotted it and taken it as that is some quality gear not to mention it's cost.

  5. I'd purposely not take one just to argue with a waterways officer, probably not but I definitely won't take one as I never have and I'm not about to start.

    If I get checked we'll see what they say about my collapsible live bait bucket being used to meet the gear requirements though.

  6. I noticed a spelling mistake in the title of this topic mate, traitor is isn't spelled Queenslander. :1prop::074:

    Enjoy the fishing up there, a mate of mine swears it's the best the east coast of Australia has to offer.

  7. At the time he might have contacted them but he wouldn't bother doing that now as he was laughing about it by the time he rang me to tell me how the fishing went.

    On a side note he came home 2 kings both over 80cm, lucky bastard cause knowing my luck when I go out tomorrow I'll catch bloody nothing.

  8. Is open waters the same as the "hire boat limit" near the heads or is it the lin between the heads?

    I'd consider anything past the line between north and south head as open water but I think the hire boat limit is the border of enclosed and open water in the harbor because you're not allowed to cross the heads and this is why balmoral, manly and middle harbor are out of bounds but that being said my mate was anchored at the wedding cake.

    Fine to check and notify but to issue warnings or threaten fines is well........

    Yeah my mate thought it was a bit uncalled for but I guess the officer was annoyed that my mate questioned it in a manner that said he knew the safety requirements and that the officer was wrong.

    Maybe the officer was just a tad overzealous.

  9. I'd like to know why the hell we are required to have a torch on board in the waterways of Sydney Harbor during the daytime, I only ask because today my mate got checked and they gave him a warning for not having all the safety equipment cause he was short a torch.

    As far as I can tell by the maritime safety equipment tables you aren't even required to carry a torch on enclosed waters during the daytime, the harbor certainly isn't open water.

  10. I've refused to let the police to check my catch before on the basis that it's not their job to monitor catches and they went on their way.

    I'd rather have the proper authorities check my catches as I'd feel much safer in the hands of someone whose job it is to do these things.

    police are police. they can do anything

    No they can't, they have limited power and they exceed it because the public is ignorant and the more people who inform themselves and stand up to them the better.

  11. All this topic will achieve is people stating the problems with the exist saying that the stella is better, people posting the problems with the stella saying the exist is better and you will really be no better off than you are now.

    My advice is to look at the specs of each reel and pick the one that will meet your requirements as you know what you'll be using the reel for and what you'll need from the reel.

    in the end its gonna be a shit fight and the thread is gonna get closed

    ^ this.

  12. It's amazing what money can buy.

    I totally agree!

    Rugby League like others is no longer a sport, it's entertainment and the bigger and better the more money it makes.

    When you see the two top teams for the season, who have fought hard to get where they are, go up against each other only to see one team get rolled over so easily it's really a joke and it just shows that games are bought and not won.

    Cricket has gone this way, union is going this way and so will the rest of the sports in good time if they haven't already.

    Manly is an underdog, they always have been and for them to win would be worth more to the NRL than a Melbourne win.

  13. Seeing that you said that you'd rather buy shimano a budget up to $150 per reel shouldn't put a stop to that.

    The only problem I have with Penn is that they license out their name to other reel companies, so you really have to make sure it's a penn reel made by penn and not made by someone who paid a licensing fee to smack the label on.

    I'm sure other companies do this too but I know penn does it quite a bit.

  14. i would agree they have a small wash it's the surge from there speed shape and water displacment

    It all falls under the NSW Maritime definition of wash.


    Boat wash is the turbulence created by your boat as it moves through the water. Wash size and influence is affected by the amount of water your boat displaces, the boats speed, it’s planing attitude and other factors such as water depth. This means that a large cruiser moving through the water at 8 knots will displace a large amount of wash - big enough to capsize small dinghies, damage moored boats and contribute to foreshore erosion. A high performance ski boat, however, will create almost no wash when it is planing.

    NO WASH signs are placed in areas where wash from vessels can cause damage, injury or annoyance to other vessels, the shoreline or people. Every vessel operator must comply with these signs.

    The way you achieve this will depend on the type of boat you are driving, however if in doubt about your vessel’s wash it is recommended that you take the following action:

    * as you approach the restricted area, reduce speed;

    * at the start of the "NO WASH" zone, take your engine(s) out of gear;

    * put the engine(s) back in gear and proceed with the engines giving just enough speed to provide you with steering control; and

    * look behind you occasionally, to see if your boat is creating wash. If it is slow down - at a speed just above idle, no boat will produce wash.

    When you see a "NO WASH" sign and a speed limit sign, do not automatically assume that you can travel at the maximum speed indicated. It may be necessary for you to travel at a slower speed to ensure your boat is not creating wash.

    Clearly the government doesn't read the rules and regulations of their own departments because the rivercats create large amounts of wash at the speeds they travel through the no wash zones.

  15. I remember [vaguely] when rivercats were first introduced.there was some public criticism about their speed,but goverment's response was [something like]:

    1.To limit rivercats speed in no wash zones would make service impractical.

    [rivercat was meant to be a fast alternative way to get to the city]

    2.Because of their design,rivercats leave little wash at high speed.

    [though many people,including "brickman" would disagree!]

    It makes it all fall back to money because if they had to slow down to follow the no wash zone and speed limits in certain areas it would mean less trips per day but it would hardly make the service impractical, they would however have to review the time table which they can't keep to at the moment anyway. :074:

    Buses have to follow varied speed limits, I can't see rivercats and other types of ferries being impacted as much as one of our major forms of public transport.

    As for their wash at high speed the cats must never travel fast enough because I've never seen them "leave little wash at high speed". :074:

  16. The rivercats break speed and no wash rules every day and nothing gets done, I don't recall reading anywhere that public transport of any type is allowed to exceed the speed and regulations of any area.

    When it comes to limited speed zones and no wash zones a rivercat is no different than any other boat on the water, the only craft that should be allowed to break the rules are waterways, police and maritime vessels.

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