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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Rob Pls add Mottyman , junior Mottyman ( Andy ) & myself. Can anyone advise on the parking facilities at Tunks Park. I was last their 3 or 4 years back & it was limited. I then heard it had been reduced further due to works being done by the Water Board or some other Gov. concern Geoff
  2. Yep , thats correct. Any trailer with brakes requires inspection. Also , agree with the coment that it must be a personal choice for the local not to do boat trailers as any authorised inspection station can do pink slips for trailers. Perhaps their issue is how to test the brakes and / or their condition considering the salt water enviroment to which they are exposed Geoff
  3. Geoff

    Launching Boats

    One other option to add to the list. Some years ago I had a small Quinnie & had similiar problems holding the boat in position for those few seconds when moving to the winch. I used a rope , connected to the bow spit which ran through a small pully mounted on the center draw bar. Holding the rope tight kept the boat in position whilst moving to the winch & taking up the cable slack. Once the winch cable was tight release the rope then remove it when the boat was fully retreived Geoff
  4. Saturday , Botany Bay with Mottyman ( David ) Chasing Kings & what ever else may come along. Plan to be heading out of Cooks by 6.45 am Sunday ?????? not sure but will have the TV on to keep track of the cricket Geoff
  5. Joe , I recall reading an artical some time back on Braid V's Mono & the appropiate places to use each one. Mono was reccomended for trolling as the fish normally hit hard & some stretch is good as there is less chance of pulling the hook. That sounded logicial to me so I use mono for trolling Geoff
  6. All good points & when thinking of a new boat there is much to consider. My preference is Aluminium mainly for weight & durability. My current rig is a 4.6mt aluminium Shark Cat style boat & handles choppy water with ease & very good stability when at rest. There are lot's of others to choose from Geoff
  7. Tks Stewy , any comment on the mail order option Geoff
  8. Agree with all the previous comments. Generally speaking glass is better as they tend to "plough" through the water due to their weight where as the lighter Aluminium "bounce" across the top. There are a lot of plusses & minuses for both & this is just one aspect Perhaps the other main one is speed. Even the best design boat / construction material can be uncomfortable if driven at the wrong speed in bad conditions Geoff
  9. Stewy One further question, are there different sizes available or is it one size fits all Tks Geoff
  10. Geoff

    Yahama Service

    I use Independant Out boards at Blacktown . Have found their work very good & never had any problems. Speak with Joe Geoff
  11. Guy's I note the comments on the Kingie social & the request for assistance Now being a retired gent ( no criptic comment about the gent bit pls) I would like to put my hand up to assist with future social events. Unfortunatly , due to other commitments, I have not been able to attend prior events or the Flattie social this weekend due to being interstate next week. Things should be different in 2007. The reason for this comment is I have no idea what is required so if someone would like to provide guidence or just needs a "go for" then let me know. On a slightly different aspect , whilst it is nice for all to be together on social day I note the majority have voted for B.B for the Kingfish social but there is quite a few for the harbor & the Hawksbury. For those of us who fish BB & it appears to be the majority , the Bay will tend to win out on most occusions. Personally I don't have a problem with that as I to mainly fish B.B. but it means other Raiders need to travel long distances. It would be nice if we could come up with a plan / system where perhaps it could be in 2 places , say BB & the harbor on the same day. Perhaps not every time , but an option for consideration This has pro's & con's & the last thing I want to suggest is that we have an us & them situation occur as this could have a negetive effect on the overall Fishraider spirit. Perhaps an alternative is to simply rotate the venue as apposed to voting. Again , as an option or a mixture of both. Eg , I have never fished Wollongong & would love to do so. Food for thought , any way PM me if I can be of assistance on future socials Geoff
  12. Stewy Pls put me down for a Surf Hat. As previously advised will be away this weekend so cannot make the social & live a fair distance from Watto's. Is Mail order available for the hats or the stickers. Maybe there are a few Raiders who live some distance away & mail order would be an easy way to obtain products Pls advise Tks Geoff
  13. Geoff

    Will It Work

    Is it possible to see a photo of the trailer , preferably without the boat. My experience with skids is that they are there just to provide side support when the boat is completly on the trailer & not to be actually load bearing. Noted your comment about raising the keel rollers & that slightly improved the situation. Have you tried lowering the skids a few mm so they are just touching the bottom of the boat. This tends to be be more easier than trying to figure out the correct height of the keel rollers Geoff
  14. Agree with the others maori wrasse , commonly known as Butchers Pr**ks. Why , I have no idea. If you plan on eating them then do so the same day as they the flesh tends to turn brownish if left in the fridge for a day or so. Freezing has the same effect Geoff
  15. James There was never any intension to be mis leading , simply to pass on my experience in that area. We are moving so may I suggest we leavt it at that Geoff
  16. James , am I missing something here. Perhaps you could let me in on the funny part Tks Geoff
  17. Both are best fished on the run out or bottom of the tide. At Juno anchor just inside the Eastern side of the point then cast out into the water flowing around point allowing the bait to drift back around into the calmer water provided by the headland F & S The reef or drop off runs North / South. Anchor on top & drift back until you are a few meters from the cliff edge , tie off. The fish lay in close to the rock face & as with Juno , to be out of the tide flow & waiting for food to come over the top Forget F & S on the incoming tide & Juno is generally very quiet Geoff
  18. Geoff


    Mark I guess we all have different views on bar crossings , personally I would not cross the Narooma bar in the Queen Mary. Perhaps not quiet , but it is one of the worst on the coast & needs the highest respect. It may be calm early in the morning on a high tide but check it out from the breakwall around midday , low tide & a decent N/E blowing in Waterways have a DVD on bar crossings , may be worth buying a copy. Narooma has a very large lake system & can be very productive west of the bridge Wallaga Lake. Only fished it once & unlike Gibbofisho found it very quiet. I understand it fishes best when the entrance is open & that may not be too often. If you want to do a bit of lake fishing stay in Narooma Bermagui is my pick as there is no bar & the facilities are very good. Drive time , approx 25 - 30 min from Narooma. The down side is that Montague is 22km from Bermi & only 6km from Narooma Bermi ramps , Check out the "Boat Ramps " in the boating section. For your boat , suggest the ramp up river Also , pay a visit to the servo directly across the road from the ramp , I think it is called Bridge Motors , they are a wealth of information. Geoff
  19. Lewis , have a scroll through this site http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...?showtopic=9875 Geoff
  20. Geoff

    Does Any One Know

    Flattieman. It appears so but most of the credit goes to the Swordies , Stewie for the the link into the Aust Museum who suggested it was a Razorfish & Donna for the web link at the top of the Aquarium page. My contruibition was just to surf around the site. Any way , thanks again to all & we will move onto the next challenge Geoff
  21. Geoff

    Does Any One Know

    Guy's Check this out , what do you reckon http://www.fishbase.org/Photos/ThumbnailsSummary.php?ID=7747 Geoff
  22. Geoff

    Boat Insurance

    Netic Will keep your comments in mind when my insurance is due for renewal Methodman As a guide , my boat is insured for $25,200 & the premium with NRMA is $325.00 pa. This does not include insurance for towing skiers or kids in a rubber tube etc. If you plan on towing add approx $80.00 pa to the above premiun When arranging , have some idea on the cost of the trailer , motor & boat. Have these shown seperatly on the policy & the allocated $$$ for each Eg Not much help if the boat / motor are insured for 24,000 & the trailer $1,000 when a replacement trailer could be around $3000 & , out of the 3 components the trailer is the most exposed to being pinched followed by the motor so load these up. If the boat is stolen then so to will the trailer & moter , then it just becomes a package Finally , check the fine print relating to an accident when towing & it's your fault , eg you side swipe another vehicle. Is the damage to the third party covered by your "boat" insurance , car insurance or neither Geoff
  23. Pekingduck If you like I could get one of the ones I trust to give you a call Tks for your offer , I will keep it in mind Bob. Your last post , Nov 14 touched on a No of aspects relating to investement , returns & security of funds. These are all very important especially if placing every last cent one has into an Allocated Pension & for some reason the wheels fall off , Eg the market crashes & suddenly you loose tens of thousands of $$$$ over night. I remember Oct 1987 Now every one is different & branching off here on how & where to invest is another subject & will vary from person to person. For myself & without going into personal details I will not be placing every $$$$ into the A.P. There is money in other investements should I need a temporary fall back position. Also , if I mentioned the name of the fund manager (very well known with a good track record ) & how the money will be distributed by percentage & category I think most would agree that whilst it is a slightly agressive / balanced mix it is reasonably responsible & if one catagory , eg Oz shares drop then other section like cash or property will deminish ( I Hope) some of the decline Tks again to your continued interest & comments Geoff
  24. My origional post related to the cost for their service not weather or not I should follow the advice they were offering. I needed to find out if the cost being quoted were competitive , ie how did this compare with others in the industry. From research over the past week or so their costs were higher & subsequent discussions have seen them reduced in line with what I would consider industry standard. My comment relating to challenging their choice ( selection) of investements was perhaps "off topic" At this time I plan to move forward with their recomendations Regards Geoff
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