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Posts posted by Geoff

  1. Does it ever cut the motor off?

    I ask cause my outboard has no temp gauge either, which worries me all the time! I keep putting my hand behind the cowl where the gap is too feel how hot it is.

    I've not experienced a total cut out. Perhaps that was due to the sensor being faulty , not that the water pump had failed & there was no water going through the motor.

    Huey would be the best one to advise on the cut off question


  2. Very strange never seen it in cars.

    Thats because cars have a temp gauge attached to the heat sensor to alert the driver of a problem.

    Some outboards , in particular early models do not have a temp gauge as such so to prevent the motor from overheating a heat sensor controls the motor automatically


  3. There are quite a few suggestions here , all worth checking.

    A friend of mine had a 35hp Evinrude with the same problem.

    When first started , ie motor cold , will it rev out normally in gear then , after a few minuits , when the motor is at operating temp , drop back to idle.

    If so , suggest it is the heat sensor located in the block.

    Check with Huey , for testing purposes , there is a way to bypass the sensor.

    I dought it is the plugs , it's just coinsidential the problem has occured with the plug change


  4. Cam Sounds like the chair from Huey & perhaps the rubber from Gary is the way to go.

    I had the same problem some years back , bought a twin hull boat , no more tinny bang or sore back.

    Problem , it cost a lot more than a new chair but it was time for an up grade anyway.


  5. Byron To assist members a bit further I will take a photo , next week when I get home , of the actual area your describing .

    Would you like me to mail to you for inclusion or add it as a post


    There are 2 photos below , the first showing the steering arm in the cut out.

    The contrast of the white "lower" or previous cut out section is difficult to see , in fact it looks as though it has been filled in when it has not.

    The second photo with a piece of blue paper added shows the lower cut out more clearly.

    The hole size is approx 60 mm wide X 100mm high.

    Perhaps someone knows of a waterproof fitting that can be fitted , say , with a few screws or is it to be a welded cover plate.


    post-731-047732800 1307237435_thumb.jpg

    post-731-093448000 1307237477_thumb.jpg

  6. coming back to the boat ramp to find my trailer missing would be my worst nightmare! I would have no idea what to do in that situation...

    Unless you know someone with a spare trailer lying around , arrange a flat top tow truck , on of those with the sloping pick up tray.

    Check with insurance company , they should cover the cost.

    If they don't ,then unfortunatly the pickup & transport charges would be at your cost.


  7. My Dad used to fish with a guy (Bob) back in the 50's who was as tough as nails.

    They would fish the ledges around Currarong & Bob would collect crabs from the rock creverses by placing both hands in , the crabs would latch on to his fingers & presto , instant bait.

    For me I was never that brave & used a small hook with some bait , the crab would grab the bait & if you were quick enough lift them up & into a bucket.

    With a bit of practice , some patients & the knack of knowing when to lift , we had quite good sucess with this method


  8. Hi, I am new to fishing and tring hard with not much success. I live in Bellingen and was hoping I could get some tips about fishing the area around urunga (species to target, times to go and anything that may help my fishing)

    I would be very greatful for any help. (off the beach or bank)


    A friend of mine has a house at Nth Beach. He & a few friends have just returned from a weeks fishing trip.

    I was supposed to go but unfortunatly was unable to attend due to being in hospital.

    Needless to say I was not impressed considerinng the great weather , correct tides (mid day low) & as it turned out the fish were on the bite both in the river & on the beach.

    Kulch has provided good information & should bring results.

    The beach , normally fish the rising tide in the afternoon , gang hooks & pillies.

    The guys were catching bream , flatties , salmon & a few taylor.

    Fish the enterance sand flats on the run out , preferable by boat with nippers or pealed prawns.

    Try drifting down a bait under a float

    Bream & flatties further up the river . Take your crab trap as there are muddies around which can be laid from the bank.

    There is a fishing map of the Bellingin / Kelang river.

    AFN map 24 . Cost $6.99 + $ 7.00 postage / handling




  9. I'm thinking about buying an electric trailer mover.

    So far I have come across 5 on the web.

    Tow dog , Aussie wheel , Power hitch , Power wheel & Auger power wheel.

    Auger power wheel appears to be a permenant fixture , which is something that concerns me from both a security & exposure to salt water.

    OK for caravans, not so good for boats.

    Cost wise , they all appear to be in the $1700 - $2300 range

    Has any one had any experience with this type of unit ?? Pro's , Con's

    Are there others available at more econimacial prices , ie other than the 2nd hand market.

    The usage would mainly be on concreated near flat ground


  10. Hi ,

    I have a 130 E-tec and I also have a fuel filter for it , after how many hours should I be replacing the filter ? It is up to around 200 hrs now .


    Slink. I don't think the motor comes into the equation ,it's more the condition of the fuel , fuel tank water in the fuel etc.

    If the handbook does not advise then I would check with Craig at Hewett Marine.

    On my Yammie ,the replacement time is every 100 hours


  11. Hi Raiders,has anyone got pics of there boats modifications,im looking for extra ideas to put into my new project.Has anyone carpeted there console and added things to it,im interested in the layouts of switches ,radios,sounders,making a wind shield for it etc...Also im looking at colours to paint my boat,and interested in any good preparation info/ideas.

    Please post pics of any good mods and ideas thanks.

    There are lots of options available however , what suits one boat from a position / location aspect may not be suitable to another .

    I suggest some photos of the interior so members can see the current layout then go from there.


  12. Dave I'm home earlier than expected so can respond sooner than indicated by Jewgaffer.

    I've had my fair share of boats over the years. I purchased my 4.9 Twinfisher in late 2003 & it's unlikley I will buy another boat as I am yet to see another Alum boat in this size range that gets close to the Webster package when considering ride , handling , stability , fishing space , launch / retreive & towing.

    I could go on & on but this summerises all the main aspects. Adding a few more accessories like a burley bucket , deck wash , GPS etc takes it from a good fishing boat the a great boat.

    Let me know if there are other specific aspects you would like to know about.

    In respect to the motor the 90 or 115 would be OK on a 5.2. Unless you planning long off shore trips the 4.6 / 4.9 (same boat) would be OK & there are a lot more to choose from on the second hand market.

    There were some design changes in early 2003 , the easiest way to identify these , the 300mm sponsoon extensions were added & the decals changed from pale Blue to Burgundy.

    Design has been basically unchanged from mid 2003 to 2009 so if looking for second hand , stay in that year range.

    There was a comment in an earlier post regarding financial problems. That was resolved late last year & all is now OK

    Will add a few pic's later this afternoon

    post-731-043344200 1304219539_thumb.jpg

    This one indicates the stability , the 3 people on one side , around 250kg & virtually no lean

    post-731-085584300 1304219740_thumb.jpg


  13. Personally , I would be sticking with the well know brands.

    Eagle , Humminbird , Garmin all have B & W sounders under $200

    Of the 3 , the Eagle Cuda 300 has the best resolution at 240 x 160 & is competitive at $149.00

    Other aspects like Output , trans freq., screen size & water temp are the same for all 3 units


  14. There are several threads in "The Kitchen" for Honey Soy fish.

    Here is one more covering Calamari.

    1 medium to large Calimari tube

    3 Tblsp Soy Sce

    3 Tblsp Honey

    1/2 tsp pepper

    1 or 2 cloves crushed garlic or tsp garlic powder


    3 tblsb water

    2 tsp lemon juice

    1 tsp hot chilli

    Cut calamari into thin slices

    Mix marinade

    Add calamari & stir to give a good coating

    Allow to stand for 1 - 2 hours giving the mix an occusional stir

    A good splash of Olive Oil into a pan , preferably a Wok with generous amount of heat.

    Pour in the mix & stir until cooked.

    Cooking time will depend on the thickness of the rings so after a few minuits remove 1 ring , taste & determine if ready or more cooking is required



  15. As I mentioned in a previous post ,

    Ask yourself the question , would you run your car engine without oil , if no , then why run the outboard without oil .


    To add to this , if the motor is run dry , think of the potential damage when next starting with dry cylinder walls , bearings etc. :1yikes:


  16. But the reason iv heard you need to evaporate all the fuel for the motor is because it eats away at the gasket...

    Not sure myself if this is true.

    As dunc333 said , "and dont use any ethanol blended fuel".

    If unable to find unleaded then will need to use premium


  17. Pull the choke to stall the engine with a rich amount of fuel/oil going into the engine. In doing this, it will cover all the internal parts of the engine in oil resulting in a lubricated engine. Therefore leaving a protective coating of oil in it for storage and it will remain lubricated when you start it back up.

    Pulling the choke if the motor is used regularly is not really necessary but if storing for a period of time then YES , as it provides good lubrication.

    Rockfisherman , Ask yourself the question , would you run your car engine without oil , if no then why run the outboard without oil .

    As for the carbys , it can take many months , perhaps even a year for the fuel to evaperate out of the carbys to the extent there would be a problem.

    Easiest solution , if the motor is not being used on a regular basis , fit the rabbit ears & give the motor a run every 3 / 4 months

    Elect Start Most motors can be retro fitted but the parts are very expensive.

    Basically the only place to purchase is from a dealer who sells your brand of outboard. Give them a call but be sitting down when you get the price


  18. Hi Guys

    Just wondering if any one knows where to catch squid land base down here need some bait for next week .



    Try the local takle stores for info , in particular , Bermagui Bait & Tackle located opposite the river boat ramp.

    Have always found them to be a wealth of information.


  19. Used to be a member of that club. Trailer permit 2 years ago was 11 dollars then went up to 22 and this year it jumped to 55. You have to be kidding talk about inflation :ranting2::ranting2::ranting2:

    In comparision , BAFA down on Bestic St was $70 a few years ago.

    Ramp fees for 2011 , $200.

    This is ridicules considering Kyeemagh ramp is only a few hundred mt's away & Botany a few K's , both of which are free.

    Needless to say , there is always plenty of parking at BAFA


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