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Everything posted by BFB

  1. "Get a poly, I reckon the plastic is non-conductive." Anything will conduct electricity if it has enough volts applied to it and lighting consists of millions of volts. Air is normally non-conductive but lighting will still strike through it.
  2. The yellow belly would have measured about 32cm. Caught another one about the same size on Friday afternoon. On Thursday afternoon between my daughter and son in law they accounted for 7 yellow belly and one cod. They live 1km from the dam so have plenty of time to work out where the fish are.
  3. Today went out with my son in law at Chaffey dam near Tamworth and caught my first yellow belly. It was good fun. Unfortunately no photos. Maybe next time. Will be back out trying on Saturday morning.
  4. The best way I have found to keep prawns alive is to keep them in damp sea weed on in water. We have been able to get them alive for hours using this method. I used to find that half the fun of fishing wasa catching the prawns for bait.
  5. Seconds can only go up to 59.99. Once you have gone past this you have gone to the next minute.
  6. The biggest problem with purchasing units from America is that if you have any warranty issues they need to be sent back to America.
  7. Icegirls, They are some pretty nice fish. Do you normally out fish your Dad or do you let him catch more to let him feel good? Keep up the good work and keep those photos coming.
  8. BFB

    Wallaby Bucket

    The reason I want to purchase one is that it is an alternative bucket to be used as essential equipment in the boat. The only other types of buckets are steel or rigid plastic construction. Thanks for the help.
  9. Go to a trailer or caravan spare parts stores such as Carasel Trailers, etc. They will normally stock them.
  10. BFB

    Wallaby Bucket

    This may seem a silly question, does anyone know what a wallaby bucket is and were can you purchase them? Any help will be appreciated.
  11. Finally got the boat out today. Put it in at Port Kembla at about 1:00pm. The water and conditions were terrific. Had three of my grown up kids with me. We did a bit of dift fishing between the islands. It was pretty slow but we got 3 flathead mesuring between 46 and 49 centimetres. Sorry no pictures. But the strangest catch was my son who caught a red rock cod but as we could it to the boat we noticed that the my son was having a tug of war over the rock cod with a big cuttlefish that was intent on having the rock cod himself. The cuttlefish didn't let go until after we had it netted. We let both go to live another day. We also saw 3 whales so it was a good day.
  12. To all my friends on Fishraider, I am finally going to get my boat on the water this weekend. I am looking at putting the boat in at Port Kembla. I have only been down there a few times and have never any any real success. I mainly want to do some bottom fishing for snapper, etc. If possible could anybody please PM me some GPS co-ordinates which they think might be worth a try. Thank you for any information. It will be greatly appreciated and highly guarded. Bruce
  13. BFB

    A Sign Of The Times?

    It could be that when you advertise on sell and swap here that the majority of the viewers already have most of the gear that they require. I have seen lots of gear for sale which I would not mind having but you can only fit so much stuff into your garage or boat before the catches on. Keep putting your gear up and you never no someone maybe just after what you are selling.
  14. Thanks Ray. The thought is much appreciated. I am about to have a few Bruce
  15. I recommend you follow Flightmanager's advice and talk to Craig from Huett's. I think that the cost of the service will be dependant on what work has to be carried out but not to get it done may cost a lot more if it fails at the wrong time..
  16. BFB

    Hand Held 27 Mhz

    Does anyone know where, or if, I can purchase a hand held 27 mhz marine radio? I am thinking about replacing the inbuilt radio to a UHF but still would like to be able to make contact with those boaters on 27 mhz. Any help greatly appreciated.
  17. The 10 means the tyre fits a 10 inch wheel. The 35 is the percentage of tyre tread width compared to the tyre height. If the tyre height was 200mm the width of the tread would be 70mm. The 8 means an 8 ply tyre. The plies are the number of steel or canvas plies put together to make up the tyre. Normally an 8 ply tire is a heavier duty tyre (able to handle more weight) compared to a 6 ply tire.
  18. BFB

    What Trailer

    The only problem is how far you need to back the car into the water before the boat is floating.
  19. My son is interested. If need be he will join the site to be able to attend.
  20. Hi, I just through this whole problem of which sounder, etc. In the end everyone has their opinions and all those opinions are correct. As mentioned already the easiest way to go about it is to decide on a price range. Then look at your options. A separate sounder and GPS unit has advantages but a combined unit has advantages. The only advice I would like to give you is decide on price range than look at what is available. Best of luck.
  21. We need to keep an eye on this and start to voice our opininions now. If a law like this is introduced into one state you can bet that other states will look at it. Put a law like this in with the marine parks and shortly we will be able to meet all the raiders easily because we will only have about 1 square kilometre of water that we will be able to fish in.
  22. I am going tomorrow morning. Just got to have a look at all the new devices and fads.
  23. BFB

    Holy Piston Batman

    My only suggestion is to let someone else repair it. I rebuilt an Evinrude motor many years ago. Followed the workshop manual to a tee. The motor lasted less than 1 season before it sent the crankshaft through the block. Marine engines are very much different to a normal car engine, which I have rebuilt a number of successfully. Let someone who knows what they are doing repair it. Then it should be done correctly and have some sort of warranty. Holes through pistons are sometimes caused by running an engine too lean or having the ignition timing incorrect. Which ever way you go, best of luck.
  24. There must have been a tournament on one of the dams up around Singleton way as well as saw lots of boats up that way on Sunday afternoon.
  25. Hi, Towing a boat weighing near to 2.5T should only be considered with a large 4WD. I have a 6.2 Litre Maloo and I would not even consider towing something of that weight with it. I have plently of power but when it comes to braking, cornering, etc I would not trust it. Getting the boat up a ramp would be a real concern. Only way to go is large 4WD and you will not be disappointed and should not have too many dramas. Going to anything smaller and you will only be asking for troubles. My 2 bobs worth anyway.
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