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Everything posted by Billythekid

  1. Great Fish and excellent Video. Well done and enjoy the fish.
  2. Great catch, Nothing beats a great day out catching fish while smoking a nice cuban.
  3. Well done Boban Look like a great day out, very hard to beat with conditions like that, no wonder you stayed out. I have not been a member for long but your right what a great bunch and like Jewgaffer mentioned throwing resources that take a lifetime to learn are priceless. Billythekid
  4. Great catch and great first post, welcome and look forward to more pics in the future.
  5. Whats happening with the TV Fishing Show "FISHRAIDER" This will take alot of brainstorming and preparation but considering the knowledge and expertise amongst members I think we could put together the best FISHING/OUTDOOR TV SHOW ever made. The knowledge andarticles I have read on this site during my short spell has been of the highest quality I have seen or read anywhere. LETS START AS STARTING AND DOING SOMTHING IS HALF THE BATTLE. BILLYTHEKID.
  6. Sorry I was mainly looking at the flathead PIC. Well done to the both of them.
  7. Cheers Boban and Croydon Much appreciated, This site is amazing what a great place to network on the best hobby in the world. I will let you know how I go. Great Pics, Well done Girls, good to see the future for fishing in Australia is bright.
  8. I hope to go up for the first time and try hawks Nest off the beach. where ever everyone else goes, have a safe one.?
  9. Hi Raiders I am heading up to Hawks Nest for a few days and was wondering if anyone new any good spots to catch live bait, squid and yellow tail prefered. I have never been up this way so any maps or links of spots would also be great. I will be fishing mainly off the beach so any recommendations on spots would also be appreciated. Thank in advance Billythekid
  10. Hi Landbased, Beach fishing is all about learning to read the surf. Learning about gutters and currents. Choad is on the many early morning or late afternoon a couple of hours before the top of the tide, cast past the back of the gutter and bring your baith back in. I like to use squid, yellowtail, mullet and trevelly (As fresh as possible, nothing beats live bait on the beach) on a double hook running rig with 8/0 to 10/0 hooks and a large star sinker to hold bottom. Make sure you leave your drag nice and loose and let the fish run and take the bait. Travel light so it is easy to move on, I recommend when you have not much on to go down and learn your beach get up on a good high spot and learn to spot good gutters. I also like to study the currents and use them on a nice long gutter by using my bait runner reel on fresh dead baith. I target mainly jews, and have found late night sessions also can turn it on. Lastly patience is the key, but the rewards can be huge. Good luck and let us know how you go.
  11. Well done great whiting. Looks like I need to get a kayak.
  12. Great catch, love when a plan comes together.
  13. Well done Chelsea, don't tease dad to much.
  14. Great catch and welcome, the addiction only gets worse.
  15. I love the stuff and I do not think I could ever have enough. If you love it and it does not stop you from puting food on the table for your partner and kids and you can afford to put shelter over their heads why not. Sorry what a load of poo. Who cares about food and shelter just buy gear.
  16. Make sure you don't forget your friend when you get the boat from cuz.
  17. Does anyone know what is a great high speed reel for chasing bonito with lures of the rocks with say a 10' rod.
  18. Hi jewgaffer I am in and I can definetly help put it together, I have all the contacts, for filming, graphics etc thats what I do. Lets make it happen, FISHRAIDER TV. Where do we meet to start making it happen.
  19. Thats magic, thats what its all about, can't wait to hear the story.
  20. So the trick is never leave home without you thongs, Love your work.
  21. Just wondering if anyone has any great method of burlying on the beach. I am only new so I hope this works. Look forward in chatting with you all. Just got introduced to the site.
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