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Bruce the Postie

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Everything posted by Bruce the Postie

  1. Have'nt seen the pics,but i think you might find that that small angry blue shark is a Mako. They can get very cranky indeed,but they are the best eating of any shark i have tried. Cheers, Bruce
  2. Thanks for that Dave,does'nt look like you will be getting lost anytime soon,but always good to have back up. As far as the Regupol goes,i couldn't be happier with it .I did put a post about it but i don't know how to put up a link to it . Cheers, Bruce
  3. Good stuff Ray,it looked like that at Blue Lagoon this arvo and as for Bateau Bay,a small creek and wetland area have made themselves at home in the middle of the beach. Wish i had taken my new waterproof camera out on the run with me as there were some awesome conditions along the coast. All in all a really piss poor day to be a sailor or a postie. Cheers, Bruce
  4. Thanks for your help Marlin and Huey, i will certainly be having a look at theese units. I wasn't really looking for a combo,but that price is pretty hard to go past.Now if i can get them to throw in a card for nix it's a done deal. Cheers, Bruce
  5. Many years ago,when i was about 8 or 9 ,i was fishing with the family down on what is now the Wall at The Entrance. Well there we were,with everybody else catching a feed for tea when i decided to check my bait,and as all kids do i was cranking the old Roddy as quick as i could, when wacko i'm on.Now this thing started pulling hard right from the outset but once it got it's head into the current(the water used to fairly rip through that part of the channel)it really got serious. Now we caught a few fish on some outings,but never anything to really brag about.So this is the one i've been waiting for,the old Flexon solid fibreglass rod was doing it's best impression of a question mark that it could and the roddy reel was screaming it's tits off,and i was still cranking that handle like a demon when i hear shouts of encouragment from the crowd that had gathered behind me. Finally as i gained a bit of line and headed him away from the main current the struggle was nearly over and me and the growing crowd were going to see what this monster was.Another minute or so with my heart beating wildly,i managed to bring it into view only to be greeted with the sight of a 12 inch grinding disk that i had hooked clean through the hole in the middle.Thats when i learned the meaning of true dissapointment and also the first time i had heard the old man use the "F" word. Cheers, Bruce
  6. G;day All, Well the old Garmin gps 12 is getting on a bit these days,and with a bit of co-operation from the taxman this year,i'm looking to upgrade to a new chartplotter. Now being a bit of a ludite when it comes to anything overly techno,i'm after the opinions of the collective raiders brains trust.So what i'm after is, 1/A good accurate robust unit 2/Ease of use 3/Compatible with popular software 4/Good back up service 5/Affordable Well that will do for a start,looking forward to your knowledgable input. Cheers, Bruce
  7. I have noticed that for the last couple of days that fishraider time is about 1/2 hour infront of of so called real time. Is it just me,or does everybody else see the same. Cheers, Bruce p.s Not sure if this is in the right spot.
  8. Had a custom made TMC trailer made a couple of years ago,for my old Seafarer Ventura 5.2. Could'nt be happier with it's performance,and it was cheaper than the mass produced ones as well. If i were you ,i would check out the custom options before you blow your fun tickets on something that may not quite suit your hull. Cheers, Bruce
  9. That it is Pete.Magenital Sores fronts some of the best sections of Tuggerah Beach. Cheers, Bruce
  10. Synthetic turf and pillies do not get on at all.One dropped pilly,one careless footstep and you have that pilly for the life of the floor covering. Apart from that,it's not to bad. Cheers, Bruce
  11. Is going to crack a few Darkies tomorrow morning

  12. As long John Silver once said "where's me bucaneers" Cheers, Bruce
  13. They will do the job mate.
  14. The red ones are the go mate. Cheers, Bruce
  15. Take your beach rod,pick out a gutter from your balcony,walk out door to beach,cast into said gutter,catch fish. Easy,seriously,there is some prime beach areas just out the front of Magenital Sores resort and the old tip.Good luck. Cheers, Bruce
  16. G'day Tony, You did good mate. Wordsmithing is not an easy lot,but you seem to have it in spades mate.You seem to posses that much needed touch of inventive silliness that makes a passage a pleasure to read. Looking forward to your next installment. Cheers, Bruce
  17. G'day Tony, Great report,but bugger,I was hoping you would introduce us to another new superlative or at least a clever collective noun. Seriously,sounds like fun was had by all. Cheers, Bruce
  18. A brothel of Shags ,i like that.With your permission i would like to add this to my list of collective nouns. You write the way i think,if only i was capable of transfering my thoughts from brain to finger. Thanks for the entertainment Tony,looking forward to your next installment. Cheers, Bruce
  19. G'day, I will more than likley drop in and say hello,could be conned into a sip or two though. Cheers, Bruce
  20. Nice Horsie Ray,Not a bad way to show off your personalised brag mat mate. Is that Whiting printed on the mat or is it a graphic demonstration of why they swallow their tucker head first?. Cheers,Bruce
  21. Good onya mate, Give it a go ,That cardboard idea sounds like a great alternative(must have a crack at that myself,thanks Burley king). Looking forward to your updates. Cheers, Bruce
  22. The poly resin should not stick to the melamine coating,but a little release wax,cooking srpay or the like never hurts. Cheers, Bruce
  23. G'day mate, I did a similar thing in my boat a while ago and i am very happy with the results.Although my boat is fibreglass the process will be very similar,do a search on underfloor esky and you can see mine from start to finish. If i were going to do this in an ally boat i would'nt se any timber at all,but would use some melamine sheet to form the contour of the bottom of the area and sides,and using this setup as a mould,glass over this and then separate the two,now you have a fibreglass shell that can be insulated then glased over and flowcoated etc.With this method you have no timber at all to wory about,no rot, ever. Give it a go and good luck. Cheers, Bruce
  24. G'day Mate' Before you go with marine carpet,why don't you check out some of the alternative products on the market.I did and i could'nt be happier with the stuff that i used. Do a bit of a search on this forum and check out some of the pros and cons of marine carpet before you make your decision. Cheers, Bruce
  25. Yeah!,same up this way. I was copping more spider webs out at sea than i do during the week on the postie bike. For a while there ,i thought they could have been the spiders from Mars. Cheers Bruce
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