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Everything posted by trev

  1. So far for me it is the 2" power hawg in watermelon but am getting a liking for the 3" power minnow in emerald shiner. Cheers Trev
  2. Adrian, Cheers I was wondering what it was from. The guy was in the construction business he had a heap in all different sizes some as big as those pool noodles I got some for crab pot floats and for holding rigged leaders and gangs. Cheers Trev
  3. Sorry about photo quality only have the little camera on the palm pilot to use. Nick I will include this fly in the postage Cheers Trev
  4. Colour the foam and seal thread with nail polish Allow to dry and there you have it Go and catch some fish Cheers Trev
  5. Put a slit in the bottom of the foam ready to glue onto hook Glue the foam into position with super glue then tie down back to shape and finish off thread
  6. Nick, I tied this up just then with the materials I am sending you. Foam Spaghetti salvaged from a dumper bin. Cut a piece the right size for the fly you are tying Tie on some flash and some polar fiber for a tail
  7. Nick, attached is a pic of one tied by a guy I met on a fly fishing site using the yellow ones you get at hardware stores. CHeck your messages. Cheers Trev
  8. Good little report Mat. I was hoping to head down there this weekend some time probably Friday evening or Sunday Arvo. I haven't caught a trevally there yet so that is one I want to add to my IC list. Did you get the fish on Hawgs BM's or single tails? Cheers Trev
  9. Mark, If you have two spools then load one in reverse first to get the amount of backing needed correct then rewind onto the other spool. Takes the guess work out of how much backing to use if you don't have enough braid to fill the reel up. Cheers Trev
  10. trev

    My Old Tinnie

    That looks awsome Hooky My wife just came up with a screamer comment when she saw it: PIMP MY BOAT You have given me inspiration. I was looking at getting a simple boat then fitting it out myself. Well done mate that looks great. Cheers TRev
  11. Welcome back Clutch and all the best to you and your wife. Looks like you had a great honeymoon and wedding in Vegas. Awsome mate. Cheers and beers Trev
  12. Kingy I am a complete nutter I never deny it and am real happy in my own little mad world You want to be carefull using WD 40 as it acts as a solvent on a lot of lubricants, but having said that if you find that your gear is lasting and not getting worn out then I wouldn't change what you are doing at all. The old saying if it aint broke don't fix it! CHeers Trev the loony one
  13. I am sure OTTOS would have them. Better still a quick trip along the M4 then go to our site sponsors ABA and I am sure they would have them also. They may also be able to send them via post? Give em a ring. If you wanted to make your own popper heads then use an old foam rubber thong and punch out small cylinders using whatever size tube you need. A pair of rubber thongs in green from woolies makes a heap of popper heads for bass and cost a lot less than bought ones. You can shape the slope or cone shape using a craft knife or sand paper. An old surfboard is even better this foam is super light and real easy to shape into whatever popper head you want. Both these material will take nail polish to colour them up go to the cheap shops go lo or whatever and they will have heaps with glitter in them make sure you take a daughter or wife or they will think it Mardi Gra time Attached are some I prepared earlier: Cheers Trev
  14. Generally fish more often. new species: 1. Jew on soft plastic (the bigger the better) 2. King fish 3. estuary perch on SP species to improve PB's: 1. flathead on fly 2. bass on anything (want to try one of the dams) 3. fewer grinners Techniques: 1: improve SP casting at boat hulls 2: trout on dry fly (prob' wont get a chance though) Get a digital camera to improve reports a pic tells a 1000 words. Cheers and hope all meet their dreams Trev
  15. Awsome Matt, Great looking fish. I still have to get one on soft plastics. Cheers Trev
  16. Not always done the same day as fishing trip but always within 24hrs. I take reels off rods and wash all the rods with mild detergent and rinse with clear water I then dry with soft cloth (surgical sponge) I pull the corner of the sponge through the runner when possible or use a cotton bud on smaller runners. The reels I remove the spool and emerse in clear tap water the real is then wiped over with cloth soacked in H20 and mild detergent the rinsed in a bucket of clear water (not whilst the spool is in there) the real is then dried with cloth and if needed handles and any parts that need it are lubed spool is put back on and all drags are left loose. Takes a while but then I don't need to replace gear very often and have almost zero gear failure when in use. I was told never to hose gear down as this can force salt H2O into the reel or crevices in rods. Yep my wife often thinks I love my fishing gear more than her.......... She is wrong Cheers Trev
  17. to the site Pres' sounds like a great day off work. The great Australian sicky what better way to spend it than fishing with the real boss. Cheers Trev
  18. Pedro, That is a ripper of an idea. Cheers Trev
  19. Swoffa, They are a curse! Once you have caught one you always seem to get them..... Cheers Trev
  20. Lance, It is a painted grinner. Have a look at the link to a previous post about this fish. Cheers Trev http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...wtopic=4752&hl=
  21. Saturday Cricket all day son starts at 8:30am and I at 1:30pm then have a gig playing for rover scouts dance those senior scouts 18 - 26 party hard..... Sunday Church in the morning and then Uni work all arvo Good luck to all those fishing hopefully some nice reports on Monday Cheers Trev
  22. Freshwater: small floppy (I know you can't get them any more but I still got enough) Saltwater: White tailed jig either feather or polafibre with promanant eyes. Cheers Trev
  23. Yep silver Drummer. Cheers Trev
  24. trev

    Iron Cove

    Took the little tinnie to Iron Cove on Saturday Arvo had my usual fishing partners Dennis amate from church and my 14 yr old son of course his name is Andrew (should send him fishing with SWOFFA) Wind was blowing a treat which made positioning the boat awkward for casting plastics. We tried every plastic, every retrieve and several different weights and even unwaited we cast at hulls at jetties at bridge pilons and caught only two tiny tailor on the lures. I had one very good hook up but dropped it. Tried drifting baits then and only got a small red bream. Still was an enjoyable time with good company. Will try again soon hopefully when the water is warmer. Cheers Trev
  25. Saturday Sons Cricket starts in themorning but after that heading out to Parra somewhere for spin from the little tinnie taking sone with us. Hopefully there might be some bream about but I will be just happy to be on the water having a go. Sunday Church in the morning and then Domestic Duties after that but have next week and a half off so hopefully will get some extra hrs fishin in. Good Luck to all Cheers Trev
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