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Posts posted by slinkymalinky

  1. He reliably informed me that anchors, even when they are under water, are still really heavy.

    :Funny-Post: :Funny-Post:

    Happy birthday :1happybday:

    Love getting wet and cold on your special day. Much better than sitting in front of a fire with a cold beverage :beersmile:

    Top post, Slinky

  2. Great fish Jayden. At least the hospital head gear must have kept your head a bit warmer!! Looks like a chilly morning. :frozen:

    Great to see you out with the Jnrs again PT. Nothing better than the smile on a kids face when they catch a good fish!!

    Cheers, Slinky

  3. Great holiday by the sounds of it, Marty. That's a very tasty looking fish in the photo... I agree with you and definitely rate Coral Trout as a top eating fish. Sweet, firm, white flesh... yummy :drool:

    Good advice about charter operators. I think anywhere you go there are cowboys but major tourism destinations are the worst because I think a lot of operators never have to worry about repeat customers so they don't care.

    Cheers, Slinky

  4. These are the moments that I wish I was like Paris Hilton... too much money and nothing but time on my hands (there are other aspects of her life I could live without :biggrin2:)

    Hope you have a good session, Pete and I'd take you up on it if I could... seeing Stewy's post from yesterday has left me with an itch to get one of my long rods out of storage.

    Cheers, Slinky

  5. If I have forgotten anyone I apologise right now as there are so many of you to thank 1yikes.gif

    Cheers Sordfisherman

    Only yourself, Stewy. Thanks for all the energy you put into the site too and all the work you do introducing so many people to fishing and then helping them along the learning curve... it all comes from being so passionate about fishing mate and it's much appreciated by many many Raiders.

    Cheers, Slinky

  6. Well done boys. :thumbup:

    They're quality Blackies. Glad you were poling em for a while... great fun. Wish I could have stayed an extra day and brought a banana along fishing with you. Then you would have caught some quality fish :074:

    Welcome aboard as a member, Martin. It was good to meet you at the social and I hope that rod gets put to good use catching 4oz Roach and stuff :biggrin2:

    Cheers, Slinky

  7. G'day Prawn Star,

    Everyone has their own preferences but I personally like a slightly longer rod for Snapper plastics work. The extra casting distance (and it makes a significant difference) from a 7'6 or even 8' rod gives a lot more fishing time on each drift.

    A Berkley Drop Shot is a great rod to start out with... excellent value for money. Don't know if they're still on the market but I have a 7'6" 4-8kg stick that's a gem. My own #1 outfit recently has been an 8' Daiwa Sol 8-17lb but its more expensive. I've also just picked up a 7'11" Lox 4-7kg and a Lox 7'9" 2-5kg (my trusty 7' 2-5 is fantastic for light Snapper plasticing but I wanted the extra length).

    In the 7' range you might be able to find a T-Curve for a little over $200 which I'd also recommend highly. I haven't fished with Starlo Stix or Raiders for snapper but they've got great reputations.

    I usually take 2 outfits with me chasing Snapper... one in the 8kg range matched with 20lb braid (or sometimes 30lb) on a 4000 reel; and one in the 5-6kg range matched with a 2500 reel and using 10-15lb braid. When I can get away with it I prefer the lighter outfit... just coz it's more fun. When the water gets deeper (say over 10m), the jig heads get bigger or the reefs get uglier, I switch to the heavier outfit.

    Now... if only I could work out how to get through the Tweed bar more easily so I could chase them more often... :biggrin2:

    Cheers, Slinky

  8. Bubba and Swordy were pulled over in the Skeeter. They were keeping a close eye on things at the social... running up and down in front of us most of the day. I usually really like Maratime... they're doing a pretty thankless but important job. But sometimes it feels like they're giving too much attention to the wrong things, picking people out for minor technical issues while seemingly ignoring genuine maniacs doing stupid stuff.

    Cheers, Slinky

  9. Nice bag of flat things there, Bruce. Good to see that one of the Jackets didn't make it back to their home with some of your gear. I'd love to know from a marine scientist whether they're getting more prolific every year... certainly seems like it from reports :mad3: Maybe it's just a cyclic thing?

    Cheers, Slinky

  10. Next social will probably be somewhere around October all being well. This will be Fishraider's 'Back to the Bay' social held in Botany Bay. It's usually really well attended and will be very much a fishing day as well as the usual social flavour. A great day for everyone to put into practice the sort of ideas talked about at the workshop.

    Some great fish get caught each year at the Bay social, with winning fish sometimes being caught from the beach within a couple of hundred meters of 'base camp'.

    Hope to see you all there.

    Cheers, Slinky

  11. ... Unfortunately for me, Bubba took my daughter and her boyfriend for a spin in the 'red rocket' ... guess what she wants for her birthday now? :074:

    ... Cheers


    Yes... I can see the problem because I know how much you'd hate having to get your own Skeeter :074:

    Christy is a great kid, Skip. You should be proud of yourself.


  12. Great to see you got some fish, Pete. That Whiting's a corker :1yikes:

    What a great day with great weather. Fantastic to meet lots of new Raiders and catch up with plenty of long term Raiders again too.

    I've got to give a big thankyou to Mrsswordfisherman in particular for the outstanding organisation of the day... it's a big job. And to Swordy and Jewhunter... the rest of the Admin team there with Donna, for continuing to make sure Fishraider is the kind of community that so many people want to be part of.

    Thanks also to my group of Raiders and all the others who attended the tutorials... hope I get to see some posts with some fish caught with some of the tips and techniques shared by all the tutors on the day.

    Bubba... your boat is a WEAPON! It's going to take me the best part of a week for my eyes to return to the front of my skull and for me to wipe the smile off my face :biggrin2:

    And I'd like to add my thanks to Global Tackle, Viva Fishing and TT lures for their support of the day. Like a lot of you, I went home with some goodies from Mark and Y's tackle table... Those Kokoda blades looked too good to pass up. A lot of Raiders got to have a cast with one of the Lox rods loaned by David Duffy, as well as one very happy Englishman with a brand new Lox of his own... well done Martin. Most Raiders got to go home with some great TT lures or jig-heads, or a Lox cap.

    Can't wait for the next social.

    Thanks to all, Slinky

  13. G'day Hamuwaja,

    The total post size is limited... as you make more posts the size of posts you can make can increase.

    You've got a couple of options... you can make the pics smaller, you could create an album on Fishraider and post a link to it, or you could post the pics in a couple of replies.

    Great fish :thumbup:

    Cheers, Slinky

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