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Bruce the Postie

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Everything posted by Bruce the Postie

  1. Nice one Ray, Can't say i've ever seen that before.Looks like you had another fun arvo of the stones mate,Keep 'em coming Ray. Cheers, Bruce
  2. Good stuff Ben, Just remember to make sure it's reliable before you blow all your "toy" money on stuff that you will not be able to use if the motor lets you down. Enjoy. Cheers, Bruce
  3. Well done Ray, It looked a perfect arvo for it yesterday at Terrigal,well from the seat of the postie bike anyway. Cheers, Bruce
  4. Good work blokes, You certainly know how to pick the weather ,but i looks like you had a blast anyway. Ray,re;picture 1, i have had the same thing happen (especialy with small to tiny reds),and it turned out to be o/s squid,so maybe next time you could keep him in the water a bit longer and see what happens. Cheers, Bruce
  5. Good onya mate, Bare bones fishing,just like when we were kids,never ceases to give me a thrill. Cheers, Bruce
  6. Had never looked at them in that light before Ray,maybe i'm my own worst enemy? Cheers, Bruce
  7. Good onya Bez, Sounds like you had a real blast,just be careful mate this fishing caper can become a habit that is hard to break. Cheers, Bruce
  8. G'day Ray' Sorry mate i can't give you an accurate distance from the coast,you would probably be ok,but it's best to be sure about these things.If it's any consolation,i can tell you how far it is from my place Cheers, Bruce
  9. It was long shank hooks that i was having the problems with. I would suggest that you give the circles a go ,i don't think you will be disapointed,nothing ventured,nothing gained as they say. Cheers, Bruce
  10. G'day All, I have been having a go at the local whiting population lately,i have been getting some good fish,but a lot of unders, and overs for that matter,have been hooked very deep causing me to either cut the trace or maybe cause damage to the fish trying by to release it. So today i thought i would try some small circle hooks that i had laying around(#4 i think)and see how i went.Well,i did'nt catch as many fish,but all fish were of a better quality and all were pinned nicley in the corner of the jaw. From this little experiment,i have concluded that i will be using circle hooks a lot more especialy for my estuary fishing. Cheers, Bruce P.s. Sorry,i forgot the bloody camera
  11. From what i've heard,it is going to be a multi purpose istallation that will be able to be used by various sporting and educational groups,for a small donation to the coffers . Any way i hope the rumors are true,because im sure it has the potential to be a sensational fishery. Cheers, Bruce
  12. Better get to our vantage points early then,and try not to get in the way of VIP's viewing area. Cheers, Bruce
  13. Yeah,your not wrong about that Ray. Cheers, Bruce
  14. Well done mate, Your mate looks really happy and really,really crook all at the same time. I bet he was glad to get back to shore,and not just so he could start bragging about his 1st beaky. Cheers, Bruce
  15. G'day Slinky, Long live the Spinfishers and ABU 7000's,old and simple and clunky(a bit like me really) but get the job done with a minimum of fuss. cheers, Bruce
  16. Spoke to a diver who runs a boat out of Terrigal,he was telling me that the highest point of the ship will only be about 10 or so metres from the surface. Should be a great spectacle to watch ,providing we can get anywhere near it! Cheers, Bruce
  17. G'day All, Just wondering if anyone was planning to watch the scuttling of the Adelaide off Terrigal/Avoca later this month. Cheers, Bruce
  18. Nice one centurion Cheers, Bruce
  19. Nice Lizard Baz,and remember that time is of no object when you drive a Kombi,and Kombis are only slow uphill! Cheers, Bruce
  20. G'day All, Got to work this morning,and guess who was enthralling his audience with tales of the monster from the sea.LMAO,glad to see he had a good time. Cheers, Bruce
  21. I wish it was that easy all the time! Cheers, Bruce
  22. G'day All, Well the story goes like this,during the cooler months last year a mate from work (who thinks i can fish a bit )asked me to go out in his tinny with him and his young bloke and show them how to catch Blackfish,ok i says i can show you the theory behind it ,but i cant promise that the fish will take part in the lesson,no worries says him,that would be great. Anyway to cut a long story short,i got them sorted out and rigged up and within a couple of hours we had a nice bag of quality darkies in the boat and both father and son were over the moon with their catch and my ,reputation as a fisho in their household is right up there with Bob Dyer.He still drags out the photos if anyone even mentions fishing. So during the week said mate approaches me and asks if i can go out with him again and show them how to catch Flathead,no worries says me and we tee up a short outing for friday arvo after work.With the details sorted out i once again told him that it was up to the fish to participate as i had no control over their needs and wants. Friday arvo we duck down to The Entrance,launch the tinny and i try to identify some water that would be attractive to some of our chosen quarry.With the spot found i helped them to rig up and lines were deployed and instruction started.Fast forward a couple of hours and my mate looks happy as with our efforts,and his opinion of my fishing skills has gone from Bob Dyer to Bigger than Ben Hur. Does he look happy or what! Cheers,Bruce
  23. Drive safe mate ,the fishing will still be here when you get here. Good luck and have a great holiday on the coast. Cheers, Bruce
  24. G'day Bubba, Yeah,it's not a bad spot to have as a back up when things don't go to plan and it's only 5 mins down the road. Picked up a couple of poppers at the tackle shop the other day,clear plastic fishy things that are all the rage in the lake at the moment,i'll give 'em a go tomorrow 'arvo and see how things go. Whiting burgers hey,will have to give that a go,i turned these ones into crumbed Whiting,lettuce, cheese and sweet chilli sauce sanga's. Cheers, Bruce
  25. I think you could add some very interesting talk bubbles to those pics. Cheers Bruce
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