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Posts posted by Juggs

  1. This reply isn't directed at you
    but every weekend all round Australia how many fish either undersize or not the target species are damaged by rec fishers it would be many many thousands
    I know when bass fishing its unavoidable to damage juvenile fish attacking lures 10 times their size

    to think that the 100 200 300 sharks being culled in wa is significant amount of biomass being removed is ludicrous

    I don't damage any snapper when fishing in Botany Bay, and I'll tell you why. If I can't see the hook hanging out if it's mouth I snip the line off and tie on another hook, that hook inside it will rust out and the fish will go onto live, so for the sake of 20c hook it might get to grow to a legal size


    If it's to good to be true, it usually is...

  2. you cant say the boat costs me this much to run so I must catch this many fish
    you cant apply the principals of boat ownership cost to what you are entitled to take from the wild
    it will always be cheaper to buy fish from a co op or fish shop then to go get it yourself

    its a past time and hobby, if you need to provide fish for the family it is always cheaper to buy them

    its a $200 day to take my boat out diesel for ute tolls fuel oil bait lost tackle and that doesn't inc rego costs etc

    thats 5 kg of flathead fillets :)

    a combined bag limit of 5 fish is way too low people , this is not Queensland where your chance of catching a kilo fish is ten times better then Sydney , how many people will bother taking a boat out for 5 fish? i would not mind that if i had a house next to the water , or i was living walking distance from the surf/beach, but really lets get real ! a combined bag limit of 20 is very realistic , dont forget not all /sydney siders are making as much money as you lot, think what it would mean to a cleaner to spend money to go fishing so that he can bring back home five medium leatherjackets , i would rather pay a $150 fishing licence per year then have to put up with a 5 fish bag limit, and they can take that money and breed and release allot more fingerlings into the systems each year, or try one waterway only with this 5 bag limit only and see how many people will fish there , etc etc etc

  3. how many litres are you using per trip ?

    I think using a non manufacturers oil is false economy in the long run.

    what speed were you trolling at ? any carbed old tech 2 stroke will foul plugs trolling for longer then 30-60 mins
    my Johnson would do this every 30 mins when down rigging but the guy I bought it off had cheap gulf western in in the tank
    switched to yamma lube and get double that time

    when trolling at 6knts they don't foul at all now

    just saying trying to save $15 when your already spending hundreds is false economy
    and one day those plugs wont recover and its a bitch to replace them out at sea

  4. I dont know what your disagreeing with as you have just agreed with me
    I said no good for heavy outfits or people to hang on too

    ive had one collapse and snap off completely with a 3 tld 15s and a spin outfit in it so from my experience they are rubbish

    there are two seats in my boat, the most comfortable spot is not seated when travelling home in a building sea.

    its standing behind the skipper or other seat occupant taking the pounding through the knees

    there is nothing unsafe from my point of view as a skipper by having people stand in the boat while traveling as long as their is something for them to hang on to safely

    if its there people will hold on to it no way to avoid it

  5. none of the premade ones are any good for heavy outfits even say tld 25s the plastic ones are only rated to 1kg outfit per rod holder
    even that bias one will bend with someone holding on to it in a swell etc coming back in

    only way is custom made either by whoever the site sponsor is or anyone else

    looking at 1k -1500 for a reasonable setup

    benefit of a well made unit is you can ut nav lights antennas etc up there as well

  6. my Allison will have water in the nose if I don't elevate the nose after a days fishing.
    water slopping in in rough water, rain, spray washing down the bait table or when a squid tries to block the bait tank outlet
    work out how its getting in first before declaring it a issue

    leaking bungs
    Engine bolts
    skin fittings

    anchor well drain port

    bait tank fittings

    none of these fittings will stay sealed for ever and require maintenance every few years to ensure the integrity of the jointing compounds used to seal

  7. pretty normal for a carbed 2 stroke

    your starting it up and letting it idle for a while, as your not bringing the revs up and engines is not getting up to temp your not burning off the oil

    next time you start it its loaded up with oil in the crank case, dribbling out the prop and exhausts

    do it a few times and it gets worse

    my engine leaks fuel out the carbs when I tilt it needs I new gasket round airbox that drains back into the crankcase

  8. fab 1 has the correct solution everything else is a blowout waiting to happen
    on my 5m boat I have to run 60psi short long runs doesn't matter.

    your springs are your suspension, many trailers are over sprung

  9. I have a hds7 in the boat and just added a dragon fly system

    the dragonfly is a very good unit but ive only used it out to 120m and don't normally fish deeper, if I troll I only have it show the top 100m anyway looking for bait schools

    I run hds7 half screen gps other half speed and fuel use and leave the dragon fly on its downscan setting.

    best unit ive ever bought for clarity of screen what it shows and ease of use

    saving up to dump it all and put ahigher end raymarine unit wth chirp in

    sorry will say the gps function is not as good as lowrances even with the same map installed

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