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Everything posted by BFB

  1. BFB

    Lowrance To 40 Etec

    pappy1 contact or PM Craig at Huett Marine. He will be able to give you all the right information.
  2. BFB

    No Wash Zone?

    Of course if you really want clarification in this matter the easiest way is to get booked then take it to court. That will give you a definitive answer but until that happens every other answer will be just someones opinion. In the end it will be the opinion of the officiating officer that will matter. Not good but that's life. Best is to try to do the right thing. May be the question should be: "Has anyone ever been booked for created too much wash"?
  3. One of the problems with all inboard motors is that they are basically modified car motors, but then again, the same can be said for outboard motors. Like all motors that operate with salt water they need to be flushed out properly or the salt will aid corrosion. Unlike a car motor you can not just close off the cooling system and run a radiator instead as the problem becomes no cool air flowing through the radiator. I have seen used on race boats a system which uses a heat exchanger, i.e closed water system for the motor and heat is draw out by an additional unit which has the outside water flowing through. This system, to work properly requires two water pumps, one for the motor and one for the heat exchanger, to work correctly or a fast moving boat. The majority of inboard motors use the outside water for cooling but it just needs to be flushed out everytime to ensure no salt water remains inside the water journals. The same goes for an outboard motor. The problem with this is the inboard motor is it is normally very loud when run out of the water as it uses the water to muffle the noise. I think the answer to the problem is to ensure the motor has been correctly flushed everytime it has been used in salt water. To do this properly the motor needs to be running and up to operating temperature.
  4. BFB


    Over the years Uniden has had a reasonably good name. 27Mhz is still being used as you do not need a license for it but VHF is becoming more common but you will need a license or face a big fine. 27Mhz is fine if you are fishing close to land. This site is looking at putting a course together for the license. Well worth it.
  5. Could you remind me closer to the date because I do not want to miss it.
  6. Put me down, depending on day.
  7. Very good. Where do we find one? Opps. Now I may be in trouble.
  8. I had a VX commodore and it towed my boat without a problem. Going away camping I used to tow a single axle box travel which had an all up weight of over 1 tonne all I fitted to it was a load leveling bar between the tow bar and trailer and never had any problem.
  9. That looks sore, but more importantly, is the sounder OK. Hope it heels quick and keep away from tidying things up.
  10. jewgaffer, Best of luck tomorrow. Hope all goes well. We will wait till your return to hear your further words of wisdom which has helped alot of us.
  11. Before you move the tyres you need to make sure that your car has the same size tyres on the front and the rear. It would be unusal for it to have 2 different size tyres but some car do have. My car runs a wider tyre on the rear than the front therefore I can not move the tyres around. Another thing is to get the tyres balanced when you are doing the swap. Not everyone has their rear tyres balanced to the same level as needed for the front.
  12. BFB

    Daylight Savings

    Jewhunter the problems is that if you do not turn your clocks back you will be at work a hour early on Monday then the boss will be happy.
  13. I have looked everywhere and I can not find where you store the rods, tackle boxes and esky! Without them I am not buying one. Maybe they will put them in when the series 2 model comes out.
  14. With the wiring getting hot I would suspect a starter or battery problem. Get them both checked. If it is a battery problem you may need to check your alternator to see if it is charging the battery correctly. The biggest reason a battery goes faulty is due to alternators not charging correctly.
  15. Craig, I have found that you can keep the same call sign but you will need to supply them with your full details as there does not appear to be a nationwide data base. Although in some areas they do not require your details because they will contact your number assocation to gain full details if you get in trouble.
  16. BFB

    How Much Oil

    If it is using oil injection the ratio will be better than 50:1 as this is the normal ratio for premix and oil injection is design to vary the ratio depending on the revs of the motor, etc.
  17. BFB


    Yarraone, I have a hand held Garmin type. I find it good and easy to use. Only problem is that I can not download maps onto it. Sometimes it would be handy to have the maps and that is the main change I would make if purchasing again but I can live without them. I purchased it on ebay from an Australian supplier and did not have any issues.
  18. Nashy, Thanks for the tip. Will give it a go and let you know the results.
  19. Tiger Cam, Some great fish. I am going down to the Shoalhaven River next weekend, could you let me in on some of spots where fish like those may be located.
  20. Being a small business owner I really like the statement made that the boss gets to go home every night to the family and has weekends free. I can assure that there is not very many waking hours in the day that I am not either working on or thinking about the business and how to make it happen. I can not remember the last time that I did not at least spend some time of the day on the computer conducting business work. That includes weekends, holidays, etc. This is most likely the reason why I treasure the chance I have to go fishing but, unfortunately, can not do it often enough. I often sit back and think, wouldn't it be nice to be an employee again and know that from the time I leave work till the time I get back to it the business is not my worry and I can relax. Sure running a business has its lurks and purks but in the end it is down to just hard work and many hours to make it work. If as an employee you averaged between 80 to 100 hours per week, 52 works per year, at work that you would like to be able to afford what it seems the boss takes for granted. Remember, if running a business was easy everyone would be doing it and small business keeps the country going. Support small business it is what makes Australia work. Glad that is off my chest. Let's get back to some nicer topics like when is the next time I am going fishing and will I catch anything this time?
  21. I would like to receive some feedback on Fish Finder Combos. I am looking at spending around $1,000 on a fish finder but I am tossing up on the value of a fish finder combo compared to a standard fishfinder. At present I have a hand held GPS unit which works reasonably well. Are combos worth their money or am I better off spending my money on a straight fish finder and saving for a better GPS unit later or will the combo do the job? In advance, thanks for the feedback.
  22. BFB

    The Frog Test

    I am with tide 'n knots. I can not do iton matter how hard I try. I just hope catching some fish is easier than this but then again seeing the catches I have had recently maybe it is not.
  23. BFB

    Pitch For Prop

    A lower pitch prop will get the boat on the plane quicker as it gives a quicker acceleeration. I used to use a lower pitch prop when pulling water skiers as top end wasn't a problem but I needed more punch out of the water.
  24. That looks great. Just to think a spent a small fortune on boat, motor, etc when all I needed was an inflatable arm chair. Would what the insurance is like and do you fix the epirb?
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