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Posts posted by Juggs

  1. Hi,

    Depending on your tank size, the fuel in it generally going off is dependant on the conditions and how full the tank is.. as previously described, an almost empty tank will be more succeptable to condensation than a full tank. Also the quality of the fuel is another factor to consider i.e premix or straight fuel.. E10 is a no no for boats as it contains ethanol which attracts moisture not to mention the perishing of your fuel lines etc. My understanding is that depending on your tank size which is 270 litres in my case, the fuel will generally deteriorate over time to a stage where it can be classed as off after some 4 months.. i haven't tried that theory nore do i wish too. i just run the motor at least once a month which i have always done whether its a 2hp outboard or a 300hp inboard.. lack of use is the worst enemy of an engine than lots of use... A motor with a few hours on it thats ten years old could possibly be in worse condition internally than a two year old motor with a lot of hours on in that has been used regularly. (with servicing at the required times of course)..

    my neighbour runs a 900hp ski race boat and they consider 3-4 weeks the cut off before they will run a motor on it, they had experienced engine failures running fuel 8 weeks old

    obviously a more highly strung engine with twin turbos

  2. Wrong guys

    The ten knot thing refers to licences you can drive a boat unlicensed as long as you don't plane or go over a certain speed which upto 10 knots

    Registration is based on any boat with more then 4kw / 5 hp

    now does this mean a five has to be registered I'm pretty sure as a mate has his five hp ten footer registered

    It's all on the web at maritime website

  3. Having your boat slammed into your winch post or car

    Boats damaged on trailers by swell

    Or running your pride n joy up into sand

    I wouldn't use it , I stop for lunch very now and then and watch it in use while at work

    Amusing to say the least

  4. with a front screen and bimini i had to chuck up there to be close to legal, i use to have one of those rear corner mounted lights on a pole

    just reread the rule book and you guys are correct

  5. I dont use the stuff but pretty sure it has to be added early on

    Not after the fuel has deteriorated

    I also fill the tank after every trip means less air movement as the tank heats and cools during the day

    this cuts down on condensation entering the tank through the breathers

    I only have a 70l underfloor tank so if I havnt used it within a month to six weeks I drain it and put in the wife's car with a transfer pump

    Then I refil the boat

    I may be wrong but 4 weeks is about it for raw fuel before it starts deteriorating

  6. I’d like to quote the maritime "You are the skipper you are responsible"

    Yes, we sure are!

    something to remember, even if they have no lights on and you hit them some blame may be apointed to you

    in a accident speak to a lawyer before you give waterways a written statement on any accident you personally are in

    i just fitted a rocket launcher to get my nav light higher


    but technically this isnt legal either as it has to be 1m higher then any part of the boat

  7. Hi All

    I wnt to have some sort of retractable transducer bracket for my tinny so I can slide it down banks without damaging the tranducer, anyone seen anything like this?



    both of the major boat accessories dealers do them

    same as any tackle shop that has a account with bla

  8. Juggs, id be interested in seeing your rocket launcher photos as I have just bought an old boat and I am in the process of doing it up.

    I want to add a rocket launcher to it, live bait tank and hopefully will have enough left over for a fishfinder/GPS combo.

    Want to take it up to Cowan this year with my son if it is ready in time.

    hi mate sent you the photos via pm

    the ledlights are amazing its like daylight with it on

  9. The yanks do it over winter ie it's called winterization

    Generally it's just a fogging spray they coats the internals to prevent rust

    And getting all water out of the cooling system to prevent ice

    If your using it every month or so don't do anything it's pointless

    Start it now and then

    Move the steering to stop it seizing

    And manage the fuel with a stabilser

  10. Hi Juggs, that is good going then because of all the 27 meg radios I have used I would be lucky to get anything like that reception and are you saying you were tlaking to people in SA from Botnay Bay using 27 mhz?



    yes huey crazy as it sounds its not uncommon for the wave to skip long distances, people have picked up from very random locations

    you cant always transmit back though

    27mhz have a bit of a issue with etecs seems similar frequencies are emitted by the engines so a vhf is needed when running a etec

    with the dash space in new boats id just fit both

  11. Hi, well said by the guys and I agree and as simple as it gets VHF works and 27 Meg does not work, but having both can be a bonus if wanting to talk to another boat (in line of sight) and he only has 27 meg. A bit like VHS/Beta days, slowly 27 meg will die off would be my guess.



    27mhz works fine in areas where its still supported, which is all vmr stations still

    i can reach bar point from 30kays out and i get use 27mhz from browns, you just get more idiots on 27mhz as they havnt upgraded to vhf yet (well as many idiots)

    last year we were talking to people in south Australia in botany bay,was a unusualy conversation till we worked out what was going on

    and regualry get people from wollongong etc

  12. Im sure a lot of you have spent a few evenings chasing the fish that does not exist called the hairtail

    But id say many have not braved the winter chill of July to chase this elusive fish

    If people could post their tips for keeping warm and comfortable im sure it will be invaluable information for the coming social

    heres my view on the topic

    its all about layers of clothing that you can take on and off as needed to stop getting cold and also to stop overheating

    i wear

    a pair of thermals

    woolen socks

    tracksuit pants

    light spray type rain pants

    a old pair of gumboots that are way too big

    a collard t shirt

    flannelette shirt

    stormy sea lined jacket

    and a beanie and gloves to top it off

    i advise anyone against wearing waders or bib n brace with the boots sealed to the bottom

    if you go in your going down and they are impossble to get off due to water pressure, hence the over sized boots

    many people drown each year in waders and bib n brace type garments

    the main culprit is the fog or mist that rolls in about 1 am and really sends the temps plummeting, ive seen -1 in cowan before and had ice on the seat beside me

    so in a smaller boat if you rig a tarp up to keep the dew off it can make a world of difference to how you enjoy the night

    my boat is getting fitted up this weekend with a rocket launcher and new led lights ill post a picture when its done

  13. The sounding device has to be within reach of the helm

    Having it in a box is worthy of a fine from waterways

    I have a loud whistle tied to rope and looped over my compass and a airhorn on the dash

  14. Offshore can be either

    You need a licence to use

    But it is not illegal to posses one without a licence

    And in times of distress it is not illegal to operate to call for assistance

  15. Huey does these as well

    They do a model called a buster with side decks and a bit more bling

    It's basically a hotted up seahorse

    With a 30 you will have change for a sounder etc

    Just don't put a no name outboard on it

  16. the 4.95 tinny in my bio weights 1200kg on the weigh bridge ready to go fishing

    hull 400kg

    engine 120kg

    anchor rope chain 20kg

    fuel 68l so 55kg

    trailer 240kg

    2 batteries 60kg

    so 900kg there

    then you have to add the weight of everything else, spare tyres gps sounder antenas biminis snapper racks bait boards

    so a 5m glass boat will weigh 1500kg easily

  17. telwater bought alycraft and shelved the brand

    anglapro make a very nice boat but with your 15k budget it wil be tiller steer

    for allround size and fitout the 424 chaser with a 30hp suxuki is a awesome boat, about 13k on a decent dunbier trailer (not a piece of chinese crap)

    add a electric motor and your set for everythng from bass and trout to bay and inshore fishing

    painted full flat floors big and wide and deep and stable

  18. Generally it's on items that have lead but as California is the largest economy of all the USA states any product they deem to have any minute link to cancer it will be labeled

    Otherwise it's not allowed to be sold there

    Most lures I buy or any of my archery gear has this label

  19. Hi Raiders,

    Was wondering what is meant by a plate boat are they the same as normal aluminium or are they heavier,a bit confused about it all.

    I was impressed why a top ender had a smooth drive as well as quiet compared to an escape can anyone explain the difference to me thanks.

    i havnt look at their website for a while but nothing quintrex makes could be considered a plate boat although some consider a flat sided tinny full of bog plate boat

    to me plate boats are boats made from sheets of aluminium and welded with no stretch forming like quintrex/stacer do

    id go a tabs territory over a quintrex top ender, just because ive seen the build quality of many mass produced boats

  20. What improvement are you looking for ?

    Top speed

    Time to planing


    Do be good at one thing means it will be not as good as the other two

    A 30 on 3.9 tinny should be ample for good acceleration and speed

  21. It's much cleaner fuel and it has been proven.

    Proven by who ? do you have links ?

    cleaner? as in cleaner burning ? they add additives of a higher volatility to get 98 if you leave your boat sitting for 2 weeks between uses your just back to reg 95

    the reason i ask as imo its just a waste of money where reg 95 does a ok job ( i cant talk about new engines like etecs etc maybe huey can offer some advice)

    your engine will only perform on the fuel its been built for and extra octane does nothing for a engine not designed for it

    the main benefit people see in cars is from using it in poorly serviced engines where all the additives come into play

    i ran bp ultimate in my kart engines which we ran to 17k rpm sometimes 20k rpm and had issues with the detergents they use causing the castor to not stick to the cyclinder wall

    we ended up running 15:1 instead of 16:1to counter it

    other 98 mixes didnt have this issue and in the end it was only a little extra oil, but it sure did cost a few pistons before we got it sorted

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