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Posts posted by PM79

  1. This is a government website that officially sent this stuff out not just a morning show.

    You can add government to my list of who to ignore when the word "virus" is mentioned.

  2. hey all,

    I've been having problems of my squid staying hooked on the jig. I've read numerous posts here and other sites and have followed what they say do. I get hook ups but they always seem to some how get off. They don't seem to be losing tentacles.

    What i use and do.

    - a light flick stick with a mono leader

    - light drag

    - Yozuri 2.5 jig - yes the barbs are sharp

    - I never strike hard...I just keep pressure on and wind at a moderate to slow speed.

    So how do i increase my hook ups sticking? Should I wait a bit longer before I wind/strike?

    I'm spending the next week or so trying to catch squid for a weekend away at Berowra...I'm dreaming of a big jew.


    So you're using braid?

    Everyone who uses braid on their squid set up put some earmuffs on.

    You're dropping squid due to the braid!

    Try letting the drag off even more or switch to mono.

    I've got a theory about this, a few times I have found squid after squid hitting the middle of the jig away from the barbs and in some instances (like last week) have had 5 out of every 6 squid dropping off the jig as I wind them in because the barbs haven't hit the mark.

    This is when I strike hard, like the japs do, and the barbs hit the side of their head or body.

    Also try the razor backs they have additional barbs on their back and can increase catch rates when they are not quite as agressive.

    It's been my experience that Razor Backs decrease catch rates, I've watched the barbs for which these jigs get their name spook squid.

  3. If you use the search function you would find countless threads on this topic, there are even a few arcticles which talk about areas and tips that will help you determine what areas may produce squid.

    This is my favourite area, as posted in another thread.

    From the Spit Bridge all the way up to Balmoral. I know that seems vague, but the entire area produces squid.

    Personally I like this area because there are plenty of weed patches and it's usually not that rough.


    You can try in front of the national park, but only go there when it's calm and don't let your jigs sink for long because the kelp there is insanely good at stealing jigs.

  4. What Mal posted is actually cheap.

    Most websites that sell that gear charge $100+ for the frame and around $80 for the straps.

    If you want it cheap you'll have to hunt down something second hand as the frames that hiking stores stock aren't much cheaper either.

  5. Hi raiders,

    I've seen this device on fishing shows...

    It's a plastic thing that can be put on the bottom of the rod and act like a cushion / gimbal.

    Anyone know what this is called and maybe where I can buy one?


    I think you mean the Cush-It.


  6. not to sure it just says Squidgy pro range have u tried them? they look like real poddy mullets and yakkas

    If they're the ones in the orange packaging they're the new range.

    I'm dying to try them.

  7. I'm a big bloke, I wear a 7xl target t-shirt, and while gathering all the gear together for the first trip out in the boat in almost 2 years I came to find that my life jacket doesn't fit any more.

    When I bought this life jacket it was the biggest available, so I have no idea what I'm going to do.

  8. proly a rat king i was squiding around bundeena last week and had a school of kings come under the boat would of been atleast 50 of them in 3m of water... no wonder the squid were playing hard to get

    If it was a rat king it just makes me even more angry.

  9. I just want to know what hit me early on in the session.

    Whatever it was it was fast and it peeled a decent amount of line before it threw me.

    Oh and to make matters worse someone came right past me in a kayak, trolling, between casts and they picked up a very nice lizard right were I had been working my lure.

  10. I headed out this morning at 6am and made my way down to Bundeena for the first time for a soft plastics session along off the edge of the flats and after driving through the Royal Notional Park with some %%%%% up my backside the entire time I finally made iy to my destination.

    I had planned to march straight to the flats but I decided to work Simpsons Bay while heading to the flats and 5 minutes in something slammed my flick bait hard right in front of me in a gutter and the drag went crazy, then with a big splash at the surface it threw the hook and it was over.

    I kept casting out hoping to pick it up again to no avail.

    I have no idea what it was, but it went mighty fast before it threw the hook.

    I kept working Simpsons Bay knowing I had an hour before the break between the tides and managed a few more hits which convinced me to scale my hook size down, I was using a #2/0, but whatever was out there just wouldn't get on.

    By the time I made it to the flats I'd missed the break between the tides and the tide was starting to come in.

    I worked the channel for a while before the water started to get a bit deep for my liking, starring down into the dark waters a foot right in front of me always freaks me out.

    The wind and water had picked up a bit making casting a pain, so I changed over to a worm and worked the shallow channels that break through the flats and managed to pick up a few under size whiting.

    There was a few easily legal whiting roaming around and no matter what I threw at them they just were interested, if my back and feet weren't killing me I would have grabbed my pump and thrown some nippers at them.

    With the flats starting to cover with water and my lack of knowledge of the area I decided to call it a day instead of taking a chance and having to wade through deeper water to make it back to the spit.

    I absolutely have to take the boat out there, I could see lots of nice places to hit up.

    I didn't like the drive into Bundeena, but I won't let that discourage me from returning.

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