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Posts posted by PM79

  1. Inox spray and Inox grease, I'd be lost without them.

    After a day out I:

    • Wipe the reel(s) down with a damp cloth
    • Take off the spool(s)
    • Pour warm water through the line to dissolve salt and allow to dry
    • Take drag washers out of reels that do not have a water proof drag system
    • Clean washer bay
    • Clean metal drag washers
    • Soak felt washers in inox and allow to dry (keeps the water at bay, I usually only do this once a year)
    • Spray a tiny amount of inox into the two oiling ports on the reel
    • Wipe down reel with an inox soaked cloth
    • Reassemble

    When it comes to a service I repeat all of the above but I also take the reel apart entirely, clean all internal parts, remove all grease, apply new grease and reassemble.

    I take care of my reels at home and they take care of me on the water.

  2. G'day mate, there are a couple of shimano reels that are a good price, they are the SYMETRE and the SAHARA, they are good budget reels, my mate and I use them and they are fine for what you want to do, They are 4000 series and cost about the $120.00 mark.. Cheers..

    Ray isn't wrong.

    I had a Sahara 4000 and a Sedona 4000 for 7 years, I passed the Sahara onto a friend who needed a reel and it never failed me or him and in fact he still uses it today.

    It's all about taking care of your reels as even the most expensive reel won't last long if it's not looked after, so as long as you look after your reels they'll last you for quite a while.

  3. What I wonder is do blackies pick up scents from weed like other fish pick up scents from other forms of bait and if they do could they adopt it into soft plastics and design a few models specifically for weed eating fish or even make a blackie attractant to soak your weed in.

    Food for thought I guess.

  4. I can't stand the smell of the gulp products, I'd rather have a bucket of rotten prawns hanging under my nose than have to ever smell a gulp again.

    Thank god that the attractant that comes with the pro series of squidgies doesn't stink.

  5. I've always just notched it up to the fact that the pro's haven't been able to trap them for a while and that people are throwing them back when caught because more and more anglers are targeting specific species.

    I;ve been throwing back any and all jackets over the last few years, I'm sick of eating them.

  6. Hi Steve, was nice to meet you the other night at the rockfishing night and thanks again for the offer if I need any help with what we were talking about over at fishfinder.

    I was wondering, and this question also goes out to Roberta too, what kind of gear I would need to get started in blackfish?

    I've always seen people doing it but at the time I was never really interested but after reading many reports on here about and my want to not limit my fishing to just boat based it has really spiked my interest.

    Cheers, Paul

  7. I just wanted to thank Tony, the guest speaker and all those involved for what was a great night.

    The guest speaker was incredibly informative and went to what I consider great lengths to show us various things including bait rigging and presentation with actual bait that he brought along, he even brought along some pigs that he had caught earlier in the day to show us.

    I've never done that type of fishing before but it was incredibly informative and has got me seriously interested in it.

    Also thanks all the guys at fishfinder for the information on the carbon drag washers, your custom rods and the general chat it was great.

    I got to met a few raiders which was good and I'm also now a proud owner of a fishraider beanie which I've been waiting for for a while now but I forgot to pick up a sticker for my car.

    It was a hell of a drive from my area but it was well worth it.

  8. The reels are obviously top of the line but I think the price is too high when you consider that some of the reel in shimano's range that price between $290-$400 perform just as good.

  9. I'd have to say my most memorable catch was when was I 9 years old when my father and I were staying at Port Macquarie and we drove down to Lake Cathie to have a fish.

    Here we were standing on the bank and he was showing me where to cast, so I raise the rod and give it a flick but I buggered the cast up and it basically dropped into the water right at our feet.

    My dad laughed and told me reel it back in and have another go when all of a sudden down went the rod and I pulled in what from memory was about a 40cm flatty.

    I turned to my dad with a huge grin on my face and said "that's how it's done".

    We still laugh about it today some 20 years later and talk about showing each other up when we go fishing, it's something I'll never forget.

  10. We shouldn't have interfered, who are we to decide what's best for this creature or any other?

    What happened was natural and we shouldn't think of it in any other way just because it happens in front of our eyes, we should have let nature take it's course cruel or not.

    I hope the mother turns up this week as it will serve the so called experts right, who apparently exhausted all options yet were suggesting killing it from the get go.

  11. I just thought I'd add that I finally got the Slim Beauty Knot tied perfectly after trying for a while, the knot looked really simple to do but tightening it up was quite annoying to start with.


    Do you put the braid through single or double it over?

    I found this diagram on a US website and it seemed to work well, http://www.anglers-outlet.com/slim_beauty_knot.htm


    I'll probably stick with the albright for a while and play with the slim beauty until I feel comfortable with it but atleast I can get it tied now.

  12. I just googled Albright and found different ways of tying it.

    Yep the first method is the Improved Albright and the second is the regular Albright.

    Relapse, thanks for the tip.. I'm gonna try the second method I posted above first to see if i can tighten the end loops properly, and then I'll give your suggestion a go.

    No problem mate, I think you'll find it will tighten pretty easily and you can really put the pressure on it to get it nice and snug and that's what I like about it myself.

  13. When I started using braid (which wasn't all that long ago) I saw a lot of improved albright knot diagrams that suggested 8-10 down and up but I came to think it was over kill and as you've found can be a pain to tighten up properly, so I ended up doing 5-6 up and down and not only did it tighten up fine it also held.

    That being said I have switched to the regular albright thanks to Mark Dunphy.

    I attended a Shimano & Squidgy information night last month and I was talking to him about his preferred line to leader knot for braid after he was talking about targeting snapper with some of the new Squidgies and he put me onto the regular albright but with a slight change.

    He suggested that instead of tying the improved albright that I should tie the regular one (as seen here - Albright Knot) with 7-9 up and do a hitch in the knot to lock it off, he then said that the knot shouldn't slip without the hitch when tied properly but the hitch makes it just that little bit more secure.

    So basically when you've reached the point shown in the image below you pull the tag through and then you take it over, under, through the loop again so it forms a wrap on the tag side of loop and then you just wet and tighten well.


    He and one of the other reps there swore by it for fishing for anything on soft plastics from bream to snapper, kings and jews.

    I'm also getting major problems with the mainline getting caught on the leader tag and/or getting caught on my guides while casting

    If the knot is tightened properly then you can cut the leader tag right off against the knot and it should not slip and it won't catch but alternatively you can use some rubber cement to coat and smooth the knot out so it doesn't catch.

    Hope this helped.

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