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Posts posted by Geoff

  1. Arrived Wed 22nd , Fished the reefs of Cuttagee beach on Thursday , the area around Camel rock on Friday & 4 mile reef on Saturday.

    The weather was great , varying from 1.0 - 1.5 mt swell & light winds from the South.

    Unfortunatly the water temp was only 15c so the fishing was slow , but still managed over the 3 days a mixed bag of flatties , Mowong & other assorted reef fish to make up several feeds.

    Whilst Bermi is a 5 hour drive from Sydney definatly a great place to visit. Excellant boating facilities & no bar at the river entrance

    If anyone is thinking of a trip down that way PM me for info on accomodation etc.

    I thought this was the ultimate in caravaning. Hate to think how much it cost. :1yikes:

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  2. This is also a hot issue for me.

    Having read the NSW Maritime brochure on determining the length of your vessel, it says that the measurement is to be taken to the transom. So where is the transom defined to be? Is it where the motor is mounted or is it the rear of the cockpit?

    I will get the measuring tape out on the weekend and see what the difference is because it may take my hull length to around 5 metres. If so, I will do as Geoff suggests and send a photo to Maritime to see if they approve re-measuring.

    Mr475 Firstly , I suggest you contact nsaykali ( Nick) perhaps via PM as we have had several comunications via PM & E Mail .

    It sounds like you both have a similar situation. Nick has already done some leg work & working together you may be able to "kill 2 birds with one stone" , so to speak.

    In respect to the Maritime brocher , is this the one you have looked at?


    If so this document does not specificaly cover our situation. The boat , third from the left shows a pod & pods are not considered part of the overall length.

    The yacht , 2nd from the left is the closest to our situation.


  3. As Rick said , Jamie if the line and bulb is fairly old, buy a new one.

    One of the problems is the valves inside the bulb malfunction & do not open & / or close properly.

    Also check the hose connections between the tank & the primer bulb. I had a similar problem some years ago & found the one of the hoses not sealing properly & was sucking air

    Have you checked the fuel filter to ensure it is not blocked


  4. Leo As we , along with others I have had communication with over the past few weeks are finding , there is a lot more to this process than first meets the eye.

    I thought that once Maritime had approved the measuring points it would be all straight forward instead , it has taken weeks to go through the process.

    I won't bore every one with the detail but it's taken over a week just to get the new decals sorted.

    As for the manufactures plate , on mine , only the BC No. appears on the plate. Other details like the length have not been entered so not necessary to have it replaced.


  5. Hi all

    The question is, should i re-rivet it or can i use a stainless steel screen to fix in the new bung?. Is there a special way i need to be doing this or is it just straight forward as it sounds.



    I use SS screws . As you have found , rivots fail after a period of time.

    As for the sealant , 100ml tube of Sikaflex 291 wil do the job , available from the larger marine retailers.

    The job is straight forward , just remove the bung , clean up the area removing any old sealant , apply new sealant & screw into place


  6. Hey Geoff,

    Finally got a reply from Allycraft in regards to correct measurement of my boat and here's their reply.....

    Printed out the email and heading off to a boat coder to get it changed.



    Will be interested to hear how you go & the approach the BC agent takes when he compares Maritime guide lines to that of the manufacture



  7. Neil The normal tie off location is as per this photo.

    post-731-031162600 1284325799_thumb.jpg

    My understanding of "zip tie" is the rope is attached near the prongs , then runs along the shank & is held in place by cable ties , the idea being the rope pulls from the normal position but if pulled in the opposite direction the cable ties break & the anchor is released.

    There is an anchor available that has a ring which can move along the shank allowing the anchor to be pulled from either direction.



  8. try sign arama there every where in sydney ,i go to the guy in york st city all you need is the photo and they can do while you wait on good quality waterproof vinyl send them a email and they will quote online my stickers i got made were only $40.00 each and still havnt faieded and handle the harsh conditions remember you need good quality 3m stuff or better.cheap shit wont last.

    dunc333 As other have mentioned , around $40 is what I thought it should be.

    Sign A Rama at a suburban store quoted $200 for the 2 signs claiming there was $100 - $125 just in the set up.

    I would have thought , with todays technology , it would just be a matter of transfering the photo into a computer & printing , just like we do at home , but onto the plastic.

    Am I over simplifying the situation.?


  9. As advised in my post on remeasuring a Webster all has been completed but now need new decals.

    Due to the boat being 7 years old & the decal design being changed several times by Webster during that period , it appears the actual decals design on my boat are no longer available , hence I need sign maker.

    Have contacted 2 & both want a lot of $$$$ for 2 signs.

    Does any Raider know a sign maker who would be able to supply at a reasonable price.

    PM me if you prefer.

    The attached photo shows the decal required


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  10. Just thought I would post an update.

    Have visited Byron a few time over recent weeks , the most recent being today..

    He is still a Campbelltown Hospital as the chest infection is still causing some concern & as such the Doctor is not prepared to do the hip operation at this time.

    It is basically a wait & see situation but as soon as they give the all clear , then off to Fairfield Hospital.

    He has his mobil so for those with his number give him a call. He is always keen to have a chat.


  11. Just thought I would provide an up date.

    Finalised a few items with Maritime earlier in the week regarding the actual measuring points.

    Once sorted , visited Fishraider ray henry who measured the boat & completed the necessary paper work

    Visited Maritime at Liverpool this morning & had the rego papers amended.

    Now , offically 4.9mt :yahoo::thumbup:

    Only job left , new decals.

    Will raise a seperate thread to see if any one can assist with the decals


  12. I assume there are a few Raiders who would be available for fishing , Mon to Friday

    I think it would be handy to have a list of those interested , eg retired , work shift , inbetween jobs , flexible working hours etc ,etc who would be available at short notice , say , 1 -2 days to head out during the week when there is a magic day weather wise.

    For me , I'm generaly available most days & can normally reorganise other planned activities to fit in a session , preferably during "gentleman hours" on the Southern side of Sydney.

    If Radiers would like to respond pls advise your situation , general availability & prefered fishing location


  13. so when you say "pod" that arnt part of the waterline, do you mean outboard pods like the one pictured? that actually sits in the water, as do the bungs that go in it... its part of the boat.

    i have a stacer 4.75 and it measures longer if you include the outboard pod.

    who can remeasure it and provide me with a certificate please pm me.


    nsaykali. A friend of mine purchased a new "4.6" Stacer a few years ago. It is badged & registered as 4.6

    It actually measurers 4.3 from the bow to the transom but when the outboard mounting , which is similar to yours is included it measurers 4.6mt

    Let me say at this time , for your set up refrain from using the term "Pod" as it has a diferent meaning to Maritime to outboard mounting.

    If you wish to have it remeasured the approach I took was to E Mail Maritime with a photo & asking can the motor mount & underlying filled in section be considered part of the boat & be included in the overall measurment.

    If they say yes , (which in my case they did) then contact a Boat Code Agent to have the boat remeasured then off to the local Maritime office to have the rego changed.

    I'm planing on visiting Fishraider Ray Henry tomorrow to have my boat remeasured.

    Assuming this all goes through OK then it's a matter of having the decals changed by a sign company


  14. I have a stainless anchor light pole at about 1000mm tall on the cabin of my glass boat and want to extend it to about 1300mm to clear my rack. If I can't find stainless, 19-20mm dia, would it be better to use aluminium or galvanised steel riveted to the base? Properly treated. I don't want to have to wire up another on top of the rack if I can help it.



    njg02 It's unlikely you will be able to find 19 - 20 mm gal tube. Tube of that size is normally zinc plated which is not very resistant to salt water.

    I needed 19mm for mine , was only able to find 20mm aluminium . I thought , 1mm should not make too muuch difference. WRONG.

    It took me ages to reduce the size from 20 to 19mm especially working with 1mm thick tube.

    Eventually got the job done.

    Gary mentioned the OD but also check the ID required to ensure the plug socket fits inside the tube.

    I later fitted a light to the top of the rocket launcher with the cables inside the RL tube. It's not a big job or expensive , all up , about $50.

    If interested , PM me for details


    The light folds down so it will fit under the car port.

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  15. Thanks for that Ray, you probably answered my question as to why Geoff wants to do this in the first place.

    Cheers, Tuffy

    Tuffy. Ray has listed a number of reasons why people want to have their boat remeasured.

    In my case there are 2 reasons , the first as stated in my origional post ,

    Around 2005 , Webster boats manufactured with the same hull as mine were reclasified from 4.6mt to 4.9 as it included the sponson extension .

    The second reason , as from the 1/11/10 life jackets need to be worn under the specified circumstances for boats under 4.8mt.

    Generally speaking , I don't have a problem with the new rules but on hot days , in calm seas I would like the option of not wareing a jacket without being pinged by the authorities


  16. Hi Geoff,

    I ran into a guy last night at work that used to deal with boats and he was telling me there's 3 ways to measure a boat and all are correct but it depends on the person measuring it and also manufacturer as to what they want to sell it as. I'm still confused by it all but thought i'd let you know what he said, be interesting to see what Maritime say when they get back to you. Also apparently it's unregulated in the measuring department so there's no control on correct measuring.



    Leo I have received this morning advice from Maritime that the measurment for my boat is from the bow to the motor mount.

    This may not be applicable to other boat brands unless any extension from the transom makes up part of the water line, ie pods which are above the water line are not considered by Maritime as part of the length.

    In essence , it is a matter of case by case & if others reading this thread are thinking of a remeasure then contact Maritime for advice.

    The attached photo may clarify further



  17. hi geoff apart from my p'm to you ;to ask about detemining the lenth of your vessell you can contact the waterways info line [131256 or visit www.waterways.nsw.gov au good luck ray

    Ray Have sent a second PM I received from Maritime prior to seeing your post.

    I'm still not totally clear on the measuring point as allowed by Maritime so have gone back to Maritime with a photo & further information asking for clarification.

    Will call you soon


  18. Have you tried talking to the manufacturer themselves? The owners, Kelly & Daniel, are quite approachable and very helpful. It would definitely be with a try, as they might have some ideas.


    I have sent Daniel a mail this morning however I'm not sure how involved they were as it occured around the time they purchased the business from Ron.

    Also , it's my understanding the change was mainly driven or arranged by Inveloch Marine in Vic.

    I have been in contact with I.M. & received information but it is only a general interest as what appries in Vic may not be applicable in NSW.

    I have contacted Websters Sydney agent & awaiting a reply but not expecting a lot as this change came in many years before their involvment & they are not a registered Maritime Boat Code agent.

    We will see what eventuates over the next few days


  19. I have a 4.6mt Webster purchased in late 2003 , it was the newer model which included the 300mm sponson extensions from the transom.

    Around 2005 , boats manufactured with the same hull as mine were reclasified to 4.9 as it included the sponson extension

    I want to have my boat reclasified to 4.9 but finding that a lot easier said than done. Won't bore you with the details other than to say the Boat Code agents I have contacted are not keen , mainly due to their lack of understanding, on doing the job.

    I live in Sydney & would be interested to hear from anyone in NSW who have had their 4.6 remeasured to 4.9 , who did the remeasure & / or any problems encounted.

    PM me if you prefer



  20. Having been through a similar situation over recent years Roberta's comment is well worth keeping in mind.

    "Just a note to yourselves & your partners - if in any way, your personal habits change for longer than a week or two, for Gods Sake, get checked out by a Doctor - DON'T PUT IT OFF FOR MONTHS!!"

    Had I done this , the situation of 2 operations & countless doses of Chemo could have been avoided


  21. Tks to all for your replies & information. Thought I would come back with the final result

    There were 3 issues ,

    What plug / socket to use

    Where to locate it so it was in a easily accessable position.

    Protected , as best as possible from the elements

    In essence the location determined the plug / socket.

    I noted the comments regarding plug amperage but as my charger only has a maxium charge rate of 5A , normally runs below 2A , & the wires from the charger are 4mm (15A)it was not necessary to use a heavy duty plug.

    Picked up a plug / socket from the marine dealer for $9.95 & fitted it to the top of the battery box.

    Now very easy to check the charge in the battery & if necessary , plug in the charger without the hassel of removing the battery lid ,which , is not as easy as it may appear in the photo's




  22. Visited Byron today at Campbelltown hospital.

    Generally speaking he is OK , making plans for his next fishing outing.

    The doctors are still working on the chest infection which they appear to be getting under control.

    At this time the opperation is still schulded for the 30th


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